Trust me, it provides value. For those of us with problems leaving everything to the last minute, having a little biweekly accountability and structure can really help prevent problems from getting too big.
My old job legitimately did 5 minute standups. A person saying they were struggling with something would often get interrupted by someone else volunteering to help them after standup. It was incredible. I miss it so much.
I ran sub-ten-minute stand-ups for a while. If anyone ever went over one minute (LOOKING AT YOU, SOMNATH) I'd make a super annoying noise and cut them off.
I'd love to. I used to be a very good software engineer, and I think deep down I might still be, but this place has taken all the joy I had in work. I'm not sure how I can get another job at this point where I can barely stomach the one I have.
I'm not sure if it's possible for you, but I feel I've been in a similar predicament with a job I had. One day I just quit and took a few months off. IMO what was giving me that feeling was how weekends and evenings wasn't enough for me to fully decompress.