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Interested in rules
  • Grow up liberal in a conservative family and you'll get it


  • Interested in rules
  • It's designed that way!

  • Uhhhhhhh
  • Especially in this day and age when the menu is online and you can even order online and skip the drive through interaction entirely.

    I've gotten into the habit of knowing what I want before getting to the restaurant just because I am terrified of this happening to me

  • 4th rule
  • Tragedeigh

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • We're the family that gets kicked out of the Applebee's for having a very loud and emotional fight while some other family is trying to celebrate their kid's 8th birthday

  • Put em up
  • Nobody's going in there trying to insult or fight it.


  • Shigeru Miyamoto would like to hand over Nintendo to someone 'younger'
  • If I win the election, I'll make the Switch DS

    Idk how it'll work, but I'll figure it out

  • That erratic pulsating sensation on your legs after a brisk walk- what is it? And more questions
  • You might consider taking notes of things to bring up w/ your doctor. As someone who lives in the US, I gotta make the most out of every appointment lol. It certainly wouldn't hurt to try if you have health concerns.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • You forgot the golf argument they had towards the end

  • The constant negativity is killing me
  • Star wars fandom,

    Complaining about bad writing since 1977

  • Higher ground, indeed.
  • You'll regret both in a few years

  • Common printing questions
  • Yeah the filament I was given with it has clearly been sitting out for a long time and is covered in dust, I never really planned on using it.

  • I'm getting old
  • I like how you're getting downvoted because it kind of puts your point on display. I am by no means fond of the sequel trilogy, but I certainly agree that there is a generational preference based on which movies you grew up with.

  • I'm getting old
  • I know right? Fucking liberals.

  • What the rise of queer Republicans tells us about America
  • Not a big religion guy, but how the fuck is a "Jew for Jesus" different from a Christian?

  • Common printing questions
  • Honestly, I haven't even plugged it in, just looked at what model it was and saw it frequently got clowned on lol

  • Overturning Roe didn’t just cut off access. It sabotaged science, too.
  • My favorite part about this whole fiasco is watching the conservatives around me witness the shitstorm their leaders have brought about and acting like their unquestioning loyalty to those leaders didn't directly lead to our present situation

  • What the rise of queer Republicans tells us about America
  • I've never heard of this. Are we sure this is an actual thing?

  • What's the best ability for buffing Incarnon weapons?

    With the bug involving Xata's Whisper and the Devouring Attrition evolution for Incarnons being patched, as well as Eclipse being reworked, what is the best damage buff ability for the Zariman Incarnons?

    Minecraft is 50% off right now

    In other words, the full price of the game is $40.

    It only cost about $25 back when I bought it, inflation be crazy

    Anyone know a good mouse with a lot of side buttons, that isn't an MMO style?

    My Razer Naga Pro died and I'm absolutely not buying another one for what it costs. But I also can't seem to find a replacement with the same sort of layout this one had. I'll link a picture, but I'm essentially looking for a mouse that has a lot of side buttons but still has a place for me to rest my thumb without having to worry about accidentally pressing buttons. I don't really like 12 button MMO style mice for this reason, as I constantly feel like I'm going to accidentally press a button. Any suggestions are appreciated.

    Edit: I also want to note that I'm right handed, and I hate the feel of ambidextrous mice. I like being able to lay my hand on the mouse and know exactly where my fingers are supposed to go.

    How popular are custom shells for the n3dsXL?

    I'm trying to get my hands on a n3dsxl, and I've been wondering how common it is to replace the shells on them. I can't find a ton of custom options online, but I'd love to do something like the textured hylian shield shell Nintendo did for the n2dsXL.

    If not that, than at least something other than the plain colors they came in. Sure Nintendo did a lot of special edition releases but since I'm already burning a hole in my pocket trying to get a n3dsxl in half decent condition, buying one with the Hylian Gold or Super Famicom (or any other special edition for that matter) shell is out of the question.

    Question about side effects of region unlocking

    With 3ds/2ds prices still through the fucking roof, I have been looking at some Japanese models, since their price tags are slightly less crippling to look at. Unfortunately, I can't speak Japanese, and I haven't regularly used a 3ds since the release.of NSMB2, so id like to have it in English so I can navigate without googling everytime I need to get inside the settings. The issue is, this used to lock you out of a bunch of online features. My question is: with the end of online communication/gameplay, is this still something I need to worry about? I know game updates are normally gotten from the eShop, but is it possible to download the updates manually from something like hShop? What about software updates? (Do I need to install software updates at all since all they seem to do is try to break homebrew?)

    Razer Naga pro seemingly completely dead. Any suggestions or am I out of luck?

    I went to turn on my PC this morning and my mouse wasn't responding. I checked that it was plugged in, and it was, but the mouse's lights weren't coming on and Synapse didn't detect anything. I plugged in the wireless receiver and my computer detected that, but it still didn't affect the mouse itself. I tested the cord to make sure that wasn't the problem, and sure enough, it was able to power my Xbox controller with no issue. I could try to reinstall the drivers and/or synapse but I don't see how that would be helpful if I'm seemingly unable to connect my mouse to my computer. I also tried to reset the mouse using several different buttons/button combinations to no avail. I'll update this post to include anything else I've tried, but what suggestions, if any, do you have?

