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Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier?
  • Xenophobia and racism, mostly. And yes, it's a solution to the aging demographic crisis many countries face (at least in the medium-term).

    I remember seeing a video of a presentation back in the Bush years by some neo-con group that advocated for immigration to Pentagon or DoD officials or something. The argument for immigration was mostly the same: we have an aging population, so we could integrate immigrants (who are statistically younger) to solve this issue. I didn't agree much with the broader idea of the presentation though. The broader idea was that there were still some parts of the world not a part of the global U.S.-led hegemony (mostly the middle-east and Africa), and we must spread democracy and capitalism to them. The argument was that globalism/capitalism ensures peace, and that both WWI and WWII happened because globalism was falling apart shortly before those wars. So, to ensure world peace, we need to globalize the entire earth and bring all countries into the the U.S.-led hegemony, even if that means starting wars to spread democracy, lol.

  • Holy voting choices!
  • Kamala isn't very likeable, and I saw a recent interview (about Biden's debate performance) where she acted pretty unhinged. She talked at Anderson Cooper like he was a child, had a wierd speech cadence, and smiled psychotically.

    Only thing I know about her is she was a DA and prosecuted a lot of people for cannabis.

    I'm actually not sure if she'd have a better chance at winning than Biden.

    If, somehow, Biden wins, I'd bet she'd be president soon after. Rumors are Biden's sundowning, and isn't very coherent after 3pm. That's only going to get worse, forcing him to step-down (or one would hope).

    Harris would probably be a status-quo (i.e. actual conservative) president. Not good, but not as bad as a fascist president.

  • Context
  • I don't think Trump thought he would win, so he was unprepared, and he had some of the most incompetent people possible around him. He and the people around him will be prepared this time. A plan has already been drafted (Project 2025) by, presumably, intelligent people at right-wing think-tanks. Also, his rhetoric has changed, becoming similar to other historical and current dictators, and his "policies" have become more fascist (e.g. rounding up 11 million people in the U.S. for detention and forcible relocation).

    Furthermore, while he was president, he did do some pretty dictator-like things. He had federal officers in unmarked vans abduct protestors with bags over their heads. He had the US Marshals assassinate Michael Reinoehl. He tried to get election results changed. And he tried a coup.

    I think his, and his future administration's goal will be to establish a one-party-rule, similar to Russia's, with a more christofascist flavor. His and his family's personal goals will be to enrich themselves by selling-out the state, and the christofascist stuff just provides them with the coalition they need to do so.

  • Explaining software development methods by flying to Mars
  • I don't understand the Scrum one. Scrum is also agile with short development cycles, and prioritizes communication with the product owners and stakeholders.

    I've never heard of lean development, but not a fan of "lean manufacturing," at least not the way it's commonly implemented in the U.S. (using primarily temp workers so they can ramp up and down their workforce as needed; and it also exacerbates supply-chain problems).

  • You can fit two cars there
  • Some of it has to do with CAFE standards using vehicle footprint to determine the target MPG. Some of it is because of better safety standards. Some of it is just because that's what a certain portion of the market wants, and the profit margins on the large vehicles are higher, so they spend more money marketing them (creating more demand).

  • You can fit two cars there
  • That's not true. Kei trucks have comparably low load and towing capacity. They have the same bed dimensions of the most common pickup truck bed size. Most people with trucks don't hail around stone or heavy machinery though.

  • AIPAC controlling everything...
  • I've never liked their videos. They do a lot of juvenile stuff, like mocking impressions, which is kind of grating to me. They've also been doing a lot of sus stuff lately, such as crime fearmongering, making a big deal about the term "birthing-persons," and running for president. Makes me think there's some amount of grift their doing.

  • ‘Too many old people’: A rural Pa. town reckons with population loss
  • Just listing reasons why small towns are shitholes... or at least that particular small town. People there are at a high risk of drug addiction because of "shit-life syndrome," (which is arguably caused by the low wages of the factories).

