Lotterys are usually paid out in annuities where you would get that amount over a period of 10-30 years. However, they also give a lump sum amount which is usually ~half the stated amount and after taxes you could expect to receive 1/3 the stated amount.
Still, it's generally best to take the lump sum unless you have very bad self control and would blow through the money.
I'm sure if I was the lottery winner I'd be salty in this scenario, but you only get half as a lump sum anyway, and having $1 billion taxed at roughly half is probably how it should be.
The thing that makes it painful is as OP said, all billionaires should be getting taxed like this, not just that one who can't exploit tax loopholes.
idk what's worse. the punchline of this joke, with pre-existing elites not being taxed, or the fact that someone could look at recieving 420 million, and find an excuse to get mad about it
I'm kind of surprised the USA taxes lottery winnings and I live in one of the heaviestly taxed countries. We don't tax lottery winning or other winnings from games of chance.
Only winnings from games where some skill is involved (like poker I believe) is taxed.
I can tell you what I would do with $424m, disappear. I'd still do good with most of it but I'm going to leave human society and go join a herd of elephants.