Sometimes I'm actually really glad the quiverfull people and the jihadist muslims have invented a bunch of nonsense to keep them from realizing how much of the same page they're all on....
TBH, i can't tell the difference between right wing religious fundamentalists anymore. He could be one of those crazy christian cultists, mormon, one of the religous fundamentalist muslim sects or some other religion i don't care to know about.
This sounds so extreme it plays like a parody post, or satire.
Hell, I know what hand-washing clothing is like (had to do it myself during a few dirt-poor spates in early adulthood), and clothes come out much cleaner with even a half-decent machine than with pretty much any amount of hand-cleaning.
Washing machines took off in popularity not only because they were labour-saving devices, freeing up people to do other things, but also because they did the job much better than doing it by hand.
I assume the point is the machine is taking time away from your more important wifely duties like managing the estates and you should leave the husband to handle clothes washing, no matter how fun the washing machine is to play with.
I sympathise though. Ever since most washing machines run Arch, who wouldn't want to play around washing their husband's clothes with it? But for the traditional woman, a lawnmower running Gentoo is more of a demonstration of your unfailing love expressed through hard work.