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • If you just want it for emergency purposes or irrigation, rain water harvesting can be fairly cheap and easy. Even a proper cistern, with a pump, and plumbed into your house is probably cheaper than whole-house off-grid solar. Probably want good filters for PFAS though.

  • ‘Too many old people’: A rural Pa. town reckons with population loss
  • The town I grew up in is in the middle of a cancer cluster. The largest factory (where most people work) got caught illegally dumping chemicals in the ground. They were just made to pay a relatively small fine. The corporation was threatening to move the plant somewhere else if it became too expensive to operate there, and all lawsuits were dismissed.

    That factory, and most other factories in the area primarily just hire "temp" workers that they keep as temps for years, never actually hire them full time, and pay them near minimum wage with no benefits. Many young people who do end up staying in that area become drug addicts and die in their 20s or 30s.

    There's a lot of corruption in the local government and police as well. The police harass anybody they don't like, and they know pretty much who everybody is and what they drive. A few people in government got caught embezzling money. A sheriff tried to frame somebody for murder. Also, I think the people in the courts have some kind of deal with the juvenile detention center, because they give kids very long sentences for minor things (6 months for being 10 minutes late to school while on probation in my case).

    Small towns, in my experience, are shitholes with corrupt and authoritarian local governments, and are exploited by corporations in ways similar to third-world countries.

  • Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough
  • I wonder what is the general use for the Mac Mini, MacBook Air, iMac, and MacBook Pro? People generally seem to do all the lightweight stuff like social media consumption on their phones; and desktops/laptops are used for the more heavy-weight stuff. The only reason I've ever used a Mac was for IOS development.

  • A reminder to love nature
  • The Earth has carrying capacity limits. I think we're probably over that, temporarily, mostly because of fossil fuels. We turn fossil fuels into energy and food, degrading that environment and decreasing the Earth's carrying capacity at the same time. It's like we're playing a game of Jinga to push population higher at the expense of our foundation.

    What happens when rich nations become poorer? The world's current predominant economic system cannot function without growth. What will the elites do to maintain the status quo? Perhaps push for banning abortion, contraceptives, and taking away women's rights and autonomy?

  • The ‘Climate Crisis’ Fades Out

    As the energy transition inches through the ‘issue attention’ cycle, a wiser approach should emerge.

    Growing corn?

    Any tips on growing corn in central Texas? Is it even practical? I sowed some corn in February, and they only grew 3ft. and looks like I might have a few very small corn cobs. The last time I tried to grow corn was in Ohio, and used the 3 sisters method, which worked pretty well. But idk wtf to do in central Texas.

    3 ‘We don’t have a democracy’: why some Oregonians want to join Idaho

    Proponents of the Greater Idaho movement have argued Democrats in Portland don’t understand their way of life

    ‘We don’t have a democracy’: why some Oregonians want to join Idaho
    48 Travis County DA faces removal attempt under Texas law targeting 'rogue' prosecutors

    A Travis County resident filed a petition to remove District Attorney José Garza from office. The effort comes a little over a month after Garza's landslide victory in March's Democratic primary.

    Travis County DA faces removal attempt under Texas law targeting 'rogue' prosecutors
    2 Mark Zuckerberg indicates Meta is spending billions of dollars on Nvidia AI chips

    Meta appears poised to spend billions of dollars by the end of this year on Nvidia's popular computer chips that are widely used for AI projects

    Mark Zuckerberg indicates Meta is spending billions of dollars on Nvidia AI chips

    Summary: Meta, led by CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is investing billions in Nvidia's H100 graphics cards to build a massive compute infrastructure for AI research and projects. By end of 2024, Meta aims to have 350,000 of these GPUs, with total expenditures potentially reaching $9 billion. This move is part of Meta's focus on developing artificial general intelligence (AGI), competing with firms like OpenAI and Google's DeepMind. The company's AI and computing investments are a key part of its 2024 budget, emphasizing AI as their largest investment area.

    Mount electric sub-panel over lapped hardie board siding?

