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  • 'Disgusting and disturbing': Why some female teachers are leaving the profession

    Female teachers are being sworn at, sexually harassed and physically threatened in high schools by male students. They say young men are bringing the misogynistic ideas of Andrew Tate and other online influencers into the classroom.

    'Disgusting and disturbing': Why some female teachers are leaving the profession
  • Bruce Lehrmann to stand trial on rape charges

    The 29-year-old faces two counts of rape, alleged to have occurred in Toowoomba, west of Brisbane, in October 2021

    Bruce Lehrmann to stand trial on rape charges

    Bruce Lehrmann has been committed to stand trial on rape charges.

    The 29-year-old faces two counts of rape, alleged to have occurred in Toowoomba, west of Brisbane, in October 2021.

    Magistrate Marc Howden found sufficient grounds to commit the former Liberal Party staffer to trial on Thursday, rejecting his argument that he had “no case to answer”, two-and-a-half weeks after the complainant gave her evidence and was cross-examined in closed court.

    “In my view, when considering the evidence as a whole, it is sufficient at this stage for me to reach a conclusion that a reasonable jury, properly instructed, could return a verdict of guilty,” Howden said.

    The trial will now be heard at the Toowoomba district court at a date to be set.

    Prior to Howden’s decision a packed courtroom heard facts agreed upon by Lehrmann’s barrister, Andrew Hoare KC, and prosecutor Nicole Friedewald, relating to the night and morning following 9 October 2021.

    It was agreed Lehrmann and the complainant, who cannot legally be named, met at a strip club after both had been drinking alcohol and the complainant had taken cocaine. The pair went on to take cocaine together and in the early hours of the morning took a taxi to a Toowoomba home where they engaged in consensual sex.

    However, the complainant then claims she awoke to find Lehrmann on top of and penetrating her without a condom, despite her having insisted upon contraception during their earlier consensual encounter.

    She alleges she pulled her body away and told him to “stop what you are doing” but that he instead climbed back on top of her saying “it’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok”, continuing the unwanted sex before ejaculating inside her.

    After messaging her friends about the alleged assault on November 6, the complainant first went to police 20 days later.

    Friedewald told the court the complainant, as was “not uncommon” in cases of sexual assault, took some time to “come to terms with what had happened to her”, citing a message to her friend in which she said was “starting to feel really shit” and “hadn’t really processed what had happened” or admitted it to herself.

    “I just feel so shameful,” the complainant wrote to her friends. “Who is going to believe me?”

  • What's with all of these stories about beauty companies on ABC

    They've run a couple of stories now about small businesses getting ripped off or "duped" in the beauty industry now. I'm not sure I'm meant to feel sorry for them—their entire industry is based on telling women that they don't look good enough.

  • NT's fireworks night sees multiple injuries and community shed burnt down

    Emergency services say there have been several injuries, including facial burns to a six-month-old and burns to the groin region of a 37-year-old man, during the annual night when people can legally let off fireworks in the Northern Territory.

    NT's fireworks night sees multiple injuries and community shed burnt down

    > - In short: The Northern Territory's annual firework night has seen at least four people injured, including a six-month-old with facial burns and a 37-year-old with burns to the groin region. > - It is legal to set off fireworks in the NT each year on July 1 during a five-hour window. > - What's next? Police have urged people not to continue letting off fireworks after Monday night's 11pm cut-off and have reminded the public doing so could incur a $1,800 fine.

  • Senate committee recommends major overhaul for corporate watchdog, splitting ASIC into two new regulators

    Australia's corporate watchdog, ASIC, isn't prosecuting enough white-collar crime and can't perform its full range of duties, so a Senate committee has recommended it split into two new, more streamlined regulators.

    Senate committee recommends major overhaul for corporate watchdog, splitting ASIC into two new regulators

    > > > * In short: A Senate committee recommends ASIC be split up, to create a corporations regulator and a financial services regulator. > * Key findings of the report include a "bad culture" at the corporate watchdog, and a sprawling bureaucracy that is unable to prosecute white-collar crime. > * What's next? Committee chair Andrew Bragg says its unlikely the recommendations will be adopted in this term of government. > >

    Related coverage:

  • Life expectancy in Australia has fallen for the first time in about 30 years

    It's the first time in more than 50 years that an infectious disease is among the five leading causes of death in Australia.

    Life expectancy in Australia has fallen for the first time in about 30 years
  • Laws to ban live sheep exports by 2028 pass parliament following lengthy debate

    Laws to phase out Australia's live sheep export trade by 2028 pass parliament, despite last-ditch attempts by opponents to put the brakes on the legislation.

