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  • people have been calling literal pathfinding algorithms in video games AI for decades. This is what AI is now and I think it's going to be significantly easier to just accept this and clarify when talking about actual intelligence than trying to fight the already established language.

  • Rule
  • no that's pretty much it. I was just making a joke over the fact that people love to hate on knowyourmeme, so maybe i should warn them before they accidentally visit the site they hate so much.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 23rd
  • The Talos Principle 2 dropped an expansion out of nowhere. It hasn't even been a year since the game released! The puzzles so far are really creative and cool, and of course it wouldn't be The Talos Principle without a healthy dose of philosophizing about the human condition!

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 23rd
  • absolutely! Genshin is actually a surprisingly good game as a f2p player! If you're having a lot of fun with it, I'd highly recommend checking Honkai: Star Rail! It's somehow even more f2p friendly, and it's clear they learned a LOT from Genshin when making it. It is a linear turn-based RPG though, so quite a different game from Genshin.

  • You control the children you created (the sims)
  • Haha not quite, it's Monster Hunter

    the core gameplay loop is kill monster -> craft stronger equipment out of its corpse -> kill stronger monster -> repeat, and eventually you're killing these things just because the armor they make looks so good.

  • Monster Hunter Wilds - 2nd Trailer: The Hunter's Journey
  • The new monsters are so incredibly wild! I also love how much effort they're clearly putting into these monsters! We saw it a bit in world when some monsters got new moves in their nests, but the way these monsters are interacting with their environment is next level!

  • What are your favourite moments in videogames?
  • In Monster Hunter World's iceborne expansion there's a monster called Brachydios. It's a giant blue monster that attacks by spreading explosive slime all over the arena and punching it to blow it up. In the postgame you can eventually fight a variant known as Raging Brachydios which is about twice as big and three times as agressive. For the most part it's almost the same as the normal Brachy fight, just significantly more intense. That is, until near the end of the fight.

    It should be noted that Monster Hunter games are hard. The base game is difficult. The expansions are even harder. The expansion post games? Brutal. Raging Brachydios is one of the most difficult fights I've ever had in a video game, only topped by the monsters that follow it in the same game. (soloing Fatalis is probably my greatest video game achievement of all time.)

    So you've been stuck with this beast for about 20 minutes now, slowly wearing it down. You're probably on your last life and you've burned through enough healing items to last you the entire base game. Finally this thing runs away, and you can tell you're nearing the end. You sharpen your weapon one last time and follow the monster into that volcanic cavern.

    Suddenly, it lets out a bellowing roar and starts rapidly punching the ground! Slime is flying everywhere and the entire room seems to heat up. You notice a message on the side of your screen: "Oh no! The entrance has been blocked off! Looks like you can't use certain items!". the Brachydios has sealed off your exits and disabled your traps and fast travel items. There is no running away. There is no capturing this thing. Neither of you are leaving this room until one of you is dead. You can tell Brachydios is getting desperate. It's flailing wildly, throwing slime everywhere with none of the precision and technique it had before. It has recognized you as a serious threat and it does not want to die.

    Eventually however, you triumph! The beast belts out one final roar and falls over dead. Exhausted, you take a moment to recover from that grueling fight and from its corpse you tear your well earned prize! Two ebonshell and a warhead. Looks like you're gonna have to murder another couple dozen of these things for that immortal reactor. Happy hunting!

  • The Indie Chat & Recommendation Thread
  • AI War 1 & 2 are both great and unique space RTS games. These games place you in the role of the last vestiges of humanity attempting to fight back against a galaxy spanning AI empire. You're tasked with covertly taking down the rogue AI without letting them realize you're a real threat, lest they bring the full might of their fleets down upon you.

    Creeper World is a series of tower defense games with a unique twist: the enemy is a liquid! You'll have to use a variety of weapons and tools to fight back against the literal tide of creeper. The third game is my personal favourite, though they're all awesome.

    Mosa Lina is self described as "a hostile interpretation of the immersive sim". This game is chaos incarnate. Every level you are given a random set of tools and must touch or destroy all fruit and make it to the goal. Some levels will not be possible. Failure is expected. You can do some prettt cool things with a spear and a phaser though.

  • What are some of your favorite JRPG worlds?
  • I'll always be a sucker for the xenoblade chronicles worlds, just because the concept of living on unimaginably massive titans is so incredibly cool. I seriously struggled to enjoy the first one but just looking up and seeing the mechonis on the horizon and knowing that giant was practically a whole other world kept me glued to the game regardless.

  • Knowledge Based Rules

    Outer Wilds changed my life then Tunic changed it again

    Edit: Game Recommendations by the people in the comments:

    • Disco Elysium -
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance -
    • Fez -,,
    • I Was a Teenage Exocolonist -
    • Noita -,,
    • The Witness -
    • Lingo -
    • Bad End Theater -
    • Celeste -
    • Fear & Hunger -
    • minit -
    • The Forgotten City -,,
    • Deathloop -
    • The Soulsborne games -
    • Void Stranger -
    • Baba Is You -
    • Roguelikes as a genre -
    • The Long Dark -
    • Who's Lila? -
    • Cultist Simulator -
    • Sorcery! -

    And some game recommendations by me to add on to the post:

    • Taiji
      • A 2D puzzle game where you slowly unravel how to solve each different element of the puzzles, eventually culminating in a massive puzzle gauntlet. Basically identical in concept and execution to The Witness, but still very much its own unique and fun game.
    • The Golden Idol
      • A puzzle game where each level you must examine a scene to figure out exactly what happened, eventually piecing together the full story over several levels. Don't let the art style put you off, it's an incredibly well done game. Most similar to Return of the Obra Dinn in concept.
    • Stories: The Path of Destinies
      • an action RPG with a branching choice-driven storyline, but not every story has a happy ending... You'll piece together the true story over multiple playthroughs and eventually find the one true path. It wasn't a particularly life-changing game but it was still a lot of fun and worth checking out if it sounds interesting!
    Hyrule Warriors - Title & Dragon
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    World's biggest Monster Hunter fan

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