Why do capitalists support Trump when his policies will likely destroy the economy?
I'm a bit confused why capitalists support Trump when he plans on doing stuff that I think would destroy the economy. Thinking of mass deportations and high, broad tarrifs.
I'm not sure if:
They just don't care because they have enough wealth to weather anything.
They don't think Trump will actually do these things.
They're dumb and think it won't hurt the economy.
They plan on trading wealth for more direct power. I.e. becoming oligarchs.
They have other ideologies (racism, Ayn Rand-ism, accelerationism, Dark Enlightenment, etc) that they prioritize higher than obtaining as much wealth as possible.
Or maybe some combination of the above, or something else entirely.
Edit: by "capitalists," I mean the "elite" like Musk and his other billionaire donors. But I guess it's a good question for smaller donors as well.
Why did many powerful and rich people support Brexit? Crises shake up existing ownership structures, e.g. people sell houses and companies for lower than usual to cover rising costs. If your investments are spread out globally, you'll be able to invest at these cheap low points, giving you a massive boost once the economy comes back.
Just look at home ownership since the mortgage crisis - so much wealth was transferred up, and it happens again and again.
More or less, a mix depending on which part of his base you're referring to. For his wealthy campaign backers, most likely point 4.
Because it's a matter of power to them first and foremost, the capital class will tolerate the economy crashing as long as it hurts you more than it hurts them. If anything, the economy crashing (so long as we don't see total collapse) merely presents an opportunity to buy up the remaining pieces to add into their portfolios.
We already have a precedent of "too big to fail", so Congress will just bail out the largest players anyways to all-but ensure this is the way things end up going.
The poor and middle class are stupid. Inflation got out of hand all over the world and profits went up faster than they did under Trump because companies were screwing us.
Businesses will be overall happy with the new regime because they can ignore more regs (better margins), fire workers more easily, merge and buyout competitors easier, and take advantage of more slave (i.e. prison) labor.
Anything bad that happens will either be framed as Bidens fault or the price of getting our finances in order.
Capitalists are parasites who feed off of crises. Look no further than the COVID-19 pandemic, where the economy faltered and yet the ultra wealthy made record profits. These are not sane people interested in long-term sustainability, they're egotistical psychopaths addicted to gambling, and their tokens are human lives.
It's important to know that Capitalists support both the Democrats and the Republicans. Many donate to both, even. What's important is to analyze what Trump offers that Harris didn't.
Decreased taxation on higher tax brackets. Plain and simple.
High tarrifs on goods from China, as a means to combat the PRC's rising influence globally and ideally force development of US industry. Marco Rubio is especially warhawk-ish about the PRC, which ties into the US Navy's plan to be ready for a hypothetical war with the PRC by 2027
Austerity politics. Trump is slated to take a similar approach to Javier Milei and dramatically cut back on government spending, in many ways by selling publicly owned assets to private interests.
Strong anti-immigration rhetoric endangers undocumented workers, which means the Capitalists can leverage this fear to pay them even lower wages under the table. Instead of paying foreign workers microscopic wages traditionally and paying hefty transportation costs, they can have a super-exploited underclass domestically.
The important note about Capitalism, and by extension Imperialism, is that it starts to suffocate itself as it ages. The Tendency for the Rate of Profit to Fall is only able to be fought through expansion or centralization, to raise the absolute profit margins, and this sell-off of government assets is one of the most effective ways to do so.
Now, more than ever, is a great time to start reading theory. I made an introductory Marxist reading list if you want to check it out! Feel free to leave feedback.
Another one is that they think they can manipulate or bribe him into exempting their interests or targeting their competitors.
There's also the true believers who fell deep into the cult and accept whatever Trump says as their current truth so economics isn't really a consideration for them now.
I do think most of them don't really believe him yet and won't until he actually starts implementing the tariffs and rounding up immigrants. Then we get to watch them freak out while the economy crashes yet again.
A lot of them are motivated by power more than anything else. They want to feel superior and get off on the misery of others. They'd rather have a bigger slice of a smaller cake, even if the smaller slice of the bigger cake would be objectively larger.
Should be a known by all by now that capitalists are incapable of long-term thinking. They worry about the money right now. Can they make more next quarter? Well if yes then who cares about 10 quarters from now.
Besides, it's not necessarily true that capitalists can't prosper if the rest of us have a shitty economy. As long as the economy works for just them. When they say make America great again they're not talking about the 50s, they're talking about the Gilded Age.