    Laws to ban live sheep exports by 2028 pass parliament following lengthy debate

    > In short: > * Live sheep exports by sea will be phased out over the next four years, after laws banning the trade passed parliament on Monday. > * Earlier in the day, opponents met with the prime minister to request a Senate inquiry into the legislation.

    > What's next? > * WA Premier Roger Cook says he will continue to negotiate for additional support for farmers affected by the laws.

    Sky News and other similar conservative whinge rags are already posting the anti-Labor and anti-Greens headline as a response.

    Personally I think its great news. Keep the value add in Australia (processing), and remove the cruelty of long ship travel followed by questionable processing practices in other countries.

  • 'Litigate you to death': Gas giant uses new tactic which could sink environmental dissenters

    Santos is pursuing the climate movement through the courts after winning a challenge brought by traditional owners against a massive gas project. Experts warn it could help spell the end of public interest litigation in Australia.

    'Litigate you to death': Gas giant uses new tactic which could sink environmental dissenters

    Santos going very much against the vibe of the constitution.

  • Assange: guilty of journalism

    Distinguished journalist and publisher Julian Assange is free and finally home, but he spent 13 years in detention, of which over 5 years in a high security prison before being sentenced to time served. The empire's clutches reach far and wide. Australia and the United Kingdom accept the US' jurisdictional overreach. The precedent set by his decade and a half of persecution and torture will have lasting consequences for our right to speak and hear of US government crimes. Julian was coerced to plead guilty to the crime of journalism as criminalised by the Espionage Act (1917) even as he believes it is in contradiction with the First Amendment of the US constitution. Today we celebrate Julian's return home to us. Tomorrow we declare our independence.

  • As Fact Check signs off after 11 years, here's your guide to being your own fact checker

    Eleven years ago, the first formal fact check was published at the ABC. A lot has been fact checked between then and now — here's how to spot a dubious claim.

    As Fact Check signs off after 11 years, here's your guide to being your own fact checker
  • What are people's thoughts here? I could understand removing all the lolly flavours and regulating like other tobacco products. I am an ex-smoker but I personally feel like this is govt over-reach. That might be an out-dated mindset of my time & generation (genX), however. So I'm interested to get some insight into how the broader population view this issue, particularly the younger generations, in both an overall opinion, but also in regards to such govt controls of recreational substances vs an individual's right of freedom to choose.

  • This is incredible news to wake up to! 😀 I cannot wait to see Julian home on Australian soil with his arms around his beautiful family. ❤️

  • Julian Assange released from prison and has left UK, WikiLeaks says

    WikiLeaks says its founder, Julian Assange, has been released from prison and has left the United Kingdom, shortly after court documents revealed a plea deal that would allow him to return to Australia.

    Julian Assange released from prison and has left UK, WikiLeaks says
  • Daylesford family beats the morning chills — and perils of pollution — as they hitchhike their way to India Meet the 'time-rich, cash-poor' Australian family hitchhiking their way to India on the adventure of a lifetime

    A few weeks ago, the Jones family was waking to icy cold winter mornings. Now, they're seeing how far their thumbs can take them on the journey from central Victoria to India.

    Meet the 'time-rich, cash-poor' Australian family hitchhiking their way to India on the adventure of a lifetime

    >In an age where giving lifts to strangers is mostly advised against, this family sees it as their preferred option to get to India, for environmental and social reasons.

    >Mr Jones and Ms Ulman do not own a car, have not been overseas in 20 years, and wanted to show their son the world, in the least polluting way possible.

    >"We've done a lot of travel before on bicycles and hitching and public transport in Australia," Mr Jones said.

  • After months of reviews, the government has made its first move on the big supermarkets

    The federal government has confirmed it will impose new obligations on large supermarket chains to treat their suppliers fairly, enforced by hefty fines.

    After months of reviews, the government has made its first move on the big supermarkets

    > > > * In short: The government has confirmed it will impose a mandatory behaviour code on supermarkets, focusing on how they treat their suppliers. > * As recommended by Dr Craig Emerson, fines of up to $10 million would apply to supermarkets who breach their obligations to act in good faith. > * What's next? The government has asked the ACCC to look into customer prices, but the final report is months away. > >

  • 'I signed up to be a b****, not a criminal': Australia's 'most-hated' TV villain speaks

    Olivia went on Australia's biggest show to find love, but lost almost everything. She says she got a "villain edit" — so do they exist?

