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‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • quick scan looks like a non-starter for me but good luck! anything where economy is centrally managed is a horrible idea, and something marx got very wrong its essentially what we have now just with a different person in charge. 🤷

  • ‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • you're welcome to link to resources. I checked out her campaign site it wasn't interesting and i explained why each point will fail. I dont particularly care to spend my time beyond that digging to decide if she was is worth my time, determined she isn't. The campaign site is incoherent as far as plans go. if you want to goal post shift to PSL in general feel free to do so and i'll tell you what i think but otherwise. 🤷 if you want support you need to do the effort to earn it. ;)

  • ‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • She isn’t doing destruction for destruction’s sake.

    absolutely is unless there is a plan to replace the system. hence all of my original points around her lack of coherent plans that address actual needs of the people. breaking the current system without sound ideas on how the new system will operate is destruction for destruction sake. You don't tear your house down without a alternative place to shelter. but keep waving your flag on the hill, I'lll bring you a picnic basket and chill with you. =)

    You have yet to explain any of this.

    I dont need to, those are my opinions you can take or leave them as you will. or just watch the election play out and get your answer. =)

  • ‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • You're attempting to make a distinction that is immaterial to the end result, as your own article admits. like i said shes more than welcome to run, she just won't get any support which is what she needs. destruction for destruction sake doesn't work, nor does it ensure the end result.

    like I said, I suspect Claudia has a back bone, what revolutionary doesn't? she is just doomed to failure because she doesn't know how to conduct a revolution and will be unable to gain support because she refused to find levers to pull and instead just swings a hammer, because shes hurt and angry. If thats your jam by all means vote for her, but be aware ignoring the facts i just presented makes you just as blind as harris is. :)

  • ‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • incorrect, Im a socialist. she just doesn't know how to be effective at getting the change we all desire; and I doubt she'll be good as a president. shes hurt and angry and lashing out. she should run locally for a governor position and prove she knows how to develop and build worker run cooperatives before trying her hand at the national stage.

    the first step is following khan by breaking non-competes, then provide support and resources for worker run organizations.

  • ‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • you're upset I deconstructed your entire position in a couple of paragraphs and think burying your head in the sand will resolve the obvious problems with your positions. (hint: they won't)

    learn how to influence your politicians. voting for them when they dont support your interests doesn't work. being afraid of their opposition doesn't work. What have you done to fix FPTP voting issues? What have you done to prevent genocides?

    I only quoted a single sentence you're entire post was predicated on it. you're the only moron because you lack contextual awareness; unlike the Palestinians in swing states. Good on them and I wish them the best of luck, I'm rooting for them and emailing my congress critters so they know that harris doesnt have my support is she continues her israel non-sense and issues with khan.

  • ‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • literally every single one she listed.... she's certainly not a unifying figure that socialism needs. she isnt dog whistling shes full throat fog horning and poorly.

    The 100 largest corporations in America should be seized from their billionaire owners and turned into public property.

    good luck. that'll take years and won't fly for a lot of people. nor will it fix the problem. all its doing is triggering an immediate immune response from the unthinking masses. Nor does it address daily issues working american's are experiencing. I understand what shes going for, but she doesn't know how to accomplish it effectively.

    Overthrow the Dictatorship of the Rich — Build a Democracy That Serves the Working Class

    sigh... same problem as above. removing the FBI and NSA will have little to no material impact on working americans.

    End the Rule of Money and Lock Up the Corrupt Elite

    yeah okay. again get what shes going for but non of that can be accomplished without a supportive congress. What to over throw the system? great I'm right there with you. but have an actual workable plan.

    End All U.S. Aid to Apartheid Israel. End the Genocide and Free Palestine & Cut the Military Budget by 90% — Peace, Not War with China & Russia!

    sigh. so completely cripple our economy, and trade one relatively friendly genocidal country for two unfriendly genocidal countries. sounds like a great plan.

    End the war on black america.

    sigh reparations, i get it i really do. but its just another aspect of the race war and sadly black americans are not yet populous enough to pull it off. could just as easily have said 'build a social safety net to support working americans'

    Defend Women's rights, full equality for lgbtq people

    again great cause, but lacks the acume to identify the levers to pull to make it a reality.

    Save the planet from capitalism

    sigh. again just isolating herself from many american's who believe in capitalism.