    Looking for a pro controller/handheld option. All suggestions appreciated.

    I had the 8bitduo Ultimate and I loved it, though it was a little awkward to hold at first as I was more used to the slanted handle design of an Xbox controller. Unfortunately, I think I must have left it somewhere in public leading to it being stolen, as I haven't seen it in a few months in spite of constantly looking for it. (Fucking ADHD, man) I was also already in the market for a second one as I have a younger sibling who enjoys playing with me, and her current controller isn't winning any awards (powerA). I also wouldn't mind something more comfortable to use in handheld mode. I had a Hori Split Pad pro, but I did not like it at all. The controllers felt cheap and hollow, they drained the switch's already poor battery life even faster, and one half quit working after like a month.

    With that out of the way, I've looked at a few options:

    I could get another 8bitduo Ultimate, and I definitely might, but I'm curious if there are other, more comfortable options available.

    I've looked at the Gulikit King Kong 2 (and 2 pro) controllers, and they seem great on paper, but I've read a lot of reviews claiming they're prone to hardware failure in some form or another.

    Lastly, I've seen a lot on the Nyxi Wizard. It's newer, so I don't know that there's any long-term reviews available, and I don't know how comfortable the GameCube layout is for most games, but I've read that in terms of quality it seems great, plus it has the benefit of being a joycon substitute.

    Last lastly: Another thing I want to consider is whether I should get a joycon substitute, or get a console mount for a pro controller. I've heard a lot of good things about the Fixture S2 (i have an OLED) but I've also read that it tends to break with extended use.

    What is the best style electrical outlet?

    This is a debate, not an argument, let's be adults about this. [Insert political joke]

    Need a USBC to USBC/3.5mm jack splitter

    Bought a pair of Sennheiser 560s for my computer but I'd like something to plug them into my phone. Of course, my phone doesn't have a headphone jack (fuck you Google) so I need an adapter. I'd prefer one that allows me to charge and plug my headphones in at the same time, but I can't find one that seems decent quality. Any help appreciated

    Is hydroid better than Khora now?

    Since his tentacles hold enemies still now, wouldn't he be better than Khora? I suggest this because his pilfering tentacles augment has higher stats than Khora's pilfering swarm.

    Is there a community for finding communities?

    I always think of small communities id like to be a part of, but can never find any. Reddit had (has) the same issue, leading people to create subreddits around the idea of helping others find communities to fit their interests. Idk thought it would be cool but I don't have the capabilities to do it myself.

    Purchase Advice

    Looking for headphones for use at my computer. Primarily for gaming but also music. Lots of people online recommend the Sennheiser HD 560s but I figured I'd ask to see if there's anything else worth looking at. I think I want open backs since I'll primarily use them at my desk by myself.

    My criteria are: -Decent price (around $200 or less) -Option for microphone attachment (also looking for recommendations there)

    If I were to go with the HD560s, would I need an amp to take full advantage of them? If so, I would also like recommendations for that too, as I don't really know anything about them. Any other advice you could give me would be very beneficial. I'm new to the audiophile scene and don't have a ton to spend on the best of the best in gear. Thanks!

    BudgetAudiophile JusticeForPorygon
    Purchase Advice

    Looking for headphones for use at my computer. Primarily for gaming but also music. Lots of people online recommend the Sennheiser HD 560s but I figured I'd ask to see if there's anything else worth looking at. I think I want open backs since I'll primarily use them at my desk by myself.

    My criteria are: -Decent price (around $200 or less) -Option for microphone attachment (also looking for recommendations there)

    If I were to go with the HD560s, would I need an amp to take full advantage of them? If so, I would also like recommendations for that too, as I don't really know anything about them. Any other advice you could give me would be very beneficial. I'm new to the audiophile scene and don't have a ton to spend on the best of the best in gear. Thanks!

    Who is the cruelest fictional villain?

    I'm not just talking cruelty in terms of their goals, but also how they went about achieving their goals

    Is it unethical to troll arrogant people?

    I've been on a mini quest to try and get my Twitter account banned without doing anything strictly against the ToS and my first idea was to start messing with people who say something completely untrue, then refuse to back down under any circumstances. But that got me thinking, is it okay? I'm not outright insulting/cyber bullying them, more just arguing with them with a little bit of sarcasm.

    looking for something to store photos digitally.

    Definitely not the right place for this, but I'm yet to find the right place. I need an SSD/HDD that can store about 10 years worth of family photo and video. I was looking at that Samsung rugged SSD, but it's a little above my price range right now. I'e like to have at least a terabyte for future photos so I don't have to worry about this again for a while. Any reliable options?

    JusticeForPorygon JusticeForPorygon
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