    'I signed up to be a b****, not a criminal': Australia's 'most-hated' TV villain speaks

    tl;dr - fuck "reality" tv

    > In the reality TV production process, after the casting of villains and the baiting for villainous behaviour, comes the editing.

    > It's in the post-production suite that a villain edit can truly come to life.


    > The editor says there are a few techniques to achieve these characterisations. The simplest one is being selective in what gets included.


    > The second technique editors use is amplification — finding a moment amongst what the editor calls the "boring crap" that can be boosted into a storyline.

    > In the show, it's spun as a major conflict.


    > And then, the drama is further enhanced with a technique called "frankenbiting".

    > Like Frankenstein creating his monster, editors will mix together unrelated elements from the footage to make their own beast.


    > When the show finally goes to air, the final phase of a villain edit begins: controlling the narrative.

    > Now, program makers try to ensure that no narratives that contradict the edit make it into the media.

    > "They would remind me in a very threatening way before every single media interview that I had signed a [non-disclosure agreement]," Olivia says.

    This becomes a problem for Olivia, because when the show goes to air, the backlash is swift.

  • Does the Coalition’s case for nuclear power stack up? We factcheck seven key claims

    Cheaper electricity, less emissions and ready by 2035 are some of the Coalition’s core promises on nuclear energy, but are they backed by evidence?

    Does the Coalition’s case for nuclear power stack up? We factcheck seven key claims

    > Cheaper electricity, less emissions and ready by 2035 are some of the Coalition’s core promises on nuclear energy, but are they backed by evidence?

    tl;dr - no

  • Australian PM Albanese told Chinese premier that officials’ behaviour towards Cheng Lei was ‘unacceptable’ and ‘not appropriate’ Albanese told Chinese premier that officials’ behaviour towards Cheng Lei was ‘unacceptable’ and ‘not appropriate’

    The Chinese media, however, hails a ‘spring blossom’ in China’s relations with Australia as premier’s visit concludes.

    Albanese told Chinese premier that officials’ behaviour towards Cheng Lei was ‘unacceptable’ and ‘not appropriate’

    The Albanese government has formally expressed its displeasure to the Chinese embassy over Chinese officials trying to impede camera shots of journalist Cheng Lei during Premier Li Qiang’s visit to Canberra this week.

    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told the ABC on Tuesday: “When you look at the footage, it was a pretty clumsy attempt […] by a couple of people to stand in between where the cameras were and where Cheng Lei was sitting”.

    Albanese said Australian officials had intervened to ask the Chinese officials to move, “and they did so.” Australian officials had “followed up with the Chinese embassy to express our concern,” he said.

    At his press conference later on Monday, which Cheng attended, Albanese said he was “not aware” of the incident. The opposition questioned his response.

    On Tuesday, he said Cheng, who works for Sky, was “a very professional journalist. And there should be no impediments to Australian journalists going about their job. And we’ve made that clear to the Chinese embassy.”

    Opposition leader Peter Dutton welcomed the government raising the issue with the embassy. But he said: “I do want to point out that the prime minister clearly misled the Australian people yesterday when he got up and did a press conference and said that he heard nothing of it […] it’s completely inconceivable”.

    Meanwhile, Albanese has indicated he believes there is no impediment to media organisations again posting correspondents to China.

    The China correspondent for The Australian Financial Review, Mike Smith, and the ABC’s correspondent, Bill Birtles, were forced out in 2020.

    They left after Chinese security officials visited their homes late at night, telling them they needed to be questioned over “a national security case”. Before departing, they spent several days under Australian diplomatic protection, while negotiations between officials of the two countries for their departure took place.

    This followed immediately after the Chinese government confirmed Cheng’s detention in Beijing. She was later tried in secret for what she said was breaking an embargo on a story by a few minutes. She was released only last year [after three years in Chinese detention].

    Asked on Monday whether he had raised the question of the Australian media getting back into China, Albanese said he’d done so in his China visit late last year.

    “The Chinese side say that they are willing to grant that access. And speaking to some media organisations as well, it’s a matter of whether they wish to send people in there. I think that is the point,” he said.

    A spokesman for the ABC said, “The ABC remains very interested in basing a correspondent in China”.

    The incident on Monday took place when Albanese and Li were together at an agreement-signing event at parliament house in Canberra.

  • Prison escapee behind famous meme 'a succulent Chinese meal' shares lunch with arresting officer 32 years later

    More than three decades after Jack Karlson's infamous arrest at a Chinese restaurant in Brisbane captured the nation, a film crew is setting out to document his life.