Every modern "capitalist" is just a wanton neo-feudalist. They don't want to compete with other capitalists; they want to be feudal lords from whom the peasants (and capitalists) must rent their tools and resources and pay forever; they want the government to cement their fiefdoms forever.
it's the root-understanding of EVERYTHING happening in our world, now:
There are 2 mind-systems:
He calls them "system 1" & "system 2", but that requires everybody to already-know what context he's meaning,
which is delusional!
I call 'em Kahneman1 & Kahneman2.
Kahneman1-mind is imprint->reaction mind, aka ideology/prejudice/religion/programming mind.
It is identity-tied, & it is immune-to-falsification, it is default-mind.
Kahneman2-mind is considered reasoning mind, & it isn't default.
Kahneman1-mind is simply fighting-off/destroying .. Kahneman2-mind's violation of total-Kahneman1-mind dominion.
ie ideology-with-no-thinking-left world, is what's going to be ruling everything, in a few years.
( which makes this-species surviving ClimatePunctuation .. unlikely,
so The Great Filter will probably have only silence on this world, next century )
It's ideology.
Reasoning's disallowed by Kahneman1-mind.
Any time that facts, evidence, considered-reasoning threatens to be needed, Kahneman1-mind substitutes more-convenient "answers" for the imposed questions, to prevent considered-reasoning from having any say .. and right-there's your answer.
Their identity is anti-civil-rights, anti-"below-their-class" lives,
THEREFORE they automatically feel-need to destroy what offends them: by existing, by presuming-validity, etc..
Earlier-today I encountered my 1st Trump-cult "of course she isn't qualified: she's a woman! Trump is qualified. Trump rightly won." prejudice..
Anybody who can carve it in G-D's eye that Kamala Harris is "unqualified", after she utterly-trounced Trump in a debate, from what I'd been told, is living in imprint->reaction-mind, Kahneman1-mind, ideology/prejudice/religion/programming mind.
There is no point in trying to reason with it.
It'll either succeed in exterminating all "others", butchering-off all lives in its way,
XOR it'll, itself ( ideology/prejudice/"religion" exterminating considered-reasoning ) be exterminated from ruling our world.
IF ideology/prejudice/"religion" wins, THEN there won't be ANY humankind next century.
IF considered-reasoning wins, THEN there won't be any ideology/prejudice/"religion" ruling this world, anywhere, next century, & I expect that maybe even a 100 million survivors might live..
I DON'T expect the tantrum/pogrom to be instant ( nuclear-incineration for all ), rather it'll be a grinding war-of-attrition, as the idiotic unconscious-at-the-wheel Left continues relying on its assumed-win & its making-believing, losing country after country, & the narcissistic/machiavellian/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty ideologues keep using what they've gained to gain more,
until finally, in .. 2040 or so, total global pogrom/tantrum can get going, & keep grinding until there's nothing left alive.
So, I expect that between now & 2031, political opportunism & regional wars will be dominant,
but it won't be until the 2031-2039-ish period when the world will be carved into totalitarian empires, where ONLY ideology/prejudice/programming/"religion" exists, vs .. the helpless remnants of NATO ( which Trump'll gut before then, as he sides with Putin, his backer-for-decades )..
So, now until 2031, political carving up the world, some limited wars, ideological butchery, extinguishment of civil-rights..
2031 until 2039-40-ish, literally carving-up-the-world into empires ( 3 major ones, Trump-backed Russia, CCP, & Saudi ), with Modi's Hindutva India being turned into hamburger by China, & becoming property, like all of Asia, of China's Communist Party..
East Europe'll be Russian Empire property ( which'll be just a puppet of China, tbh ),
& Middle-East & Africa'll be Saudi empire..
South America? China's been investing in highjacking it, & the US has been investing in bullying & subjugating it, so I'm assuming it'll go with China.
US's Civil War Part2 should be in simmering-mode until 2031, then in WHITE-REPUBLICAN-EXTERMINATION-OF-"OTHERS" mode from then on ( which is why the 3 big-empires get to own most of the world simultaneously..
then once the US's butchered, all it takes is 1 calendar-convenient natural-catastrophe to hit the US, & .. suddenly .. it obliges ALL the enemies of the West to launch EVERYTHING THEY'VE GOT, IMMEDIATELY, which should happen in 2039 or 2040 or something.. ( not before 2039, I don't believe, could be a few years later: it'd have to be BIG, like a Canary Island being "sat on" by a cyclone/hurricane, & then when the hurricane had saturated all the rock, lubricating the interlocking-pieces-of-lava that the whole island's made-of, then the storm's moving SHOVES the island, until it collapses, shoving cubic-km of Atlantic at the Eastern Seaboard of North America,
which would "chop off" the entire East Coast, "in a single hour", to use the Christians' bible's term, from their Rev.. )
IF that happens, & I consider it inevitable, as we've multiplied the chaos-in-this-planet's-climate significantly, so it MUST happen sooner-or-later .. THEN .. the military-strategic obligation of all enemies overrides everything: they MUST strike, immediately.
