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Nazi Chatbots: Meet the Worst New AI Innovation From Gab
  • I don't think they're trying to prevent anyone from accessing these books at all, they just don't want those to be used in the school curriculumn. It's not quite compareable to the examples from history where books were being banned and burned so that no one could read them.

  • Nazi Chatbots: Meet the Worst New AI Innovation From Gab
  • Very few people apply the same standards to themselves as they do to others. I think bibles should be "banned" from schools aswell so I can't really blame them for wanting to do the same for stuff about CRT or such. When ever one side takes something to the extreme there's more often than not a similar but opposite example to be found on the opposing side. We're all nuts, some just more than others.

  • Nazi Chatbots: Meet the Worst New AI Innovation From Gab
  • the company’s “uncensored” AI will gladly help users make a plot for global Aryan domination.

    If it's truly uncensored then it should help you plot what ever you like. You should be also able to ask it to plan for the extermination of every single nazi on the planet and if it refuses to do so then by definition it's not uncensored.

    The "Uncle A" chatbot is a whole different story as it's programmed to be biased but a true uncensored AI is just a tool. Questionable one but it's not good or bad in itself. It depends what you use it for. A hammer can be used to build a house or you can hit yourself in the head with it.

  • Masturbation abstinence is popular online. Doctors and therapists are worried
  • I don't think masturbation itself is the issue and perhaps not porn either but I think there's still a kernel of truth to this. There are some people like me to whom it really is an issue. The way my brain works is that 1 hour of masturbation is twice as good as 30 minutes and then obviously 2 hours is twice as good as 1 hour and then it's 4am and I must force myself to stop or I'm not sleeping at all. It's a button I can press that makes me feel good and unless you take it away from me I'm not going to stop pressing it. Masturbation alone isn't exciting enough for it to get out of hand like this but when you combine it with porn then some people simply get sucked in and it's really really difficult to get out.

    I've heard interesting theories about how in the past frustrated men like me would take out to the streets and express their frustration by breaking windows and kicking grannies but despite the record numbers of "us" now we're still not seeing this in the world. Atleast not to the scale you'd expect. Where are those men? Well in their mothers basements playing games, smoking weed and jerking off to porn. It's not what we wanted but it's "fine" - could be worse.

  • Apple employees outnumbered customers at Vision Pro launch in San Francisco's Union Square
  • This also isn't an iPod. The audience for something like this especially at that price is still quite limited. To me it's pretty obvious that this is a peek into the future. Apple will just be one of the many companies doing glasses like this but this will be big.

  • Imagine everything humans could accomplish if we were not a commerce based civilization.
  • Something like universal basic income along with free healthcare, education and social safety nets definitely is an attractive idea but even providing the basic needs for everyone is expensive as hell and you can't just pay for it by cutting CEO pay. Economy is such a complex system that radical changes like this are guranteed to introduce new unexpected problems. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try and find ways to make the world a better place for everyone but I feel like so many people naively think that the solution is obvious and right there and we're just not doing it.

  • French bulldog puppy spontaneously regrows jaw
  • I remember listening to a podcast about this subject and was quite surprised to find out that the ability to re-grow limbs is way more common than we've previously thought and I think they were saying that the same mechanism that allows this to happen on other species is present on humans aswell.

  • NSFW
    if it were a life or death situation, and the only way to save your life, is to kiss a politician on the cheek, and say, "You're my best friend I love you " ?
  • If it's a life-or-death situation then literally any politican. Trump, Putin, Kim Jong Un. I wouldn't give a damn. Obviously people would know I'm just trying to save my own life.

    But since I get to pick any the first that comes to mind is our ex prime minister Sanna Marin.

  • Zuckerberg to Get $700 Million a Year From Meta’s New Dividend
  • I don't even know what you're trying to say there. The discussion is about the risks and benefits of buying and selling stocks. If you don't want to take that risk then don't buy stocks. No one is forcing you. I don't get how "building a society based on gambling" is all of a sudden a stance I'm supposedly defending here now. That's a strawman.

  • What is something small that you do that confuses other people whenever they see you doing it?
  • You're clearly married to your opinions so I don't expect you to change your mind but perhaps consider the possibility that someone whose been backing into parking slots daily for over 15 years perhaps doesn't lack that skill. Turns out that practicing makes you better at something. Who would've though.

  • This AI generated Article For Soy Free Meat Alternatives
  • Articles like this are a plague. I don't know about google but DDG seems to serve me these when ever I'm looking for general information about something. The only good thing is that they're so bad that it's usually easy to tell but that wont be the case for long.

  • What is something small that you do that confuses other people whenever they see you doing it?
  • That's why I'm doing it. I think it's healthy to sometimes take time to just sit with your thoughts and be bored. I find driving to be a good moment to do this. For the same reason I've decided to not use my phone when queuing either.

  • What is something small that you do that confuses other people whenever they see you doing it?
  • It's the exact same parking slot no matter which way you're driving in/out.

    I disagree that it overall takes any more time no matter which way you park but one thing is for sure and it's that backing in is safer. It's way more common for people to get hit by a car that's backing out of parking slot that by one backing in. You can't see your surroundings when backing out because of the cars on your both sides but I can see the entire parking slot when I'm backing in.