    Prison escapee behind famous meme 'a succulent Chinese meal' shares lunch with arresting officer 32 years later

    > > > More than three decades after Jack Karlson's infamous arrest at a Chinese restaurant in Brisbane captured the nation, a film crew is setting out to document his life. > >

  • 'Clear majority’: Australians have overwhelmingly backed calls for a crackdown on Chinese investors buying real estate amid growing concerns over housing affordability, survey finds

    Australians overwhelmingly support a crackdown on Chinese investors buying real estate amid growing concerns over housing affordability, a new survey has found.

    Eighty-three per cent of Australians believe the government “should restrict the amount of investment in residential real estate that is permitted from Chinese investors”, according to the poll published last week by the University of Technology Sydney’s Australia-China Relations Institute.

    That was the highest number in the four years the UTS:ACRI survey has been running.

    "Chinese investment in Australian residential real estate continues to generate concern,” the authors wrote in the report, The Australia-China relationship: What do Australians think?.

    The poll asked a representative sample of 2015 Australian adults a range of questions on issues ranging from national security — including foreign interference and the conflict over Taiwan — to tourism, trade and investment.

    Only 28 per cent of respondents agreed that “Chinese investment in Australian residential real estate brings a lot of benefits for Australians” such as housing construction, new dwellings and jobs.

    “Agreement with this statement has incrementally decreased over the last four years,” the report said.

    A “clear majority” of 80 per cent of Australians agreed with the statement that “foreign buyers from China drive up Australian housing prices”, a seven-point increase from 73 per cent in 2023, and almost back to the 82 per cent high recorded in 2021.

    Just under three quarters, or 74 per cent, said Chinese investors “have negatively affected the rental market for residential real estate in Australia”, also a four-year high and a six-point increase from 68 per cent in 2023.

    More broadly, just under three quarters of respondents said Australia was “too economically reliant on China”, while just over half said foreign investment from China was “more detrimental than beneficial”.

    David Ho, co-founder and group managing director of Asian property portal Juwai IQI, said the findings showed Australians were “stressed by the tight property market and believe foreign buyers are part of the problem”.

    “They want foreign buyers to be restricted, regulated, and taxed, and that’s fine — because foreign buyers already in fact are heavily taxed, regulated, and restricted,” he said.

    “The real solutions are much harder — limiting population growth, cutting zoning restrictions, building more transit networks to enable housing in new areas, and slashing construction costs.”

    Mr Ho said foreign buyers from all countries contributed more than an estimated $200 million in stamp duties just in the first nine months of last year in NSW and Victoria.

    “The federal government long ago restricted foreign buyers to only new property, meaning something off the plan or just built,” he said.

    "State governments have imposed additional stamp duties and land taxes on foreign buyers that cost each person hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars per buyer. If you’re competing against a buyer at an auction, they’re almost certainly not a foreign buyer.”

    Mr Ho added several studies including a parliamentary inquiry had looked at foreign buying “very closely” and found it “leads to a net gain in housing supply and [doesn’t] push up home prices, except in just a very few suburbs in each of the capital cities”.

    “These off-the-plan foreign buyers are crucial for developers to get early sales because, without those sales, they can’t start construction,” he said.

    “That’s why foreign buyers are restricted to new development properties. Because each foreign buyer facilitates the construction of four new dwellings by enabling the developer to go ahead with their project. If you remove foreign buyers from off-the-plan sales, it will probably mean prices and rents go up.”

    Faced with similar concerns, the Canadian government last year announced a two-year ban on foreigners buying residential property, sparking calls for Australia to follow suit.

    The role of Chinese investors in the Australian property market has long been a point of contention — foreigners without Australian citizenship or permanent residency can only purchase new homes, under the theory it that helps boost housing construction, but may purchase established dwellings subject to approval by the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB).

    The FIRB’s latest quarterly figures showed, despite a significant drop, the Chinese remain by far the largest foreign buyers of Australian homes, with $700 million worth of investment proposals approved between July 1 and September 30, 2023.

    The 523 residential dwellings approved — at an average value of $1.34 million — was down from 826 dwellings worth a combined $1.1 billion in the prior three months.

    In the full 2022-23 financial year, Chinese investors purchased 2601 homes worth $3.4 billion, up from $2.4 billion comprising 2317 homes in 2021-22.

    The FIRB’s figures for the October to December quarter are expected to be published soon. Industry sources have suggested the numbers are several weeks overdue, as they would typically have been released in early June.

    China-focused real estate agents told The Australian last month that many mum-and-dad investors who purchased one or two-bedroom off-the-plan apartments were now desperate to offload their properties and bring the money back home to rescue struggling businesses.