    I'm out of room for breakers in my main breaker box, so would like to add 6-breaker sub-panel to install mini-splits, an outdoor electrical outlet, lighting, etc. What's the correct way to mount an exterior sub-panel on a house with lapped hardie-board siding?

    I suppose the easiest thing would be to drill holes in the siding then attach the panel with screws to a stud and the exterior sheathing, but I don't know if that's a proper way to do things.

    I also suppose I could somehow cut a rectangular hole in the siding and mount the subpanel directly on the sheathing. I'm not sure how to prevent water intrusion in that case (is some kind of flashing needed, or is just cock ok?). Seems like it would be hard to cut a clean rectangle in lapped fiber-cement siding on a vertical surface.

    Is there any commercial API that serves anything similar to DeepFloyd IF?

    I'm working on a prototype application, and for my use-case DeepFloyd IF gives me the best results by far. I was using, but the reliability and cold start times are unacceptable for my purposes (and DeepFloyd IF cannot be used in commercial products).

    I think what made IF so good for my use-case is that it starts by generating a very small image. I need images generated with a single subject taking up most of the image and minimal background. I think IF is biased to these kinds of images since it starts with a very small image.

    Currently using Dall-E 2, which is ok, but not nearly as good as IF. Stable Diffusion sometimes produces very weird images (haven't tried SD XL yet).

    Why does Fed raise rates in response to supply-side caused inflation?

    I recently read an article about OPEC, and how oil prices will likely rise for the next year or two. The article said this will cause a significant uptick in inflation indicators, so the Fed will likely raise rates.

    I can understand raising rates in response to monetary inflation, but it doesn't make much sense to me to raise rates in response to supply-side shocks. It also seems cruel since the goal seems to be to raise rates so more people become unemployed or underemployed so that can't afford to buy gas.

    Strange browser "back button" behavior?

    I'm seeing strange behavior when I click on a post, then click the "back button" in my browser. Sometimes if I'm on the "subscribed" tab, click on an article, then press back, it seems to show me "all" or "local" posts. Sometimes it shows me a different list if I'm on the "all" tab, click on a post, then press back. Same behavior on Firefox mobile and desktop version.

    Haven't went into in-depth testing, but I can't be the only one seeing this right?

    Guessing it's something to do with browser, CDN, or server-side cache?

    Would it make sense for a person in a "privileged class" to move from a red state?

    Trying to gauge if I'm going crazy or a little too much "online."

    I currently live in Texas, and moving has been on my mind a lot lately as the Republican party and Texas itself seems to be slowly moving toward fascism. I don't know when the slide toward fascism will stop, and how much more authoritarian the state will get. I do not feel very good about my tax dollars going to support this state.

    I am a middle-aged cishet white man; middle to upper middle class software engineer. I have leftist opinions (libsoc/ansoc), but I'm not an activist (I am very introverted, probably a little bit on the autism spectrum, and pretty much a hermit right now). I do seldom indulge in marijuana consumption, which is illegal here.

    I really don't have much tying me down here. I have no close friends, no family in the state, and no current romantic partners. Last year, I moved within the state for a job, but the company was bought out, and everyone was layed off. I have very high autonomy at my current job, and could probably work fully remote if I wanted. Moving would be expensive (I am in an upside-down mortgage), but I have enough savings to take the hit.

    I am personally feeling very isolated here (Texas suburb), at this point in my life, and am thinking about moving into some sort of intentional community (eco-village, cohousing, or land trust; not a commune) in a blue state (or even in Canada if I could pull that off).

    Also, the weather in the last 2 years has been absolutely oppressive, and I have a hard time keeping anything alive in my veggie garden :)

    Am I being over dramatic? Should I just stick it out here, and try to rebuild my life in a state that doesn't align with my beliefs?

    Also, I've heard arguments that libs should stay or even move to red states, but I'm not convinced. The state rules with an iron fist, and pre-empts anything progressive Texas cities try to do. And the district I live in is already pretty solidly blue. Not to mention, red states put families that contain females or lbgt people in danger.

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