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A hilarious thread with some insight into the idiotic lib intelligentsia
  • Holy shit, they seriously use word "tankie" in a fucking research paper?

  • New NYT lore just dropped, USSR started WW2
  • You can't make this shit up. I mean, they made this up, but... 😆

    If you disagree with this you can get prosecuted by The Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation which should be named something like The institute of making up history and fighting communism or something.

  • New NYT lore just dropped, USSR started WW2
  • Right? Funding media is one thing and using state/academic authority to alter history is a whole another level of crime. I borrowed the book from my sister to transcribe the chapter about USSR, I might share it as a curiosity later this week.

    There are few fragments straight from the official history textbook for secondary school in Poland:

    After Lenin's death and against his will, [Stalin] became General Secretary of the party. During his reign he eliminated all his political opponents and implemented in the country industrialization and collectivization. These measures, together with widespread terror policy caused millions victims in the USSR. In 1939 Stalin collaborated with Hitler's Germany, which resulted in assault on Poland and division of it's terrotiry.

    (I bolded selected text by myself)

    "Even so Stalin continuosly tried to rebuild close relations with [nazi] Germany, because both countries still had the same political interests. Soviet dictator was impressed by panache and efficiency of Nazi regime. Special impression supposedly made on him "Night of the Long Knives", when Hitler murdered his opposition inside the party [...]. Even during bitter competition, both totalitarian powers tried to create a common border, but main obstacle was existence of independent Poland.

    Later on they write that both countries finally got to an agreement and launched a common assault on Poland, but Hitler supposedly betrayed Stalin and the alliance ended in 1941.

  • New NYT lore just dropped, USSR started WW2
  • In Polish high schools they seriously teach that Soviets were in the alliance with III Reich and that Stalin supposedly admired Hitler (if I recall correctly skimming through my sister's book).

    It goes deeper - they basically accuse the USSR of co-starting the World War II and other disgusting lies making communists look as bad or even worse than Nazis. It is formally approved as a school material and many if not most people unironically believe that the USSR was genocidal red-fascists empire.

    Since propagating communism is illegal here, bookstores don't print almost any good literature that would counter the state propaganda and the country exists in a capitalist fantasy bubble.

    I was lucky enough to never trust educational system, but people who did are basically brain damaged now.

    Sorry for chaotic style but I'm sleep deprived and I wanted to share this atrocity while I remember, I may share some more information tomorrow.

  • What's with the downvotes?

    I can fully understand when me or someone else gets downvotes for saying something controversial or silly (yeah, it happens, I admit), but why would anyone come here and spend time downvoting things that perfectly align with the political climate here?

    Are we that popular that we are being displayed in other instances so often? Do we have lurkers who only pretend to be communists? And in that case - Jesus, I thought that I am wasting my time sometimes... 😆

    --- The fact that the first thing I received was a downvote is a comedy gold.

    A dog loves dog memes
  • I met few Polish fascists and I struggle to understand what happened in their lives that pushed them to follow that path.

    I asked one of them, who claimed to be a "classical fascicst": "What was wrong with Hitler?" He said: "People say he killed too many people or something." I asked him: "What is communism?" He could not even answer the question. Like, zero understanding of politics. A case of total brainworms. Heavily addicted to drugs, very sad person. The other one just talked total nonsense, about how communists want to count other people's money, sniff coke in gulags and make races mix with each others. It was borderline terrifying to listen to him, total insanity.

  • He tried to warn us
  • No no, you don't understand. Marx is outdated and he wasn't right about x, and I didn't understand y, so I assume he was incorrect about that either, thus everything he said should be ignored. Additionally, his philosophy always leads to dictatorships of moustachioed men and millions of dead people. The end of history is only temporarily postponed, but it will happen soon, I promise.

  • Chinese spy balloon used American-made parts, did not transmit data: Officials
  • “ [...] one of the officials and others in the Biden administration agree that the vessel likely traveled on a course operators didn’t originally intend.

    They took advantage of the path they found themselves on,” one of the officials said. Biden said as much in remarks last week that mostly drew attention for his referring to Xi, China’s leader, as a dictator.

    “The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two boxcars full of spy equipment in it is he didn’t know it was there”

    So they took advantage of the balloon getting off it's course or they did not even know it was in the US?

  • Biden says Putin is losing the war in … Iraq
  • The willpower of the bodyguard to keep a straight face is impressing.

  • Cringe stacked on cringe
  • No they are just going to hurl

  • Living in Poland be like
  • Is this the expression?

  • Living in Poland be like
  • I learned to smile at people while working outside of the country and I felt so out of place when I returned.

  • My favourite past-time these days...
  • I'm lagging so much behind that I did not even know rpcs3 is finally out and running good, I remember being interested in this few years ago. Guessing by your post the performance is acceptable? I might try it today. (:

  • posting 'tankie' is the new 'woke' slur on a lemmy instance..
  • That's a good one.

    P.S. I want to take the opportunity to tell you that I like your username. I'm downloading my legally aquired copy of Metal Gear Solid now.

  • Looks like the "coup" is over
  • From comments below: "Anybody who doesn’t support Ukraine needs to be arrested for treason, enough is enough."


  • How to host and promote a website with educational resources?


    In my free time I like to translate Marxist educational materials to my native language by adding subtitles to lectures, translating infographics and the like. Even though there are not many people who interact with it, It is my preferred way of "bypassing" attention problems and I learn a lot in the process.

    I used to host them on YouTube with links to original materials and share them on Reddit, but I think about moving to other platforms. I think it would be good to have my own small website - I have some limited experience with GNU/Linux, HTML, CSS and Javascript, so I don't think that I would need any additional software to make it all from scratch. I think it's a good opportunity to learn some web development and share some notes with recommendations to make it easier to access other authors and resources.

    There are few questions that I'd like to ask before I even consider this project. I do not expect answer to all my questions, but any suggestion is welcome.

    1. What resources would be useful in learning on how to host a website properly? Could you recommend any services that don't break the bank and let host a small site without ads? Is there some Linux software that you like to use personally to manage that?

    2. Is it better to host videos directly to the website or use some other services? If so, what alternatives to YouTube could you recommend?

    3. I don't touch books or mainstream materials to avoid copyright claims - all I do, I do with respect for the creators and I provide all original resources. Should I be aware of any potential problems with coprygith claims? If so, it would be a bummer, as I enjoy doing this and I think that knowledge should be shared, but I am ready to reconsider this undertaking and find another way to work for the community.

