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  • We have very different definitions of what constitutes "humour and intelligence" I see. They aren't funny or clever, they're mildly annoying.

    I really wish they didn't co-opt my favourite dog breed for their shitty "movement".

    EDIT: Also I don't know if anyone saw the representatives that showed up at that summit, They couldn't fit the stereotype any harder honestly.

  • The only times I've ever seen or heard of NAFO is here on lemmygrad and ngl, it feels like you guys are doing a psyop on me >.>

  • Behind every fella is a Polish gamer nazi.

    • I met few Polish fascists and I struggle to understand what happened in their lives that pushed them to follow that path.

      I asked one of them, who claimed to be a "classical fascicst": "What was wrong with Hitler?" He said: "People say he killed too many people or something." I asked him: "What is communism?" He could not even answer the question. Like, zero understanding of politics. A case of total brainworms. Heavily addicted to drugs, very sad person. The other one just talked total nonsense, about how communists want to count other people's money, sniff coke in gulags and make races mix with each others. It was borderline terrifying to listen to him, total insanity.

      • Neofascism is closely correlated with having a petty bourgeois or (former) military background. The petite‐bourgeoisie is frequently in competition with ‘foreign’ businessowners, and Western military culture is notoriously toxic, so the transition to neofascism is the easiest to understand in those cases. If the neofascist is lower‐class, it is possible that pseudosocialist rhetoric won him over (made all the easier by anticommunist schooling, which has nothing meaningful to say about Fascism), or perhaps a neofascist clique befriended him. There are various possible reasons.

        who claimed to be a “classical fascicst”

        Which almost proves that he is clueless about politics. Classical fascism basically isn’t a thing anymore; the adventurer‐conqueror campaigns simply wouldn’t be practical in a world of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, which could swiftly put an end to a state’s ambitious quest for more spazio vitale. Neofascists are instead likelier to promote neocolonialism, because that’s what’s ‘in’ right now.

  • #NAFO is a living example of […] humour, intelligence and enthusiasm.

    What the fuck is she talking about?

    • I mean, I sorta get what they’re going for, but even if they were funny or intelligent (they’re definitely enthusiastic, Can’t deny that) not a single one of those things would make a difference as to how the outcome of this war turns out, especially the humor part lol. Mao famously said “political power grows out of the microphone of a comedian”