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I'm Conflicted
  • and super invasive of customer privacy (their privacy claims are "only we will know everything about you" which is creepy AF)

    Completely false. If you enable advanced data encryption, your iCloud data is encrypted such that even Apple cannot access it.

    Which is why they introduced Legacy Contacts for next of kin… if someone with an iPhone dies, and their relatives want access to the deceased’s data but no-one knows the phone passcode or the iCloud credentials and don’t have legacy access, they can spend hundreds of millions of dollars suing Apple and Apple will be unable to provide access.

    As someone who has actually worked on a system like this in another capacity, it really does works as advertised.

  • Dying together: Why a happily married couple decided to stop living
  • My parents are reaching the same point, only with positions swapped - my father with dementia, my mother in incessant hip and other pain that has no cure. They are both researching options, frustrated that the Canadian MAID program offers neither a dementia option nor a couples option.

    And as their eldest, it is my duty of care to implement whatever choice they make. They took care of me in the beginning, I take care of them at the end. And choice is the most powerful gift I could possibly help them retain.

  • I'm Conflicted
  • I have a Pixel 4a (with Calyx) for a few years already (start of 2021)

    1. That’s just a little over three years ago.

    This is why I run with Apple. Because even though their repairability sucks even more than Android, they are built like tanks and they get six to seven years of full OS updates, and not just security patches.

    And the security patches continue for another year or two after that.

    Nothing else comes close. Sure, the big players in Android have now claimed five years of OS updates, but I was promised Android 13 with my Nokia 7.2, yet I am still on the original Android 11 that the phone came with - Nokia never even released 12, much less 13 for that model.

    I will believe these vendors once they are actually pushing Android v.X+5 to a phone that launched with v.X.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • If you want truly bulletproof clothing appliances and live in America, look up Speed Queen. They’re built to commercial standards and are trivially repairable. Many last for decades with only minor maintenance and upkeep.

    Unfortunately, Speed Queen not available outside of America. 😭 Or, at least, absolutely not available in Western Canada.

    I went with LG, as Bosch didn’t have the capacity I was looking for. Pretty happy with LG for both washer and dryer, four years and counting without a single issue. Would be nice if the front-loading washer came with an automatic dehumidifier, tho, as we have to leave the door open to avoid funky smells developing.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Depends on when it was produced.

    My 1998 HP 4050DTN is still going strong, an absolutely bulletproof beast of a machine. Plus, I can get extra-stuffed cartridges for it that can do 20,000 sheets at 5% coverage. Even after two degrees and a quarter century I am only on my third cartridge.

    My HP 5000DTN wide-format printer is much the same.

    Of course, this was years before the DRM enshittification path that HP started down, so there is that.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Depends on when it was produced.

    My 1998 HP 4050DTN is still going strong, an absolutely bulletproof beast of a machine. My HP 5000DTN wide-format printer is much the same.

    Of course, this was years before the DRM enshittification path that HP started down, so there is that.

  • MAID lawsuit shines spotlight on faith-based health organizations - Under 1995 agreement, B.C. allows organizations to withhold services that conflict with beliefs, values
  • If you provide a service, you should not be able to discriminate.

    Or, on other words,

    If your religion prevents you from doing your job, find a different job. If your religion prevents you from being a kind and decent person, find a different religion.

    And I would extend that to being “a merciful and empathetic person”, as well.

  • When the Diamonds of the Season Are Duds
  • By many metrics we have already passed 1.5℃ of warming, according to some as far back as five years ago.

    The only reason why politicians still punt that line is because the political benchmark for “passing the 1.5℃ mark” is to have twenty consecutive years past that point.

  • When the Diamonds of the Season Are Duds
  • You know how to do that? Eliminate the entire right-wing political structure. The regressives are virulently - and likely to be violently so, sooner than later - against science of any kind. Anti-reality theology is their poison of choice, and they will fight until dead to put that first.

  • When the Diamonds of the Season Are Duds
  • Except that capitalism’s lust for obscene quarterly profits will make the Parasite Class keep us on “business as usual” until the guillotines come out. Which is likely to be when 4-5℃ of warming is locked in, dooming most of humanity if not all of it.

  • Poisoned trees gave a wealthy couple in Maine a killer ocean view. Residents wonder, at what cost?
  • If the punishment for a crime is a set fine, then it is a law that targets only the poor; the wealthy will just pay that fine with the spare pennies at the bottom of their pocket as “a cost of doing business” and move on like nothing ever happened.

  • What's the piece of technology that has impacted the modern world the most?
  • Antibiotics.

    Their discovery and development is what has directly enabled our sudden rise from 2B to 8B humans in only about a century. Without antibiotics, we would likely still be under 3B humans world-wide. Yes, disease really did kill off a lot of humans back in the day.

    Graph out the human population over the last two centuries, and you can even see the very decade when Penicillin use became widespread, along with doctors washing their hands and other basic hygiene tasks.

  • What was your worst work mishap, accident, or oopsie?
  • In most western countries any unintentional mistake made by the employee is considered a cost of doing business… after all, if such a mistake is doable, there is a problem in the business processes that needs correction.

    Now don’t get me wrong, many shady business owners will still try to pin things on employees and take it out of their pay. But that is illegal here.

  • What was your worst work mishap, accident, or oopsie?
  • And there are ways of having that entry removed from the list of options entirely, and not just shifted to the drop-down menu. Makes it harder to physically shut down, but its absence can be a WTF big enough for you to realize which machine you are working on.

    I don’t bother doing that to VMs, which can be trivially restarted, but their Hyper-V hosts? You betchya I do it to those.

  • This is my reason for joining "Fuck Cars"
  • All I am looking for with one of these is LHD, PW, AC and stick. All other non-default creature comforts are superfluous.