    The implosion of China’s real estate bubble, which has sparked a wider economic crisis and a frantic rescue mission by Beijing to use public financing to buy up unsold properties, had already seen billions of dollars worth of Australian apartment projects by giants like Greenland, Wanda, Country Garden and Poly abandoned in recent years.

    Rising interest rates and tougher rules on foreign investors who buy Australian properties and leave them empty, announced by the federal government in December, have contributed to the rise in distressed Chinese sellers.

    Plus Agency managing director Peter Li told The Australian that prior to Covid his Sydney-based agency kept “buying, buying, buying” for Chinese clients.

    “We still service a lot of our Chinese clients,” he said.

    “Now we help them with selling, selling, selling.”

    But the same domestic economic woes causing pain for the middle-class have had the opposite effect at the top end of the market, as ultra-wealthy Chinese accelerating relocation plans rush to park their money in multimillion-dollar trophy homes in Australia’s most exclusive suburbs like Melbourne’s Toorak.

    “They are coming in busloads,” Morrell and Koren director David Morrell told in November.

    The frustrated local advocate said 100 per cent of sales in the prior six months had been to Chinese buyers, some of whom were paying cash to secure luxury properties and pricing locals out of the market.

    “We are seeing jumps of $2-3 million dollars on properties,” he said.

    “We have a marketplace that is disproportionately being sold to Chinese buyers, relative to the rest of the population.”

    He used the example of a recent property that was on the market for $9.2 million.

    “There were five Chinese parties biding and it sold for $12 million,” he said.

    “They have paid a $3 million dollar premium. It wasn’t just one of them there are now four wounded underbidders. What’s happening in Toorak is only a look at what is happening under the blankets, across the country.”

    His comments came after Toorak buyer’s agent Alex Bragilevsky told The Australian Financial Review wealthy Chinese buyers were taking private jets to Melbourne to purchase mansions on the spot.

    “I’ve facilitated $135 million of real estate deals [in Toorak] in the past six months,” he said. “All these buyers were Chinese.”

    But Jeremy Fox, director of RT Edgar at Toorak, disagreed that it was necessarily a bad thing.

    Ultimately, it flows onto the rest of the market, and has protected the housing market from a downturn,” he said.

    “It is good for the real estate market when the top end is strong because the money flows down to all price ranges in Melbourne.”

    Leith van Onselen, co-founder of MacroBusiness and chief economist at MB Fund and MB Super, said there had “certainly been many anecdotal reports of increased activity by Chinese buyers in Australian real estate” but “how this translates to FIRB numbers remains to be seen”.

    Meanwhile, fresh figures show foreign demand for new properties also remains strong.

    NAB’s quarterly Residential Property Survey found the market share of foreign buyers in new Australian housing markets fell slightly in the three months to March to 10 per cent, down from a six-and-a-half-year high of 11 per cent in the last three months of 2023.

    This remained above the long-term survey average of 9.1 per cent.

    “Despite the slip, there has still been a near five-fold rise in foreign buyer market share in new Australian home markets since hitting a low of just over 2 per cent during the Covid pandemic in mid-2021,” NAB said.

    Mr van Onselen said the federal government should step in and ban temporary residents from purchasing established Australian homes.

    “Implementing a ban on temporary residents would revert the rules back to what existed prior to the global financial crisis,” he said.

    “That is, before the Rudd government carelessly opened up the established housing market to temporary residents in 2009. Australia must also implement the tranche two global anti-money laundering rules pertaining to real estate gatekeepers, including real estate agents, lawyers, and accountants.

    "Australia has delayed the implementation of these global AML rules for around 15 years, which has made Australian housing a magnet for dirty foreign money and helped to inflate housing prices.”

    It came as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese hosted China’s second-in-command, Premier Li Qiang, in Canberra on Monday for the annual leaders meeting, where he declared that the two countries will “co-operate where we can and disagree where we must”.

    In a statement issued after arriving in Australia, Premier Li said China-Australia relations were “back on track” after a series of “twists and turns, generating tangible benefits to the people of both countries”.

    “History has proven that seeking common ground while shelving differences and mutually beneficial co-operation are the valuable experience in growing China-Australia relations and must be upheld and carried forward,” he said.

  • Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ...

    The press conference is currently still live so this was the best short video I could find on the topic.

    To begin, I'm absolutely against this proposal, but I want to see a discussion - hopefully a constructive one - between Aussies (comments are always turned off for Australian news on YT) to gauge some idea of how people generally feel about the idea.

    Fire off.

  • Coalition announces where they want to build nuclear power stations

    "Peter Dutton has called a press conference for 10am, so it is all official – nuclear is go.

