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The heck is 'Emotional Support Stripper' ?
  • You commies are so anti-semantic like the Nazis! Horseshoe theory is totally real!


  • Let's make up some dystopian shit.
  • Amazon now agrees to pay a million dollar fine every month for its labor violations of paying workers exclusively in its own crypto currency. This agreement has been very profitable.

  • Liberals really do live in an alternate reality
  • I don't know understand what they call winning a war. War is politics by other means. 2 countries or more have soldiers fight to kill each other till one side concedes to the other. If one settles and concedes to the terms of the other country, that is defeat.

  • Innovations in School Systems: China vs US
  • I'm curious how effective those bullet blankets are. They seem to small to fully protect the child.

  • Russian Pavilion Banned at Canadian Heritage Festival
  • We hate the country and the culture... I mean... not the culture, I mean we do hate the culture.

  • NSFW
    if you want to have some quick laughs, check out this liberal crying about us lol CW: comm linked has sinophobic depiction of Xi Jinping (you know the one)
  • I found someone saying

    "Can we just do the funny already and have nuclear Armageddon?"

    I kind of just feel grossed out.

    Do they have a explanation on why engaging in war with China and Russia is not risking nuclear war?

  • A dog loves dog memes
  • Here is a video from a known FBI informant arrested and convicted for human trafficking and released with a surprising lack of punishment, that now calls himself an anarchist, that supports NATO's war in Russia, says about NAFO

    I'm pretty sure it is just on twitter and other people are talking about them.

  • Chinese spy balloon used American-made parts, did not transmit data: Officials
  • One dark night in the middle of the day, two little dead boys came out to play. They stood back to back to face each other. They drew their swords and shot each other.

  • Marxism and FLOSS.
  • I was able to run LMDE (linux mint deiban edition) on a 3 gb Imac with libreoffice installed by default, I don't know if I'd still reccomend that but it would freeze if I had too many tabs open

  • Marxism and FLOSS.
  • The common bases of linux distros are:

    Debian: known for stability but not fully up to date, uses apt-get as a package manager.

    Ubuntu: Based on debian, but more up to date, and supports more proprietary hardware and software (not that debian can't do what ubuntu does with a little tweaking).

    Arch: Bleeding edge up to date, can theoretically be unstable. uses pacman as a package manager.

    After the base some people differentiate from the base os by changing the default programs installed (often this is including or excluding proprietary software), desktop environment (gnome, KDE, cinnamon, xfce), have different programs in the repository, or have a different installation experience.

  • Marxism and FLOSS.
  • Sorry for mentioning React OS. I just think it is funny and amazing the divercity of work has been done in the open source community. Yes I know not all of them are stable and well tested. That is why i recommended Mint. The other stuff is harder to use or best used for edge cases.

  • Marxism and FLOSS.
  • I'm in debian because it uses less ram.

    I've played with alpine linux for the wonderlust of seeing if I can work with all of the alternative smaller code bases for the theoretical stability it provides.

    Why use bash when you can use ash?

    Why use the unauthorized escalation bugs of sudo, when you can use doas?

    Why use all of the gnu tools of stallman when you can use the smaller version of those tools with busybox?

    Why use the garganuan sprawling systemd when openrc has a much smaller codebase and fewer vulnerabilities?

  • Marxism and FLOSS.
  • I'd recommend Mint. I've been using that for a while, but recently switched to Debian. Debian 12 seems promising and can have proprietary firmware on it easier set up for new users now. Debian is what people prefer for stability.

    Id recommend just finding an old laptop and putting something like mint on it if you are starting. Some people like Manjaro for the newish packages. Some people like Arch linux for the actually up to date packages.

    If you really want to go security hipster, use Alpine linux

    if you want to have lots of useful tools to make rich people's lives interesting install Kali Linux

    If everything seems to easy for you and you like a challenge, try Gentoo.

    If you want to have all of the options available when you install it, use linux from scratch.

    One of my friends swears by Nix OS, I think that has some interesting implications.

    if you care more about security use some variant of BSD

    If you really like rust use Redox OS.

    If you want something open source but can run windows programs, use React OS.

  • One of ours
  • I admit that I don't know much about North Korea, but they seem to manage to have elections despite being at war with the largest superpower for almost a century. Maybe they should learn from North Korea.

  • When Family becomes the Enemy
  • There is nothing wrong with living in a house one owns.

    Landlording is a systemic practice of using government contracts to take money from people without doing labor. Which we as communists seek to abolish.

    Is there a party to support? Then support your local party, or build something useful for the revolution. That is what matters more than your parents means of income. You can't have agency over other people. You can try to convince them but that's about it.

    Even then, I would not chastise you even if you started landlording or being a petite bourgeoisie business owner. Sure other people might find it harder to take you seriously, but we are in a war of position to convince people. We are not in a war of maneuver where your life is on the line at the moment so don't worry.

    Separate these 2 things: 1 the things you have now because of your past and things given to you, 2 the things you can do later. What you have gives you power to act in some ways that others can't. If you have privlidge, don't dwell on guilt for what you don't have control over. Think of what was given to you as tools to help you do more for the communist movement. Use that steady security brought to you to help the working class out in what ways you are able.

  • Looks like the "coup" is over
  • Well, the sanctions were withheld for the Wagner group during the supposed coup, so that could have been a means of transferring wealth to Russia to fight this war, maybe?

  • The Monk Who Thinks the World Is Ending
  • This is your mind on idealism.

    They just created an insular cult dedicated to thinking about the horrors of general AI when no such general AI exists yet. They could very well be sweeping sexual assault cases under the rug.

    I don't think they seem to be really interacting with general AI.

    Also the real dangers of AI come from capitalism and the market competition that it drives. The cost cutting and the destruction of the working class and environment will be in the training data of all AI that are made under capitalism.

  • Found this folk band. I think you'd appreciate this. Poor Mans Poison - Give And Take (Official Video) A.K.A. Feed The Machine II the sequel

    Official music video - Give And Take - by Poor Mans Poison from the EP - In The End. Lyrics contained in captions. A.K.A. Feed The Machine Pt 2 or sequel. -Special thanks to Megan Kate Medeiros for helping with filming, Looka Le for guest group vocals, Helen Sullivan, Sullivan Farming, & Chad Mede...

    Positive Leftist News May Day 2023 Angela Davis Backs Struggle to Stop Cop City! Positive Leftist News, April 2023

    Support the show! One-time Tip / Donation: ___ José: Mexie: Nic: Kathrin: ...

    Nobody else posted this so I decided to post this here.

    Totally real LASER defence system will protect US aircraft carriers from China and Russia This US LASER Aircraft Carrier Is Ready To Beat China

    This US LASER Aircraft Carrier Is Ready To Beat China The Gerald Ford is 1,105 feet long compared to the Nimitz's 1,092. The waterline width, is almost the same, 134 feet. The displacement is the same as the ton - 98425 tons for both ships. However, if you look closely, you will notice that the sil...

    Got some joy out of the cope here.

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