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Nix as a WebAssembly build tool
  • nixpkgs already has infrastructure to compile to wasi the same way you compile to other platforms like arm, darwin (macOS), musl, etc.

    nix-build -A pkgsCross.wasi32.$pkg

    i haven't found any $pkg there that actually builds though. coreutils depends on posix stuff, busybox tries to include a non-existent netdb.h file. even hello barfs inside i think some autotools-generated wrapper around fcntl.

    i don't understand enough about wasm to know if it really is reasonable to think of it as a "system" the same was x86_64-linux or aarch64-multiplatform is a "system", but if so i'd love the equivalent of this blog post showing how to use (or fix) the wasi32 system!

  • going to fucking vomit
  • so are we still calling 3rd-party voters evil or are we done with that yet? need to know before November thx

  • rule problem
  • "Spoiler effect" is so dumb. like oh, i'm the bad guy for voting for the candidate that you agree is better than the one you voted for??

    give me a break. i'm literally not the one to blame for that.

  • NSFW
    Marketing rule
  • allegedly, Gerber had trouble entering regions where the literacy rate is low because in such places consumers identify food products based on the imagery on the packaging, or the contents itself if the packaging is clear. in Gerber's case, you have a jar of unidentifiable mush, with the image of a (likely foreign-looking) baby. conclusion: what's in the jar?

    dunno if that's folklore or real. but the Wendy thing is just that they're always doing edgy stuff on their socials. they know how to spot an innuendo, because that's what they do.

  • NSFW
    Marketing rule
  • i've never seen this many airplanes in one thread before

  • NSFW
    Marketing rule
  • honestly i never would have noticed it had i not been primed by the question.

    as for marketing, there's a lot of inconsistency. you've got the Gerbers and Tony the Tigers of the world, completely blind to how things might be misinterpreted, and you've got the Wendy's of the world, who 100% know what they're doing. Venom? dunno enough to place them in one camp or the other.

  • Two heads are better than one rule
  • big whoop, i can do that too

  • Sousou no Frieren • Frieren: Beyond Journey's End - Episode 20 discussion
  • so the title's left unresolved, and next episode there could either be an unnecessary killing, or a killing to prevent an unnecessary killing -- with the obvious question in the latter case of "was that a necessary killing?"

    until recently the series has been war between humans and demons, and they go out of their way to convince the viewer that the villains (demons) really are inhuman: creatures incapable of feeling empathy toward anyone and therefore not worth your own empathy. and the heroes (at least in the ideal) are those who do exactly what's necessary, but no more, when it comes to violence. i don't know that the story can veer too far from that ideal framing of heroism without losing its charm, but they may be setting up to challenge that framing of villainy.

    also, seems it's becoming a pattern that Fern's opponents are caught off-guard by her speed & stamina. when she fought the demon in episode 10, that was explained as her suppressing her mana, and the demon being careless/overconfident against such a technique. but here in ep 20 everyone is familiar with mana suppression: that Fern's overwhelming experienced mages with just raw speed/stamina has me suspicious.

  • wrong rule
  • Rule
  • i'd definitely be more high-functioning if i followed this chart, but i also really don't want to.

  • capitalist rule #69420: have sex
  • synopsis

    the film follows an unnamed drifter who discovers through special sunglasses that the ruling class are aliens concealing their appearance and manipulating people to consume, breed, and conform to the status quo via subliminal messages in mass media.

    i'm hooked on the synopsis alone

  • Rule
  • as far as i can tell, it's a freeware mobile app called "Lonely Girl". but please, anyone who knows more, infodump on me. i can't find any gameplay, and i don't have an android/iOS device even if i wanted to install it.

  • Bread Rule
  • i was gonna extend this to a swatting analogy until i remembered that receiving uninvited/anonymous pizza deliveries is actually a real form of harassment.

  • So anyway, I'm radicalized, rule
  • who's doing the licensing and do they share my ethics?

  • Meme improvement rule
  • Crowder says stupid words specifically designed to provoke a reaction from people.

    196ers react to it.

    we had a phrase for how to respond to this type of person/provocation, back in the day. something about food and trolls... but it's long forgotten 😐️

  • Game derulepment
  • potato

  • if you'd like
  • just please don't go after the mayonnaise industry, i would die without my industrial music

  • i don't think we can rule
  • the anime has more stereotypical fetishes. (slightly) less piss, more gigantic boobs. i did enjoy the art style (it's got the whole neon color palette thing going on, almost like Steven Universe of all things) but tbh if you disliked the manga i don't think you'd like the anime either.

  • Hayao Rulezaki
  • see i thought it was Ponyo though, even after figuring out the title. so you're not dumb, because Calcifer makes way more sense

  • colin colin

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