    The Coalition teleconference meeting has wrapped up, and the seven sites have been named and it is as we thought: Collie in Western Australia, Mt Piper and Liddell in New South Wales, Callide and Tarong in Queensland, Northern Energy in South Australia and Loy Yang in Victoria."

    "There are already issues being identified with the sites – first, the sites would need to be purchased from private operators. There will need to be some pretty major changes to legislation, both state and federally. The Queensland LNP, as recently as yesterday, said it would not lift the nuclear ban for the state, which is a problem given two Queensland reactor sites have been identified by Dutton’s team.

    Tarong in Queensland is a particular issue as it doesn’t have a secure water source. In 2006, then-premier Peter Beattie had to propose a waste water pipeline as a last ditch measure to save the plant during a drought."

  • Bingeable Cities

    The articles above inspired me to to meld the two premises in the articles together in the post below. A lunch time read for anyone interested. :)

    Australians are a nation of travellers, it's been said that at any one time during the year there are over a million Australians abroad. It's worth noting that it's not said that a good chunk of that cohort are in Bali, our go-to destination of tropical delights!

    But what are we doing when abroad? True many spend precious, and too fleeting, moments with distant families, but many are also touring a destination they may have no or minimal familial connection with. I think I have an answer, not the answer, just an answer. And this answer contains an insight into how today we are failing to design and build our own cities to capture the imagination. Bear with me, i'm gona be pulling some long bows on this one.

    “Don't feel bad about bingeing TV. Humans have binged stories for thousands of years.” An article offered by Darius von Guttner Sporzynski from Australian Catholic University this week on The Conversation website is a short exploration of the consumption of storytelling.

    D. Sporzynski wastes no time dispelling the negative connotations around bingeing. Instead offering an anthropic historical record of the “human desire to be completely immersed in a story.” He lauds bingeing as an act of unrestrained and excessive indulgence. Using examples as far ranging as Palawa Aboriginal (Tassie) oral stories that could refer to events 12,000 years in our pasts to theatre, television, or the moral panics brought on by serialised literature.

    Of course, from a certain point of view touring a destination could then also be regarded as a form of bingeing. Certainly experiences in my pre-poll of one, (me), bear out the “unrestrained and excessive indulgence” of touring a destination, my trips to Paris were deluxe all those years ago, thank you for asking. ;) Instead of a piece of art, or literature, or even beer, I suggest we can binge on a destination, in fact why not indulge on whole cities.

    Australia might not have fully bingeable cities like Paris or New York, Sydney comes closest (maybe even is), plenty of places around the country have flashes in the pan but fall a little short at the moment. Maybe it's simply due to our country being reasonably young, but I think part of it is the buildings we're constructing in this era. Even the ones where we're trying, for example One Barangaroo, (that big tall new one in Sydney), it's nice, but i'm not sure it adds a great deal to the feel or life of Sydney.

    In Western Australia if there's a single destination that has the potential to be bingeable it's Fremantle. Roel Loopers’ Fremantle Herald article, Just Over the Horizon, tells us the city of Fremantle is “embarking on a spatial vision City Plan to shape the future…”

    In the article R.Loopers laments sameness, and demands diversity in type, form and use of the buildings developers should be forced to build in the city of Fremantle, stating “level 2 looks the same as level 12, etc and that needs to change.”

    He offers suggestions like high rises surrounded by townhouses, single function buildings broken up by different facades, he even suggests the historic Fremantle prison becoming part/neighbouring a mixed use development along with the football field.

    It is right to demand this of developers in our cities, especially in those places around our country like Fremantle or Sydney who have the potential to create a touring destination, that, in its discovery and excitement can be a dopamine hit that demolishes the dopamine hits of the latest tv series. But a bingeable city isn't accidentally created, it is demanded and loved.

    D.Sporzynski describes “humans desire to escape from reality and engage emotionally with stories.” I say that is what our one million travellers abroad are doing. They are engaging emotionally with far off cities like Paris, London, Tokyo, and of course even our beloved Bali. As D.Sporzynski says, we are developing the 17th and 18th century enlightenment ideal of a critical view of the world through our experiences abroad, but we should take the opportunity now and use our foresight to make our cities bingeable destinations. Sorry developers, concrete and glass boxes aren't enough.

    By Gorgritch_umie_killa

  • Fake job ads waste applicants' time and harm their wellbeing. So why are companies posting them?

    Fake job listings are increasingly used by companies to give the illusion they're thriving and to placate overworked staff. If you're applying for work, there are plenty of clues to look out for to avoid wasting your time.