That's the beginning of the decades-long-grinding war-of-attrition that will reduce humankind by .. 2 orders or magnitude? more? or extinguish our kind, completely..
All for sake of imprint->reaction mind, for sake of ideology/prejudice/"religion"/REACTION's ruling..
Fighting-off considered-reasoning is what it wants, to return to the "grace" of Mere-beast-Not-responsible-No-moral-anxiety living, REACTION'S rule..
where the alpha-bull is the alpha-bull, where cows are mere-cows, & where NO-one ever threatens animal-reaction with ANY considered-reasoning..
That is the "heaven" that unconscious-ignorance is trying to (re-)enforce globally..
If you haven't spent decades studying human unconscious, that may look ludicrous, in spite of the successful-highjacking-of the US, Romania, etc..
but the evidence that humankind's just enacting, in glacial-slow-motion, its unconsciousness-ignorance-process, is kinda obvious, once one gets the hang of seeing it..
Here's an example which cuts through appearances, showing what's really going-on, but mainstream/establishment won't accept the evidence, & they just deem me/all who point this up to be nonvalid..
Girls who were in girls-schools, who later end-up in mixed-schools, consistently have commented on how the always-in-mixed-schools girls were cowed, how they'd been pushed into learned-helplessness, how they wouldn't even try to participate-as-equals in class: male-bullying had already extinguished that from their lives.
Young-women who ended up in girls-universities have consistently commented on their initial-disappointment, then within a week or 2, their ELATION at BEING ALLOWED TO LEARN, instead of just being crushed under male-sexual-pressure..
Women who, as girls, had their dads prohibit that there was any "women's work" in the house, uprightly sharing in all housework, ARE having likelihood of self-employment, BUT women whose dads were unshakable that housework was "women's work" .. NEVER become entrepreneurs..
Women who ended up successful entrepreneurs while young .. don't measure potential-mate-value through social-position/status, instead judging potential-mate-value through fitness, same as the way we guys judge potential-mates..
so, it isn't that women "inherently" use males to "status climb",
rather: women who've been bullied from validity all their lives, THOSE women judge partner-value by their "status", whereas women who've been honestly/acutally ALLOWED their own validity & accomplishment .. don't judge mates by status
When one puts all these together, then the cowed/insecure condition FORCED INTO WOMEN, GLOBALLY, by male-bullying, becomes .. planet-scale abomination-against-LivingPotential that G-D put in them, & male-culture obliterated, for .. literally many-millenia.
Now here's the kicker:
Go look at some images of dominatrixes..
You'll notice a spectacularly-improbable likelihood of there being jaquard wallpaper in their homes, with higher-class status-symbols repeating on it..
That isn't conscious.
That is their unconscious projecting class-status-symbols throughout their homes, to comfort their unconscious, after having been bullied as class-nonvalid because of being female, all their lives.
Once you see it, it's impossible to unsee.
All that class-climbing trappings, all the ornate class-declaration-"finery": it's all compensating for male-bullying throughout their entire lives..
So, unconscious-mind's profoundly simple, & projects, cleanly & openly, because throwing-symbols-around is how it comforts itself..
It's THAT simple in its "reasoning".
So, if you do that experiment, & see with your own eyes, the unconscious-throwing-class-status-symbols-around to-comfort-its-unconscious-symbol-EMBODIED-Kahneman1-feelings,
& you understand that that imprint->reaction mechanism .. which rejects thinking, which displaces thinking, is a real population-wide, species-wide force,
& you begin understanding what Kahneman was saying, in his book,
THEN it becomes clear that humankind actually is fighting-off considered-reasoning, killing it off, exterminating-it-from-world, so that imprint->reaction can be the ONLY mind ruling, & therefore animal-dominance, dominant-herd, bulling-wins-all, no-thinking, no-diversity, no-complexity, no-moral-anxiety CURRENTS that we're now seeing take-over .. are just the beginning of humankind's species-equivalent-to-Puberty..
Inescapable, fatal if indulged-in as a means of irresponsible-butchery ( technology multiplies puberty with "cars" & "guns", it multiplies our species-equivalent with "biowar" & "armies" & "cyberwar", equivalently ), & permanent.