    But yes, would love one of these, especially if it came with a 2m³ capacity dumping bed.

  • This is my reason for joining "Fuck Cars"
  • Now, TBH the truck in the back can carry a much heavier and/or physically larger load. Even though the beds are the same length, it’s bed is slightly deeper and likely a good foot or two wider. But how many truck owners transport such loads on the regular? In fact, how many truck owners have anything other than Pavement Princesses?

    The truck in the front is more than enough truck for most “truck owners”, they just choose the back option for it’s utility as a penis extender.

  • How to make an old USB brother laser printer wireless?
  • Many modern routers have this exact capability - to take a USB-only printer and serve it up over the network. Even some ISP modem/router combo units are set up to do this. Check to see if your router has any USB ports on the back.

  • Very annoying hesitation on scroll

    This happens both on a feed as well as within a thread.

    Happens both on my direct instance as well as on a random instance out there.

    I go to scroll, and there is a nearly one-second pause before the screen jumps to where I have scrolled. If I start very slowly, there is no pause, but I am talking about an unreasonably slow start to the scroll.

    Working with an iPhone 15 Pro Max, hardware limitations should not be in play here.

    Working with the latest version of Avalon.

    Curious if I am the only one.

    What type of vintage cable am I looking at?

    I have seen these before, but for the life of me I cannot seem to recall what they are called or what they’re for.

    Google search - especially image search, where I’m trying to bring up similar items - is now a total potato and seemingly capped at one screen of results in a secure and sanitized browser.

    Feature request: permit app Safari actions on images, don’t block them outright.

    When I bring up an image by itself, I can do a long press on the image and get the app Safari drop-down interface (see attached), which gives me (along with other tools) the option to download the image to my camera roll or to copy the image for pasting elsewhere.

    Unfortunately, the Avelon app blocks this action entirely.

    If there is a workaround, it gives no indication as to what it is, forcing the user to thrash around and discover the box with the out/up arrow in the lower right.

    If there is a way to whitelist this behaviour, there is also no way to inform the user on what setting they need to adjust.

    At any rate, this is a noticeably frustrating suboptimal UI/UX, and should be addressed.

    Galen West’s strategy: “Lookie dem low prices… 2L soda for 68¢… woweee!!1!” REALITY: Zero stock, ZERO SHIPMENTS for ENTIRE SALE.

    This is why Galen West is a card-carrying member of the Parasite Class.

    And yes, I confirmed the no-shipments, zero-stock with the store manager. 5 days and counting with no stock so far, when the sale started there was maybe 12-24 bottles for 128,000 residents in the city.

    Food For Thought rekabis The Rot Economy

    At the center of everything I’ve written for the last few months (if not the last few years), sits a cancerous problem with the fabric of how capital is deployed in modern business. Public and private investors, along with the markets themselves, have become entirely decoupled from the concept of wh...

    I particularly enjoy how Google got savaged:

    >Google has a similar yet slightly different story, where their core product - search - has gone from a place where you find information to an increasingly-manipulated labyrinth of SEO-optimized garbage shipped straight from the content factories. > >Google no longer provides the “best” result or answer to your query - it provides the answer that it believes is most beneficial or profitable to Google. Google Search provides a “free” service, but the cost is a source of information corrupted by a profit-seeking entity looking to manipulate you into giving money to the profit-seeking entities that pay them.

    The system almost 100% works as intended! But it doesn’t work for me. It doesn’t work for you. It doesn’t work for a vast majority of human beings across the globe. But yet it absolutely works as intended for the Parasite Class, the 0.01% at the very top.

    And this is why it’s a cancer of our society. Until it has been excised and replaced with something more humane, human civilization is doomed to collapse. You cannot have an economic ideology that demands infinite growth on a planet with finite resources.

    0 The unprecedented Pacific Northwest heatwave of June 2021 - Nature Communications

    The 2021 unprecedented Pacific Northwest heatwave broke temperature records by extraordinary amounts. Impacts included hundreds of deaths, mass-mortalities of marine life, increased wildfires, reduced crop and fruit yields, and river flooding.

    The unprecedented Pacific Northwest heatwave of June 2021 - Nature Communications

    >In late June 2021 a heatwave of unprecedented magnitude impacted the Pacific Northwest region of Canada and the United States. Many locations broke all-time maximum temperature records by more than 5℃, and the Canadian national temperature record was broken by 4.6℃, with a new record temperature of 49.6℃. Here, we provide a comprehensive summary of this event and its impacts. Upstream diabatic heating played a key role in the magnitude of this anomaly. Weather forecasts provided advanced notice of the event, while sub-seasonal forecasts showed an increased likelihood of a heat extreme with lead times of 10-20 days. The impacts of this event were catastrophic, including hundreds of attributable deaths across the Pacific Northwest, mass-mortalities of marine life, reduced crop and fruit yields, river flooding from rapid snow and glacier melt, and a substantial increase in wildfires—the latter contributing to landslides in the months following. These impacts provide examples we can learn from and a vivid depiction of how climate change can be so devastating.

    We don't have a healthcare crisis, it's an implementation crisis, says André Picard

    > There's no rhyme or reason to the way we publicly fund health services in Canada: six per cent of dental care, 40 per cent of home care in long term care, 50 of drugs, nothing for hearing aids or glasses or contraception. Where's the logic there? As a result, we have the least universal healthcare system in the world. Ponder that for a second. The least universal healthcare system in the world. Not something to be proud of. Medicare does cover everyone, but it covers everyone inadequately. Stated simply, what's wrong with Canadian health care today is that we're trying to deliver 21st-century care with a 1950s model of delivery and funding. We have an Edsel, but we need a Tesla. And my point here is that we need modernization.
