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On June 8th, a Su-57 multi-purpose fighter was hit at the Akhtubinsk airfield in the Astrakhan region of Russia, 589km from the front line.
  • Just to add to this, every plane is vulnerable while on the ground. It doesn't really matter how stealth an aircraft is if your bombarding the hanger they're in with artillery.

    But Russia doesn't even really bother with hangers. This plane was just out in the open, on the fucking tarmac, for God, observers, satellites, and anyone else who cared to see. Even stretching a fucking tent over the aircraft would have at least introduced a certain amount of guesswork to the strike. But no, Russia put "the pride of their airforce" out there for everyone to see and paid the price for it.

  • Greater Idaho movement: 13 counties in eastern Oregon have voted to secede and join Idaho
  • It's been a while since I've looked at this but not only is such an arrangement impossible without federal input (as the comment from tal states) but I seem to recall seeing that a lot of the counties looking to join the greater Idaho thing are some of the ones most dependent on the Oregon state government for funding. If they did manage to leave then it'd actually probably be a net boon for Oregon in terms of state resources going to places where people actually live.

    The resultant Greater Idaho though? Suddenly saddled with a bunch of counties that need a lot of help to maintain services and seemingly a general political attitude of the government shouldn't help people. In my personal opinion it'd turn pretty fucking distopian pretty quick, that is of course assuming that they could somehow get Oregon, Idaho and the federal government to agree to their scheme. I don't think it's going to happen, even if they can get some counties to sign off on it. But if they did the people of those same counties would likely come to regret it not long afterwards.

    Also just as a brief note I think my information on this is like more than a year old and I don't think I could find it again to to quote it. So if someone has better/more up to date info that negates anything I've said feel free to post it.

  • Not Asking
  • Those who believe in conspiracy theories have become our conservative party. Some (myself included) would argue they've always been there or that that's always been the nature of the republican party. But the important thing here in the modern day is that the conspiracy theorists now control half of the country's political system.

    I'm personally of the opinion that conspiracy theory is the result of a fundamental unwillingness or inability to engage with reality. If that is the case then why on earth would you choose to believe in climate change? It's scary, and an existential threat to humanity if it's taken seriously. Besides, theres a lot of money to be made burning the planet.

    I think at the end of the day that's what the American right's denial of climate change boils down to. Everyone in that party participates in some way in denying reality in favor of a collective fantasy. What's one more denial?

  • It's official: Evernote will restrict free users to 50 notes | TechCrunch
  • That's not a dumb question. Of the ones you listed I've only ever used Obsidian and Notepad++. I'm not sure notepad++ can do that, but Obsidian can I think. Obsidian has a core plugin (expansions made and supported by the developers that ship with the program by default) that allows for audio recording and embedding in your notes. I think that by default you have to go and turn it on in settings, but once you've done that you should be good to go.

  • Fox News Left Shell Shocked by Dems’ Election Night Romp
  • While the other cable news networks stuck with live special coverage for the rest of the evening, Fox News decided that its audience needed a break from the deflating electoral results for conservatives. After Hannity signed off at 10 p.m., Fox aired its regularly scheduled broadcast of “comedy” show Gutfeld!, which was pre-taped and didn’t make any mention of the elections.

    Gutfeld acting as a conservative american "swan lake" might be the saddest thing I've heard all day.

  • I Don't Believe This Weekend's Scary Poll Numbers
  • Shit, after 2016 I just stopped paying attention to polls all together. I veiwed them as flawed even before 2016. After? Shit man I might not even be living in a democracy tomorrow, a pollsters opinion on who might win an election a year from now is interesting but post 2016 it's something I refuse to loose sleep over.

  • Matt Gaetz files motion to oust Kevin McCarthy as House speaker
  • Plus, would the rule remain that it only takes one house member to initiate a vote to expel the speaker? If so then that's all they'd be doing. I mean I'd say fuck it, if yall can swing it give a shot, I just think that dems fucking with the republicans heads by backing McCarthy is more likely.

  • Matt Gaetz files motion to oust Kevin McCarthy as House speaker
  • If McCarthy survives with democrats help than I think it solidifies the idea of an intraparty split between what used to be called establishment republicans and the hard right. For my part I think the republican party is causing real and actual harm to the nation and to the world at large. If this breaks their coalition and gets them to fight amongst themselves then great. Aside from that I don't really care all that much.

  • MAGA rages over report Pentagon exempting Ukraine from government shutdown
  • I'm kinda more in this camp. I think Russia and the GOP are working together (kinda hard to live through 2016 without believing that on some level) but does that mean that Russian intelligence has "flipped" the GOP? I don't think so.

    I think it's more of a convergent goals kinda situation. I think one of the things that the GOP wants to do to American politics is turn it into a open moneymaking venture. Not saying that it isn't defacto already there, but it is still looked down upon and technically criminal behavior to accept bribes and the like. Matters of enforcement aside.

    Not only is that kind of blatent corruption already prevalent in Russian politics, Russia for there part would love a united states that they could just bribe to get off their back. The GOP is trying to comodify American politics and by consequence American power abroad and Russia is looking to be their number one customer.

    Does that mean that Trump gets marching orders daily from Putin? No, probably not. There's probably some level of communication between them, but I doubt any of that takes the form of any kind of directives or anything.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Eh, I'm sure it's just a matter of time. As people have said above the infinite free money is drying up. That's a fact that all these corporations have to contend with. The only difference between Twitter and Facebook or Unity and Google is that Twitter and Unity have made their dumb decisions already. Facebook, Google, and others have navigated this fairly well so far. But they are feeling the same pressures that Reddit and Unity did and eventually they will bend to them too.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Obviously not a lawyer, but I'm not 100% certain that the billing terms would stand up to legal scrutiny. It's been kinda hard to keep up with this story so my apologies if any of this is wrong, but I believe that they said they were wanting to use an "aggregate proprietary model" to determine downloads. What that basically means (I think) is "we'll tell you how much you have to pay us but we can't independently justify any individual charge".

    Again, I'm not a lawyer, and I don't know of anything off the top of my head that'd make that illegal, but it also doesn't really feel like it'd square with how things work. I mean if companies could just make up a number and say you owe them that much without being able to say why or whether or not that number comports in any way with reality, then what's stopping every company from doing that? What's stopping a magazine for example from coming back to you and saying "Yes, you paid us for the magazine. But our proprietary aggregate model that totally reflects reality promise tm suggests that you might have shown that magazine to two or three other people after you purchased it from us. So that means you have to pay us three instances of the review licence fee."?

    I don't know. Obviously this is all scuzzy and morally wrong. It's just that even factoring in that this is a subscription service and that they are a corporation with an army of lawyers who'll likely win any challenge to it, I can't really shake the feeling that there's something fundamentally legally wrong about that aspect of it in particular that wouldn't hold up in court. Even for them.

  • Ok so I have to ask

    I broadly speaking understand what breadtube is, and I've followed a fair few youtube channels that were part of it. But I've never understood why it's called "bread"tube. Does anyone know where that name comes from?

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