Just get into the shower and use water and soap at this point...
Je ne pense pas que ces scénarios soient très probables. Déjà les admins... Je ne pense pas que Musk soit super populaires parmis les admins du fediverse, comme il représente une vision de l'internet opposée de la leur, et que c'est souvent un peu plus de gauche par ici.
Pour le reste... Ça ne serait techniquement pas impossible que Musk attaque quelqu'un en diffamation, mais d'une part; ça serait plutôt pour des célébrités qui s'expriment sur des médias de masse comme la télévision, les sites comme ça n'attireraient même pas son attention ; d'autre part, je ne pense pas qu'il gagnerait un tel procès.
Pourquoi ne pourrait-on pas dire ça ? Tu crois que Musk va se plaindre à Trumpi et faire envyer la CIA contre toi ? Ou bien que les admins trouvent Musk tellement sympathique qu'ils vont le défendre ?
Yeah, he was pre-anglosaxon Briton so his first language might've been some form of britonic celt. He might've also known Latin, Rome had lost control of the island a while ago but some of their influence remained. So either he learnt English offscreen or whatever magic brought him back can also serve as a translator.
I wouldn't do that. Splashing hog fat would hurt.
"This won't work Sauron, I am all the Dunedaín !'
Si ils perdaient leur temps à se préoccuper de la drogue à l'assemblée nationale, qui s'occuperait de la drogue dans les banlieues ? /s
I don't. I don't necessarily think they're French either tho, but France, Spain and Chile each have a better claim to it than Belgium.
I remember a bunch of things in science class in middle school, because I was really into science and it bothered me that they oversimplified everything to the point of being straight up false. Like a definition of "animals" being "something with eyes and a mouth". I mentioned several examples of animals without eyes, like corals, but the teacher just exasperatedly said that they did have small mouths. Ok, but your definition said eyes and a mouth, not or.
I also remember a question in a test about astronomy being "what is the biggest object". I thought about it for a moment and then wrote "the universe"; which I'll maintain to this day, was right. But it was marked wrong. The expected answer was the sun. I talked about it to the teacher, because it wasn't like I pulled the existence of objects bigger than the sun from my personal knowledge only, we'd explicitly talked about bigger stars and galaxies. But the teacher said "It was implied 'biggest object in the solar system' ". Implied how? It definitely wasn't written. I still want my point back.
Wow, thanks. Mystery solved and no trauma.
I've been hearing about it for years, but I've always been afraid to look up what it actually was.
I don't think putting something in a freezer would disinfect it. Stop the microbes from breading while it's inside, but they start again quickly as soon as it gets out.
Existential Comics, I believe.
Wow, that one's both intense and coherent...
I am the Gobglogabgalab; the shwabble-gobble shwivel-shwavle glibbliglaglaglab!
Truthfully, what is above is like what is below and what is below is like what is above, and just as a thing is born from another by the will of One, so a think can be drawn from another through transformation.
Good luck and be strong! I'm sure you'll find yourself.
This is not legit. The character is Suzaku from Code Geass, and I believe he caught this fish with the intent to cook and it eat. This is an old meme, sometimes claimed to be a bad fandub, but I'd say it was more likely intentionally created as a joke.
I have several mailing accounts configured on Thunderbird, two of which no longer exist (from institutions of which I'm no longer a member). I don't wish to delete these, as they can still come handy when finding old messages or adresses of old contacts. I just edited the settings to stop fetching messages, but I still get notifications saying Thunderbird failed to connect to the server. It's a very minor inconvenience, but I'd rather Thunderbird not waste ressources trying to connect to them every time.
So, how's the standard way to deal with accounts that no longer exist but of which you'd rather keep the already existing mails and data?
I'm assuming this is in the scope of this community since Newgrounds was founded almost 30 years ago, tho I did notice posts here focus more on the small we than on bigger websites, so sorry if this post is perceived as inappropriate.
Newgrounds is a site for posting art, animations and games where I've had an account for a few years and I quite enjoy it. Since last year it's been becoming more pressing about asking for donations and morphing into a kind of "premium" model, where only donators get access to some stuff. I'm feeling a bit conflicted because I tend to shun sites with this model, but I also kinda understand that it might be necessary since hosting all that content probably costs a lot. But then again, it must have been costing a lot for a long time, and this comes up surrisingly close in time to the enshittification of Twitter and Reddit. Does anyone have any thoughts? Or maybe some more background knowledge about why Newgrounds has been making these decisions now in particular?
Few hips would be articulate enough to convey any precise message, which would be necessary to lie. Hers have the speed and precision required to formulate lies, in morse code for example.
Like, you can see a leaf on and think "wow, that's a beautiful leaf". You may even pick it up to admire it (especially if you're a child or a biologist). You wouldn't do that with a strand of human hair, a human nail clipping, or even less with the parts that aren't supposed to come off like hands or eyes.