  • [META] Never change,

    For context: The thread was about why people hate Hexbear and Lemmygrad instances

    Photography Thorny_Insight
    [OC] Miss the summer already

    Canon EOS550D / Rebel T2i

    Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II VC

    It's about the optimal trail conditions there right now - GZR Black Raw

    No mud, no ice, no insects, no spider webs, hard ground, not too hot, not too cold, not too much snow. My only complaint is the lack of daylight.

    Mechanic Advice Thorny_Insight
    Nissan Navara D40 - Engine sounds different than before

    I might be just hallucinating but I feel like my Navara sounds different than when I bought it. There used to be this very typical turbo diesel humming noise when accelerating and switching from first to second grear like you can hear here for example. Basically the same sound every diesel truck makes when accelerating. I feel like I can't hear it anymore, however the truck feels and runs just normally. Atleast I think it does.

    I'm assuming that sound is coming from turbo because I only hear diesels sounding like that. How would I go about making sure everything is working properly when there's no other symptoms that the lack of that sound?

    Here's what mine sounds like.

    Excluding the obvious ones such as politics, what topics can't you stand listening to people talk about?

    For me it's detailed describtions about people's dreams.

    Not only doesn't your story make any sense, but you're also telling me about something that didn't even happen. It's kind of like telling about an event, and then ending the story by saying you just made it all up, except with dreams you begin by telling it's all made up. I'm already not interested before you even started.

    Photography Thorny_Insight
    [OC] Since you didn't hate my previous picture; have another from the archives

    > Canon EOS550D / Rebel T2i > > Tamron 17 - 50mm f/2.8

    Photography Thorny_Insight
    [OC] Sometimes it's worth hauling a real camera with me on my bike rides

    Also since I'm now out of Instagram, this is going to be my biggest audience. Knowing Instagram thought, more people are probably going to see this here either way.

    >Canon EOS550D/RebelT2i > >Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8

    Pihavajan lämmitys

    Muutin tuossa kesän mittaan vanhan 14 neliön puuliiterin työverstaaksi. Samassa rakennuksessa on puulämmitteinen sauna johon käynti on nyt verstaan puolelta. Saunassa alkuperäinen purueriste seinissä, villa katossa ja betonilattia. Verstaassa rossipohja, 10cm villa lattiassa ja 5cm finnfoam seinissä ja katossa. Päällä vielä 9mm vaneri ja kipsilevy.

    Tässä nyt sähkönhintoja tuijotellen pohdiskelen tuon vajan lämpimänä pitämistä. Muutaman kilowatin sähköpatterin laitto on se vähiten mieluinen, vaikkakin helpoin konsti, joten enemmän ja vähemmän vakavia vaihtoehtoja mietin.

    Lähtökohtaisesti ajatus olisi, että kokeilen sellaisella muutamansadan watin pakkasvahdilla, että kuinka korkeaksi se lämpötilan nostaa. Yritin tehdä siitä mahdollisimman tiiviin, mutta en usko, että se tuon avulla kovemmilla pakkasilla siellä suositellussa(?) +10 asteessa pysyy. Hetkellisesti sitä pystyn boostaamaan avaamalla saunan oven ja pistämällä tulet kiukaaseen. Puita kuitenkin on rajallinen määrä, joten mikään pysyvä ratkaisu tämä ei ole. Jos vajan puolella olisi jokin pieni kamina, niin se olisi varmaan vielä parempi, mutta ei ole. Ehkä joskus hommaan.

    Puilla lämmittämisestä tuli sellainen myös mieleen, että kiukaan vieressä on erillinen puilla lämpenevä vesipata joka vetää noin 80 litraa. Laskeskelin, että sata astesena se varaisi jopa 9kWh energiaa, joten pitäisikö kiukaan sijaan lämmittää mielummin pataa? Se keittää vettä yllättävän nopeasti ja luulisi tuon vesimäärän varaavan enemmän läpöä, kuin parikyt kiloa kiviä. Kiehuessaan tosin on sitten kyllä huurussa koko mökki.

    Muita patentteja joita olen pyöritellyt mielessäni on kuuman veden pumppaaminen padasta vajan puolelle astiaan jolloin saunan oven voisi pitää kiinni ja lämmitettävä tila pienenisi melkein puolella. Kylmänä voisi valuttaa takaisin pataan. Myöskin vanhasta lämminvesivaraajasta ja paisunta-astiasta voisi mahdollisesti väkertää jonkin yösähköllä toimivan, painovoimakiertoisen patterijärjestelmän (omaa alaani).

    Diesel lämmitintä olen myös miettinyt, mutta rahaa maksaa sellainenkin ja ei sekään ilmaiseksi pyöri. Niitäkin on ilman sähköäkin toimivia jotka lämmittää vettä.

    Tuleeko muita ideoita ja ajatuksia mieleen? Tavoitteena siis ylläpitolämmitys ja aina hetkellisesti lämpötilan nosto 20 asteeseen kun siellä pidempiä aikoja vietän.

    Lemmy Support Thorny_Insight
    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod

    This makes no sense to me. There's people in the comments literally telling me to go kill myself and that's fine but, me politely disagreeing is worthy of a 30 day ban.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

    Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

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    Comments 578