Please recommend other interesting email services by your experience.
I have switched from Google's Gmail to ProtonMail and kMail. I really like both, kMail (by Infomaniak) have very similar app interface to Gmail so you will get used to it very fast and also have big storage for free and very good offers for paid plans 👍🏼
Here's the actual tweet so you can see it for yourself
He did praise Trump and platform him, then he praised the Republican party saying they are the party of "the little guys" (small business), which is just flat out wrong. He does not acknowledge that there are an abundance of things Trump is doing that is fucking awful and disgusting. At best it's an extremely tone-deaf tweet.
What that comment does is paint Trump and the Republican party in a very good light and ignores other things they do that are terrible, illegal, and much more important than a single cherry-picked action. That's effectively an endorsement (i.e. ass-kissing) without saying it in exact words.
Also, it's so very obvious that anyone associated with Trump absolutely needs to abide by Trump's every whim or else he will replace you. So, the point he was trying to make is entirely moot in the first place.
There is just no way to praise Trump or the Republican party without showing your ignorance or alignment with them. Just like you can't just have a little bit of shit in your food. Once you've got even a little bit of shit in your food, then you've got shit-food. Or, in this case, a Trump-shit stained CEO's mouth.
Created new domain name in cloudflare and got free account at zoho. It's free badic account, but with a symbolic gesture of 0.9 euro a month, you also get smtp, IMAP etc... and it plays very well with cloudflare! has a web app, so no need for a client app.
And Posteo also supports POP3, IMAP and SMTP, so you can use every mail client with support for it.
I'm in the US and wanted to switch from Gmail to a privacy focused European email provider, so I paid for a year of Posteo and so far I've been really happy with it. The service is excellent, it's inexpensive and their ethics/values as an organization are wonderful.
The country has a history of armed neutralitygoing back to the Reformation; it has not been in a state of war internationally since 1815[5][6] apart from the Sonderbund War(Switzerland civil war), joining the League of Nations in 1920[5] and did not join the United Nations until 2002.[7] It pursues an active foreign policy and is frequently involved in peace-building processes around the world.[8][9]
On February 28, 2022, Switzerland imposed economic sanctions on Russia and froze a significant amount of assets held by Russian civilians and companies as "punishment" for the invasion of Ukraine. Some described this as "a sharp deviation from the country's traditional neutrality."[10] According to Swiss president Ignazio Cassis in 2022 during a World Economic Forum speech, the laws of neutrality for Switzerland are based on The Hague agreement principles which include "no participation in wars; international cooperation but no membership in any military alliance; no provision of troops or weapons to warring parties and no granting of transition rights".[11
It was also pretty hard to find information about it, searching for "ikmail" will get you there easier. I also found out it's technically not available in Canada yet, although I'm sure this shouldn't be too hard to circumvent.
I felt like leaving gmail for proton was like moving from X to BS. So I bought my own domain via OVH in France and I’m happy with that. If OVH starts going downhill I’ll move my domain somewhere else.
If you're happy with OVH as it is, then I don't think it can get much worse.
I really wish OVH would get it together and be a serious competitor to other (US) cloud providers...
I have an e-mail adres with my domain name, but my personal mail is still Gmail. However I'm looking into changing that. I'm thinking about proton mail but I'm not sure yet. I'm trying to do research into what's best long term.
Been using for a couple of years and I'm quite happy with it. Don't know what "needs client app" is supposed to mean though. If you don't want to use a mail client you can use the web interface. I've used maildroid on Android with it and when it was discontinued switched to Thunderbird, both work fine with
There's one tiny minor annoyance, they somehow automatically create a new "archive" folder for every year that the web interface uses when you hit the archive button but in your mail client you gotta change the preferences manually once a year. Don't know if you can change but it's such a minor inconvenience I never bothered to check.
I've been happy with for years, too, yeah.
My only complaint is their WebDav experience is...just not very good. It's probably that I wanted a sync client and not a webdav client. But it wasn't quite standard (iirc) so getting everything configured was a pain...
I think it would also be worth to mention Zoho mail, they're mainly focused on the business side, but they do offer it for free as well up to some point.
Zoho also offers quite a few clones of Google products as a service too.
Quick edit:
Forever free plan:
Free up to 5 users (5GB/user). One free custom domain (in other words, bring your own domain if you have one!)
Zoho when Iast used was hot trash. I say this with the perspective that office is the gold standard, google docs does ok if you don't have a lot of weird demands and are ok with googles opinionated (ie everything changes every 3 seconds) behaviors. If gdocs are tier 2, Zoho is 4