She's sometimes seen as the archetypal tsundere, her (perceived) opposition to Rei paving the road to a thousand standoffs between tsundere and kuudere, such as Nagato vs Haruhi; but it doesn't seem right to me. Firstly because Nadia, from Anno's previous anime was much more of a tsundere, but also Asuka never felt like a tsundere to me in the first place; and I think I just found the words to explain why. She definitely has the "tsun"; she is hostile to the point of aggression towards Shinji, and it would also seems that she might be interested in him romantically (the "dere"). However, she lacks a causal relation between the two. See, the idea of a tsundere is that her hostility serves to hide the romantic feeling towards its object, which she doesn't want to admit. Asuna, however, isn't bashful about love. She has no qualms hitting on Kaji or kissing Shinji. The cause of her hostility is another feeling she represses and that's seeing herself in Shinji. The need she feels to be strong, talented, perfect, and getting praised for it is a huge part of her character; which is why she does away with any doubt or weakness. But Shinji is a reflection of all these weaknesses, and he doesn't have the "decency" to hide it like she does, and that's what makes him unbearable to her. And yet, perhaps some part of her wishes she could let herself be weak like he does. Like the widely hated line "What, don't to kiss a girl on the day of your mother's death?", she's making fun of supposed mommy issues Shinji might have, but really making light of her own mommy issues to help her dominate them. I think this plays intoher aggressive tendencies much more than romantic feelings, hence why I find the term "tsundere" less than appropriate.
The word "elsewhere" conveniently exist to spare us the chore of saying "somewhere else". Why then do we waste or time saying "someone else" or "some other time"?
"You" can either mean the second person (Shakira in this case) or people in general. Therefore, "I never really knew you could danc like this" can mean either "I didn't know you (Shakira) were able to dance like this." or "I didn't know it was humanly possible to dance like this". It is usually context that tells these interpretations apart, for example, the first one would only make sense if Wyclef already knows Shakira. But is Wyclef's character supposed to know Shakira's in the story of the song?
Two lines later, he asks her "Como te llamas?", which seems to imply that he doesn't. #However he later also says "Shakira, Shakira", even tho she hasn't answered yet, implying he did know her name. What gives?
I'm not sure either why he keeps saying "No fighting".
TL:DR : I just want xterm to not do anything special when I start typing ctrl+shift+u so I can write special character, so I must remove the ctrl+u default keybind.
I'm using xterm on a laptop (no discrete gpu and pretty bad integrated graphics, so gpu-accelerated ones like kitty are counterproductive, and I use i3 so an xorg based one sounds better). I also like using vim.
I'm also using a qwerty keyboard, but sometimes write in French and need accents. I've memorized the codes for those I often need, like ctrl+maj+u+e+9 for é, but it doesn't work in xterm because it executes the ctrl+u keybind (delete previous characters and then types "(" (because it's maj+9).
So, following online guides, I've created a .Xresource file with the following code:
XTerm.VT100.translations: #override \n\ Ctrl <Key>U: none
And I also added the line
exec xrdb ~/.Xresources
But to no avail, even when restarting the x session or manualy running xrdb ~/.Xresources.
What am I doing wrong?
I recently moved, bringing both my laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad X131e running Debian) and my desctop (msi A320m pro motherboard, amd ryzen 5 cpu, running Arch).
My desktop didn't have a wifi card (I'd removed it to add a graphic card, my mobo didn't fit them both), it uses ethernet, but it turns out my new place has wifi included, but no ethernet. I'll grab my wifi card where I left it in two weeks, but in the meantime I wanted to connect my computer to my laptop so I could still use it with internet sometimes.
I followed this guide to accomplish it: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Internet_sharing Regarding the parts where there are several options:
-For step 2.3.1 (Enable Nat) I used nftables, since that's what I had installed
-For step 2.4 I chose to manually add an IP
After that, the ethernet indicator at the bottom of my screen (I use i3) shows the address I added in green, so it should work... Alas, when I try updating or pinging any site, I get the "Temporary failure in name resolution" error. That is before I try to change anything about my dns conf. At the end, the wiki says "configure a dns server for each client". The client should already have a dns since I've been using it with ethernet. I tried manually setting the dns in mtui t see if that did something, but it just made the connection no longer work at all.
So, what part might I be doing wrong? Thank you in advance if you have any advice, and thank you anyway for reading!
Des erreurs ont été commises
Un nombre insuffisant de chaussures a été emmené lors du déménagement.
Des chaussures ont été mises sans chaussettes, qui n'auraient dût être portées qu'avec.
Du bicarbonate de sodium a été mis pour absorbé l'humidité, jusque-là sans beaucoup d'effet.
Les souliers retrouveront-ils une odeur tolérable ?
Seul le temps nous le dira, l'histoire reste encore à écrire.

Only one page this time, but the color is back... Sorta, I'm experimenting different methods.

Next part Yeah, I've become too lazy to make full color pages. Maybe I'll color them later, probably not.