  • why is this race so close?
  • its because their corporate owners don't want to have to implement left wing economic policies for the good of the nation. unfortunately we'll continue to have fascist bogey men until people start holding dems accountable.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • na you just dont know how to relax and have a good time in an environment you don't enjoy. clearly trump does. the guy is a danger to the country but this isn't a thing we need to waste our time on, just makes you look like a incredibly maladjusted person.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • The dude sucks at dancing like most maladjusted white men. i dont see an issue here out side of his rampant racism and fascism. we can do better.

    Honestly? I'd be more likely to attend a political rally if they had more dancing and less pomp.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • he was probably just on shrooms/molly or something similar. the guy is a menace but seriously? knocking a person for vibing out to music because they're sick of the campaign trail? honestly i wish he just did that all the time and left everyone else alone with his racist/facist non-sense.

  • ‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • narrator: and then, under harris, it continued to get worse.

    biden admin is about to cause an regional outbreak of war. causing our friends and family to be pulled into it. all because he wouldn't redirect a few boats to ukraine. I have 0 interest in trump but harris needs to pull her head out of her ass and commit to enforcing the leahy law w/ israel.

  • ‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • well I'm gonna say... if enabling genocide doesn't make you a single issue voter I suspect you're morally deficient of an individual. Frankly while genocide is enough Harris has a number of issues you're free to overlook by claiming people are 'single issue' just because a thread is covering a particular topic.

    • doesn't support labor. (won't commit to keeping khan, will break a strike whenever convenient)
    • won't be effective at reducing inflation/cost of living.
    • won't be effective at humane immigration.
    • won't be effective at health care reform. both at a cost and medicinally via weed/psychedelics legalization.
  • ‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • I mean their single issue is Harris supports murdering their friends and family via her Israel proxy. If you're going to have a single issue to decide your vote I can't think of a better one.

    Personally Harris lost my vote for two main reasons:

    • her continued support of genocide. while its true israel has a right to defend itself, it doesn't have a right to support of the US while doing so. we have laws on the books for this precise reason and they need to be enforced.
    • her unwillingness to commit to supporting labor. won't commit to khan, will likely happily break a striking union whenever she can as evidenced by the train union and wouldn't have 'changed a thing' comment.

    There are a bunch of other things I could overlook but not those two. I jokingly sent my friend a message yesterday.

    God it amazes me to watch a candidate who is part of a historically low approval admin go 'im not wrong its the voters who are wrong'. repeatedly.

    my friends response? 'I can't tell which candidate you're talking about' which was precisely my point.

  • ‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • context matters. you have no idea what state many people live in. I, for example, live in a reliably blue stronghold. harris will win no matter how I vote. so I don't vote for democrats when when there is a better option on the ballot.

    There is no value in voting for a party that doesn't support my values/interests. I personally don't like many of de la cruz's policies, they are poorly constructed, however I think she likely has a better moral compass and backbone than harris does. I'm giving harris until the end of the week to fix her positions on khan and ideally irsael, but i doubt she will so she wont be getting my vote.

  • ‘They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • In other words, people voting for 3rd party or Trump over this issue are morons

    incorrect you're missing context of reliably blue states. I most certainly dont need to vote for democrats and can essentially do what I want w/ respect to the presidential ticket.

    All the nonsense from the liberal idiots in the democratic party miss this critical contextual bit of information. I happily vote 3rd party whenever there is one that aligns more closely with my goals. its just rare one does; because it simply doesn't matter in my state for the outcome.

    My ballot typically goes:

    • 3rd party for pres
    • dem/independents for most local positions

    all this blue no matter who are just brain dead lunacy by the party is essentially: The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final and most essential command.

    Hopefully some day we'll be able to have reasonable conversations about the toxicity of the democratic party but we just are not there yet and unfortunately the Ukrainians and Palestinians are paying the price in blood and harris doesnt have the backbone to challenge her corporate owners. Biden lost my support when he broke the train union strike. I believe he and harris would have broken the port workers strike as well if it wasn't a month before the election.

    things that prevent me from voting for harris:

    • wont enforce the leahy laws with israel. israel absolutely does have a right to defend itself, it doesn't have a right to be supported by the US tax payers. if the MIC wants money there is a far more moral war going on we can increase support for. (HUGE red flag)
    • wont commit to keeping Ms khan. (HUGE red flag)
    • i don't trust her w/ respect to union support. I believe she'll break unions just like biden did. which is why he lost my support.
    • her continuous attempts to gaslight the american people over biden's mental decline makes her untrustworthy as an individual.

    until then I'll continue advocating for and campaigning for election reform and primarying useless democrats. She could probably swing my vote if she commits to khan and never breaking a strike as those are important to the health of our country and economy but at this point its clear she wont shift.

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