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How supportive is your family of your transition? (Rate 1-6)
  • I came out just over 7 years ago, so people have had quite a bit of time to adapt.

    My mother started at 2. Now she's 1 in intent, but 1.5 in practice.

    My kiddo started at 2, but has since gone through their own journey of queer self discovery, and is now a loud and proud 1.

    My ex (the kiddo's other mother) and I were broken up for many years before I came out. We don't get on, but even so, she was instantly supportive of my transition and remains so to this day. She started at a strong 1 and is still a 1.

    My grandmother, who was in her late 90s when I came out started at a 2. She has since passed away.

    Other than that, I don't have much family in my life. My father passed before I transitioned, and aside from funerals, I don't interact with my cousins or aunts and uncles. If I had to rate them as a group, there somewhere between 3 and 4, but I don't really know, because I basically have no interaction with them.

  • Gifs in profile picture and banner
  • but I kinda forgot about it

    Me too! Can you drop me a DM with the details again, and I'll poke Kaity to have a look :)

  • Blahaj zone is getting a new mascot and icon!
  • We're trying to get some organised :)

  • c/ is full of transphobic trolls
  • As long as they're not ignoring the instance guidelines, I'm not going to get involved in issues regarding moderation of individual communities. If people are unhappy with the mods, they will just go elsewhere. I'm not in the business of telling moderators how to run communities they're more connected to than I am.

    If the community or its mods are ignoring the instance community guidelines though, then I want to know about it, because that will get dealt with.

  • Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) - Nundah, Brisbane, Australia - June 2024

    Image description: A kookaburra sitting on a branch in a tree above the photographer. A blurred apartment building is visible in the distance behind the foliage of the tree

    c/ is full of transphobic trolls
  • I am not willing to exclude trans and queer folk over a difference of opinion, when those opinions are genuinely held, and on issues that directly impact them.

    I am not going to tell queer folk that there is a right or a wrong way to deal with the rising tide of bigotry, racism and intolerance we are all facing.

    As long as the their community rules live up to the instance community guidelines, they're allowed to moderate on their own terms.

    I get that you see me as "giving them a voice", and I guess, ultimately it is. But that's because the goal of blahaj zone is to create a space for trans and queer voices. And that's what those voices are.

  • c/ is full of transphobic trolls
  • And that's s perfectly reasonable perspective. But it's not a reason to moderate or ban the community...

  • Blahaj zone is getting a new mascot and icon!
  • The issue is, the old logo was a copyright free image I found online when we were first getting this instance set up, and it was basically just me here. Since then, I haven't been able to find the original artist, or work out exactly what I was allowed to do with the image. We had this one commissioned though :)

  • c/ is full of transphobic trolls
  • There is no harm free choice here.

  • Blahaj zone is getting a new mascot and icon!

    Thanks to the lovely Heatherhorns ( we have a new icon! We'll be updating the instance icon soon!

    So, with the new fediverse canvas project just around the corner, it's time for our new shonk to represent!

    c/ is full of transphobic trolls
  • I'm not going to remove a community for pushing back against a system that forces them to vote for genocide.

    I don't think that not voting is the answer, but I also don't think that me telling people they're not allowed to feel differently is the answer. The majority of the people in that community will be forced to live with the consequences of their votes. They will be directly targeted by Trump. And if they still feel that pushing back against genocide in Palestine is more important than the consequences of Trump on their very own personal safety, I'm not going to stand in the way of that.

    This isn't outside trolls and agitators. This is a community of folk, directly in the line of fire, choosing to stand there for a cause they see as important. As long as their intentions are genuine (which I believe they are), It's not my place to tell them that they're not allowed to take that stand.

    That being said, I am going to reach out to the staff there, and address the insults and the like being thrown at other users. It's against both the community rules, and against the Blahaj Zone Community Guidelines.

  • Pacific Black Duck (Anas superciliosa) - Keith Boden Wetlands, Chermside, Australia - May 2024
  • Yep, brown is a challenging colour, but this guy makes it work!

  • highly factual google rulesults
  • Strange then that my documents all say "female"

  • Pacific Black Duck (Anas superciliosa) - Keith Boden Wetlands, Chermside, Australia - May 2024

    #bird #birds #AustralianBirds #duck #DailyBird

    Image description: A close up of a paddling Pacific Black Duck

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Traditionally, I haven't been that type of birder...

    But I've been tagging and organising all of my photos, and I'm tagging them by their genus and species, so I've become that type of birder :)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yep, I'm officially a lost cause... I recognised the bird by its genus and species before I saw the picture...

  • Does anyone want some Cinnabon or Bakers Delight? They have a new open air dining experience!
  • Here's another photo from the same day that one was taken, but showing a different angle. To give some context, to the right of the image, and not in frame, is where the McDonalds and cinema used to be. The three story section behind the yellow construction machinery is near the Bakers Delight and Cinnabon

    Image description: A long shot of Toombul shopping centre, showing the eastern side nearest to Kedron Brook. It looks like a war zone, with walls torn down and building interior exposed along the whole length of the centre.

  • Brisbane to introduce Airbnb permits for property owners amid housing crisis crackdown
  • Personally, I prefer an apartment that I have to clean myself, because it means I don't have to worry about random strangers coming in to my apartment all the time.

    Hotels just don't work for me. They're completely disconnected from the location and people around them, and full of people just as unfamiliar with the surrounds as I am.

    When I was in Puerto Iguazu in Argentina, if we'd have been in a hotel, we'd have been in a sculpted, serviced space completely disconnected from the town around it. Instead, we stayed in a tiny little apartment in the back streets of the town. We got to actually see and experience the place, in a way that would have been impossible with a hotel.

    Even if changes like this become universal (and I hope they do) I'll likely to continue to use Airbnb over hotels when I can.

  • Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! Ada
    Suggestions for a visual data reporting tool in Linux

    I run a raspberry pi that identifies birds by their song, and records time, date, and species etc in an SQLite3 database.

    The rpi app comes with some basic reports, but I'm wanting to expand on them, so that I can show monthly/yearly trends etc.

    On windows at work, I'd use something like Power BI, but a) it's windows and b) it's overkill for my current needs.

    I've only recently moved entirely to linux, so I'm not really sure of what the linux alternatives are, and I'm looking for suggestions :)

    I saw myself glow [OC][SELFIE]
  • I started at 41, and I turn 50 next year. You've got this :)

  • Does anyone want some Cinnabon or Bakers Delight? They have a new open air dining experience!

    Image description: A photo of a partially demolished Toombul shopping centre. Cinnabon and Bakers Delight signs are both visible. The area they are in used to be entirely inside the centre, but is now exposed to the elements due to the intervening walls being torn down. Construction machinery is visible in the foreground

    Pied Stilt (Himantopus leucocephalus) - Kedron Brook Wetlands Reserve, Brisbane, Australia - May 2024

    Image description: A long legged black and white shore bird is wading through shallow wetlands water, lit by the golden light of the setting sun

    #bird #birds #australianBirds #dailyBird #kedronbrook #meanjin #brisbane

    Juvenile Black-Faced Cuckooshrike (Coracina novaehollandiae) - Archerfield Wetlands, Brisbane, Australia - June 2024

    Image description: A small grey bird with a black strip across its eye, sits on the branches of a dead tree, against the backdrop of a bright blue cloudless sky

    #bird #birds #dailybird #australianbirds #brisbane #meanjin

    unixsocks needs new mods

    Most of the current mods are inactive, so if you're interested in helping run this community, please drop me a line on matrix, via DM or here!

    I'm looking for someone that has an established history both on the threadiverse, and within this community. Ideally, you'll already have a account, but if you do not, you will need to create an alt here

    Creamy-bellied Thrush (Turdus amaurochalinus) - Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur, Buenos Aires, Argentina - December 2023

    Image description: A rather stern looking bird on a tree branch looking down at the photographer.

    #dailyBird #AvesArgentinas #bird #birds #argentina

    Red-browed Finch (Neochmia temporalis) - Archerfield Wetlands, Brisbane, Australia - June 2024

    Image description: A green and red finch sits amongst brambles. A second finch is visible in the photo, but slightly blurred behind an intervening branch

    #australianBirds #bird #birds #dailyBird #meanjin #brisbane

    The Lemmy Canvas is on again this year on July 12! Canvas in 30 days 👀 -

    turns out I did my math wrong, so it’s a little less than 30 days # July 12th, 2024 @ midnight EDT [] ✨ this year’s event also supports the entire fediverse not just Lemmy! (you have to be able to make/receive text posts, like mastodon, ...

    Last year, blahaj zone did really well! Lets see if we can do it again!

    Female Superb Fairywren (Malurus cyaneus) - Archerfield Wetlands, Brisbane, Australia - June 2024

    Image description: A female fairy wren sitting on greenery in the morning sunlight

    #bird #birds #australianBirds #Brisbane #Meanjin #dailyBird

    [oc] Little Black Cormorants (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) - Kedron Brook, Brisbane, Australia - May 2024

    cross-posted from: ( >The expression on that second birds face is meme worthy! > > Image description: Two little black cormorants sitting on rocks in a creek, surrounded by water with reflecting dappled greenery from the vegetation on the banks of the creek. The closest cormorant has its beak wide open, and the smaller cormorant in the background has a surprised look on its face > > #birds #bird #AustralianBirds #DailyBird #brisbane #meanjin

    Little Black Cormorants (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) - Kedron Brook, Brisbane, Australia - May 2024

    The expression on that second birds face is meme worthy!

    Image description: Two little black cormorants sitting on rocks in a creek, surrounded by water with reflecting dappled greenery from the vegetation on the banks of the creek. The closest cormorant has its beak wide open, and the smaller cormorant in the background has a surprised look on its face

    #birds #bird #AustralianBirds #DailyBird #brisbane #meanjin

    New Birdnet-Pi

    Today, I set up my new Birdnet-Pi,a raspberry Pi, running an app that detects and identifies birds by their calls. This is my first half day of recording birds.

    Image description: A screenshot of the Birdnet Pi web interface. At the top, it shows a breakdown of birds from that day, sorted by species and time. In order of total number of occurrences, the birds listed are Torresian Crow, Australasian Figbird, Noisy Miner, Barn Owl, Rainbow Lorikeet and Blue-faced Honeyeater. Beneath the list of birds, it shows a waveform graphic for the audio of the latest bird call identitied by the system. In this instance, a Torresian Crow.

    Wynard Tram on George Street, Sydney, Australia

    cross-posted from: (

    >I'm not from Sydney, but I took this photo when I was there this weekend gone, and thought that I'd share it

    Street photography Ada
    Wynard Tram on George Street

    cross-posted from: ( >I'm not from Sydney, but I took this photo when I was there this weekend gone, and thought that I'd share it

    [oc] A great egret (Ardea alba) waiting for fish - Kedron Brook, Brisbane, Australia - May 2024

    cross-posted from: ( >Image description: A great egret stands on a sand bank in a creek. A person with a fishing net is behind them in the creek

    A great egret (Ardea alba) waiting for fish - Kedron Brook, Brisbane, Australia - May 2024

    Image description: A great egret stands on a sand bank in a creek. A person with a fishing net is behind them in the creek

    [oc] Net casting. Kedron Brook, Brisbane, Australia

    Image description: A person casting a fishing net in to a creek. They are wading in the water, and the net is mid cast. The person is wearing wet weather gear and has their back to the photographer