    Fake job ads waste applicants' time and harm their wellbeing. So why are companies posting them?

    It's been a long time since I was on the job market, but it was certainly disheartening how low the response ratio was. I must have sent out 40 applications for every response, even an acknowledgement of receipt was rare.

  • How was your NBN fttp upgrade experience ?

    My god I had such an awful experience. Shitty people did shitty work. They ran conduit under my lawn and kept saying that "we don't have to put conduit in but the work I do is quality work". Gaps between the conduit and ceiling. He can't even clamp the conduit straight. Shoddy work overall. Paves removed and didn't put it back properly. Sand all over the area. I am pissed. Please share your experience.

    Also to add he started working at 8am and didn't even finish it until 7pm then started asking for signature and said he will get the rest of the work done tomorrow. Wtf!

  • Unless Australia stands up to a bullying China, it will just push to get away with more, Chinese-Australian artist says Unless Australia stands up to a bullying China, it will just push to get away with more | Badiucao

    Our response to Yang Hengjun’s jailing is inadequate and chilling. Chinese-Australians are Australians too!

    Unless Australia stands up to a bullying China, it will just push to get away with more | Badiucao

    Our response to Yang Hengjun’s jailing is inadequate and chilling. Chinese-Australians are Australians too! - writes Badiucao, a Chinese-Australian artist based in Melbourne.

    China’s premier is visiting Australia and Li Qiang’s first stop was the Adelaide zoo, home to pandas Wang Wang and Fu Ni.

    Beijing has enjoyed exercising “panda diplomacy” over the years, loaning bears to countries depending on its assessment of how well diplomatic relations are going.

    The cute black and white animals present a softer, friendlier image of China – but they also represent something much darker.

    They are found in present-day Sichuan province – once Tibetan territory. The national symbol is actually an unapologetic symbol of China’s own dark colonial history of the subjugation of the Tibetan nation.

    I don’t expect any Australian official to point this out – despite this country’s special obligation to do so, given its own history with the Indigenous community here. Nor do I expect any official to ask Li about what has happened to the Uyghurs, the Turkic minority within China’s borders who have become targets of a national campaign that some human rights groups call a genocide.

    Australians love to express guilt about our own history. We talk about it – then do nothing to speak up against present-day injustices. Instead our government decides trade is more important, despite the fact that China has repeatedly acted like a bully on trade matters, hitting Australian wine or lobsters whenever something upsets the Chinese Communist party.

    Economically, Australia is a small country compared with China. But how did it come to this? Surely protecting the integrity of the country and protecting our citizens should be important.

    A Beijing court tried the Chinese-Australian writer Yang Hengjun in a one-day, closed-door hearing on espionage charges and handed him a suspended death penalty. Canberra responded by saying it was “appalled”.

    Now the Chinese premier is visiting and our government is installing temporary guardrails and isolation fences around the capital to shield CCP officials from seeing pro-democracy protesters. How can we possibly save our fellow citizen if we cooperate so easily with authoritarianism?

    This is not just about Yang. This is personal. I’m an immigrant who chose to live in Australia because I believe in this country. For three generations my family were victims of the CCP. I wanted to escape that cycle. Now I am a target of Chinese transnational aggression, as are other Australians of Chinese-speaking origin who have dared to speak out about human rights and democracy and against the dictatorship of Xi Jinping.

    I think of the writer and comedian Vicky Xu, the great novelist Murong Xuecun, the Hong Kong rights lawyer Kevin Yam. We do not feel safe exercising our right to free expression when we see our government unwilling to stand up for Yang, unwilling to fight for its citizens. The Australian government’s response to what has happened to Yang is inadequate and chilling. Chinese-Australians are Australians too!

    Meanwhile, China is hardly rewarding Australia for our lack of a spine. It is doing what all bullies do – pushing to get away with more. It has changed Hong Kong’s vibrant open society and it keeps making suggestions that it will do the same for Taiwan, including constantly sending fighter jets in its direction. It has been picking fights with the Philippines in the South China Sea. These are unpleasant developments, so the Albanese government prefers to ignore them in the hope they will go away. But China is not going away.

    I once drew a political cartoon depicting Anthony Albanese caught in a balancing act, trying to juggle selling wine exports with our Aukus submarine defence strategy. My message was that this approach is increasingly unsustainable – and dangerous. It’s a funny-looking cartoon but I hoped that Australians would see it and understand that if we choose not to be brave, to do the right thing, to stand by our principles, then the joke will be on us.

