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How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • So often, you'll hear trans people say they always knew. I think that's both the case, and a bit off. My guess is that they've always had a feeling SOMETHING was amiss, but weren't really able to nail down the exact feeling until, well... They started considering transitioning.

    That's almost exactly what I was trying to say with my top level comment.

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • I agree with the other replies too, but also yes. The hardest thing for some people to understand about my transition is that I don't want to be a different person than I was before. I'm not trying to change who I am. I just want to live who I have always been where people can see it in a way they couldn't before.

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • As for you: talk to trans people. See if you can relate to them.

    I second this whole thing. Consider your gender. Spend a bit of time thinking about it. If you are trans and don't know, it's not something that's going to suddenly start being true, you're just going to put the pieces together.

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • I can't speak for anyone else, but I didn't turn anything, I just found a way to say what I had already been feeling the whole time. I never felt like a "man" or a "boy" and just smiled and nodded when other people described me in those categories. I didn't have the words, didn't have a way to let other people know how I felt about myself until now, and still struggle with some people who still don't understand.

    I'm not a woman because I like nail polish, dresses, or unicorns, and I'm not not a woman because I like video games, dragons, and nerd shit. I'm a woman because that's who I am, and once I realized that was "allowed" it was the only true way to say it. I'm not a feminine man and I never was, and while I don't think I'm a particularly masculine woman, I didn't think "looking girly stuff" or "liking manly stuff" is ever going to define who you are. If you honestly don't know who you are, I can see it helping you figure it out, but if you are comfortable being who you are, you don't need to change it.

  • Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? (Edit: No, she is not gaslighting me, but may have some other issues.)
  • I was thinking the same thing.

    She asked me to murder someone. You know, couples stuff.

  • yikes rule
  • Whaaaaat!? Grooming? But Humbert isn't trans? This is just normal behavior, it only becomes wrong when you are already a persecuted minority.

    /s obvs

  • yikes rule
  • Points of Origin

    Okay, I think you need to be more specific? I really don't know what story you're referring to.

  • ghoti rule
  • I believe you. I meant more that it "won" conceptually than phonetically. To an American ear it sounds more like "aw" or "ah" than "o".

  • ghoti rule
  • Pretty sure "caught" won and "cot" lost in the caught-cot merger. I don't think most Americans would conceive of it as an "o" sound

  • week 1: top 7 comments get played in a random order, legal or not
  • White queen has to choose between meeting a king or a bear.

  • Squatters take London’s housing crisis into their own hands
  • It's totally illegal right up until it suddenly isn't squatting any more

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me people leave their homes?!

  • monster rule
  • Yeah, it's trans masc instead, but it did give us the very fun trans masc trans mask.

  • Gender-affirming surgeries are mostly performed on cisgender people: 'Bitter irony'
  • You're good, I just think it's worth saying out loud. There's probably plenty of parents who do think the Bible says it, even though it doesn't

  • Gender-affirming surgeries are mostly performed on cisgender people: 'Bitter irony'
  • What it actually says is not to lay with a man as you would with a woman. It's not about being gay, it's about topping!

  • Gender-affirming surgeries are mostly performed on cisgender people: 'Bitter irony'
  • The Hebrew Bible maybe, but it's pretty clearly outlined by Paul in the new testament that non-jewish Catholics definitely don't have to follow Jewish custom (and don't have to be circumcised in particular)

  • That's the rules

    An old fashioned scroll unfolds to read "The Game - you just lost it"
