I always roll my eyes whenever I see a "you can't do that because you're a woman" character in a show, and then I'm always reminded that these people actually exist
ITT people baww at the mere mention of race and gender, and proceed to behave as if the problem is other people being too sensitive about race and gender.
Hilarious. I actually witnessed this online when someone tried to “well actually” another user and it turned out that user was the author of the paper they cited.
Why is 'race' relevant here? What the fuck is wrong with Americans and how did they become so astonishingly self flagellating.
That said... this sounds like one of those fantasy scenarios where "then everyone clapped".
Just on the insecure posture of this tweet, I'm prepared to bet cold hard cash that he asked her for clarity or something with a informational challenge "but does x not come from y?" Or whatever and she manufactured his reasoning and the rest to feel good. She doesn't seem to know what et al means either.
I find it interesting how writing "a male" instead of man is a good way of pointing out "sexist mansplaining" and writing "a female" is dehumanizing (which i actually agree on). I will not deny that there are many sexists out there who are mansplaining or see women as less knowledgable. Without knowing the person ("offending") however, i think we would be wise to use occam's razor which would lead us to the conclusion that this is a prime case of the dunning kruger effect (which would also apply if sexism is involved).
Mycomment however has to be seen as mansplaining because i sadly have a dick between my legs. Sorry for that.
at the table, after his question was asked, and her eyes squinted in delight, it was at that moment he knew he had fucked up, he just didn't know how yet
Clearly the race and genre are both only being used in this sentence for bullying purposes. What could very well be just "a random guy" was specifically changed to "a white male" to really attack the race and genre mentioned. If it was another race or genre it would be called racist. The "white males" won't accept this blatant racism many more years without standing up against it, trust me. But then they will be called racist. They are not racist only while they accept being bullied and accept racism towards them. This hate speech against white males is being completely normalized in america daily. And being used in comments, sentences and now even books in such a "normalized" way that it disgusts me. Just because whites are not a minority, doesn't mean we can bully and be racist to them. And in this exact sentence, it triggers me so much that the "while male" adjective was used with the clear intent of bullying and image degradation of the mentioned race and genre.
When will we, as humans of all colors, stand up against racism against whites (and especially males) that is strangely being more and more accepted as a normal thing daily?
Edit: ofc I am being hugely downvoted. Society can't understand that bullying against whites actually exists. She just didn't need AT ALL to use the race and gender in her post. Minorities and inequalities between genres exist and should (and are) be solved. Women and all other races deserve all the same as white males do. But white males don't need to be bullied in exchange or used in jokes like this like if they are the modern punching bag of standup comedy.