  • Australian police accused of 'unnecessary force' against demonstrators who were protesting against China during Chinese premier's visit to parliament Police accused of 'excessive force' by protester during Chinese premier's visit to parliament

    A protester has claimed the Australian Federal Police used "brutalising" force in Canberra, as China's premier met with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and dignitaries at Parliament House.

    Police accused of 'excessive force' by protester during Chinese premier's visit to parliament

    - One protester has claimed the Australian Federal Police used "brutalising" force in Canberra, as China's premier met with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and dignitaries at Parliament House.

    - Australian journalist Cheng Lei, who was freed last year after being detained in China for three years, claims she was blocked by Chinese officials during a signing ceremony during official proceedings.

    - "I think the worry is that my being there is a symbol of some sort, and maybe they didn't want that for the domestic audience," Cheng Lei said. "Having dealt with Chinese officialdom on these sorts of events, they are very, very control freak-ish, so they want to know everything and they want to stage-manage everything."--

    Critics of the Chinese Communist Party have accused Australian Federal Police (AFP) officers of using "unnecessary" force against demonstrators who were protesting against a visit by a Chinese official on the lawns of Parliament House.

    Chinese premier Li Qiang's four-day visit to Australia sparked a face-off between protesters in Canberra on Monday, with pro-China demonstrators colliding with the Australian Tibetan community and the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement, vocally opposing his visit.

    Human rights activist and journalist Vicky Xu criticised the AFP after she was filmed being dragged by officers as she held the Chinese flag on Monday.

    "A friend of mine had a Chinese Communist Party flag, that he was planning to burn," she told SBS News.

    "I saw that the police were trying to forcefully take the flag away from him, so I intervened and tried to understand what was happening.

    "Next thing I knew I was being shoved by the police."

    She claims an officer had a hand on her neck and that her finger was twisted during the incident.

    While she understood the need for the AFP to reduce the temperature and ensure peaceful protesting, she said it was "too much force", labelling it "brutalising" on X.

    SBS News has contacted ACT Policing for comment.

    In a statement, it said: "The AFP has received no complaint in relation to police conduct in managing protests today at Parliament House".

    Police have been forced to intervene from time to time as the protesters confront one another.

    One person was arrested at the protests outside Parliament House for what ACT Policing said was "a breach of the peace".

    The tense moments contrasted with the official reception for Beijing's second most powerful leader, with the day starting with a ceremonial welcome, including a cannon salute, on the forecourt of Parliament House in Canberra.

    Li declared that Chinese-Australian ties were "back on track after a period of twists and turns" when he arrived on the weekend, for the first visit by a Chinese premier in seven years.

    Cheng Lei says she was 'blocked' at Parliament House

    But another moment during the proceedings has also raised eyebrows.

    Australian journalist Cheng Lei, who was freed last year after being detained in China for three years, claims she was blocked by Chinese officials during a signing ceremony during official proceedings.

    A video of the signing ceremony appears to show two Chinese officials blocking her from the view of cameras broadcasting the event and refusing to move when asked.

    She told Sky News she believes this was done to prevent audiences from seeing her as a symbol of defiance of the Chinese government.

    "I think the worry is that my being there is a symbol of some sort, and maybe they didn't want that for the domestic audience.

    "Having dealt with Chinese officialdom on these sorts of events, they are very, very control freak-ish, so they want to know everything and they want to stage-manage everything."

    China-Australia relations 'on right track'

    Premier Li arrived at Parliament House to meet with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and several cabinet members including Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong, Trade Minister Don Farrell and Resources Minister Madeleine King.

    The prime minister's November 2023 trip to China followed by Li's current visit to Australia showed both countries attached "great importance" to their relationship, the premier said.

    "This relationship is on the right track of steady improvement," he said. "Prime Minister Albanese and I have had a candid, in-depth and fruitful discussion that has reached a lot of common consensus."

    Albanese said the bilateral talks were crucial for the Australia-China relationship which had been "renewed and revitalised" by the engagement.

    The politicians signed four memoranda of understanding on the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, climate change, education and research, strategic economic dialogue, and cultural cooperation.

    Representatives of both nations then attended a state lunch with business and community leaders where they were served wine, wagyu beef and, most notably, Australian rock lobster - which remains subject to trade restrictions.

    Agriculture Minister Murray Watt noted there had been "enormous progress" in restoring trade with China in the past few years after sanctions on coal, wine and barley were lifted.

    The remaining trade bans are expected to be lifted within the coming weeks.

    Also on the battle agenda of the high-level talks was the case of Australian writer Yang Hengjun, who languishes ill in a Chinese jail, and tensions in the South China Sea.

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