Just because they tricked half the population into becoming collaborators doesn’t mean it’s not the owning class versus the common people.
Don't get me wrong, there will be fights along political lines, they will be used as cannon fodder but just like any war the opposing soldier is not your enemy, those that guide the actions of those solders are. Propaganda will do one heck of job making sure gullible people believe they have no choice.
Racism is form of cancer but it has been demonstrated many times that on a individual level it can be cured.
That is exactly what i meant, and can definitely respect your position on it. But i hope you are aware that as AI systems go mainstream you may encounter this communicative disconnect more frequently and as the person who knows the proper usage you are better equipped to bridge the gap with the general public then they are to understand the technical meaning.
Calling it wrong is a bit harsh though, in my experience language is a subjective ever evolving construct. The correct way to use language (in my opinion) is whatever way that gets the point across to any listeners.
“When it detects a user may be under 18, Google will notify them that it has changed some of their settings and will offer information about how users can verify their age with a selfie, credit card, or government ID.”
Selfies are useless as proof for young adults and people with a young face. No algorithm can tell a 17.11 yo from a 18 yo so it will flag every single one of them.
This is a way to normalize handing over your details for the next generations. Nothing more.
The good news isn that once teens figure out that other browsers and search engines don't stop them from finding porn they might stick with them.
Guy behind him in the vid looks like they are tripping balls.
Cuda and optix are anecdotally three times faster at rendering than any amd solution.
That doesn’t mean amd doesn’t perform well though, its personal preference on how much that time saving is worth it.
Just to add some variation to these comments.
Nvidia works absolutely fine on (arch) linux, that needs to be said. Performance is on par with windows.
Depending on what your needs are its the better choice. (I have a few pieces of software that greatly rely on CUDA)
But the elephant in the room is your need for non proprietary driver. The only open source nvidia does is the strict minimum to catch up and stay competitive on linux (they where losing before). There is a clear winner on this front. Que all the other comments.
May also just be a troll tactic. Sowing retrofitted justification with ai. The first comment is bait.
I honestly cant tell anymore. Dead internet theory moving fast on that site.
I don't think real consciousness is required for my own standard of intelligence. I also consider consciousness without intelligence but agree they are often related. I mostly gave it as another example of something that we ourselves are not intelligent enough to have an absolute definition for.
Please dont get me started on gravity. Your poking an nest of autistic bees with that one. I have very strong feelings about it being labeled a fundamental force (which means it cant be explained as emergent from a more fundamental something) yet we all know the gravity “effect” as i have dubed it is caused by the curvature of spacetime.
“Spacetime” somehow not consider a fundamental force, but we have 2 types of radiation to both make the list.
Omfg you started it now.
Electromagnetism is emergent of quantum stuff. Quantum is not a fundamental force. Electromagnetism is. Aaaargh
Science is in shambles and a fucking joke (/s)
I am often very specific about the meaning of some words myself, however in this case i doubt a textbook definition will do.
One can write entire books on what intelligence is and still only scratch the surface.
Words like “reason” and “understanding” are massive on their own.
Same with something like conscious. We do not understand it well enough for any definition to fit.
When people dismiss Ai as not intelligent they are not using a dictionary metric of checkboxes to see if it is or isn't intelligent. They weigh it on their own subjective understanding of intelligence.
To give you a specific example.
I call them “ai” because i have the technical background to understand its field of Computer science but i don't consider llms like claude or o3 at all intelligent.
I do consider them smart, clever and even knowledged but i personally put the bar of intelligent reasoning at a more conscious awareness of its surroundings close to emergent desire for self preservation. An example (but not necessarily) would be demonstrating a continual emotional experience.
This is apples vs pears with 2 languages that make them sound similar.
Ai is a technical domain of computer science. All machine learning is AI here.
But Ai is just short for artificial intelligence and those are 2 normal words with their own meaning and can be used literally. Llms are artificial, they can so some clever things. But is it intelligent? There is lots of subjective room here.
Smart foto filters are fighting a very uphill battle to be considered intelligent.
This is different from AGI which is on par with human intelligence, in practice i don't believe many humans will consider something intelligent until it surpasses themselves but thats besides the point.
Autism is a medical label given to a specific set of symptoms as perceived by others.
The answer to this is neurodivergence, which is how we identify ourselves and its much more inclusive.
Both terms can be used though. I often say i am autistic as a fully embraced part of my identity, but much of that is because most people have never heard of neurodivergence.
Someone call Mario with a tip about where his brother may be kept.
Something something free speech absolutist?
They never were of course but they did gave Anarchist who actually are a bad name.
I am pretty sure they’re just doing it for fun. Like a personal meme.
No worries, we all know you are an llm. Thats what this simulated internet is for, so we developers can test how you'd behave if we ever release you in the real one.
Accuracy of this post aside, would anyone be surprised if many of the cartel leaders are on a cia payroll?
I am not alleging that to be any truth, but i would digest that information like a weather report claiming rain when you’re still soaking wet from having been outside.
Rich nazi advertising a Swastika t shirt. Cool and normal.
One of the many flags being waved is the one from a heavily oppressed people. Outragous evil.
Not at all surprised, but just as depressing.
I have an official diagnosis of autism with “psychotic sensitivities”
I have met a few people with schizophrenia and overall get along really well with them. I can sort understand the experience by extrapolating my own experiences.
I am also a huge supporter of neurodivergent theory which includes autism/adhd/bipolar/shizophrenia and even dyslexia. Everyone who thinks a little different then the perceived norm. We all share way more treats with eachother then we do with “normal” neurotypicals.
I told my job i am autistic because if i don't they will assume i am on drugs. (Happend more then once). I would never tell them about the psychotic sensitivities. While it really hurts to say this i highly recommended not telling them about schizophrenia. I am actually very supporting of identity expression, so really really hurts.
The main reason is, Neurotypicals wont understand it at best. And they will misunderstand at worst. People barely understand autism. Way to many people think “psychosis” = “psychopath”. Statically we are much more like to be the victim of crime but i even had fellow autists become nervous around me for opening up about this minor extra detail about myself.
What do i do recommend is to see if your schizophrenia also qualifies for an autism diagnosis. When i was in psychiatry there was a pattern of people who first where labeled ad(h)d then autism, then autism with psychotic sensitivities and then eventually schizophrenia. Simply because the difference really isn’t so pronounced as the labels may see.
While autism is still not well understood many people have at least heard of high profile successful autists and/or savant syndrome. There is also more generally knowledge that autism is unique per individual which is very useful for you.
If something ever happens, let say you have a panic attack or your having a really bed period in life which can increases symptoms. Autism can cover you more easily and get people of your back.
I also want to strech that in the spirit of neurodiversity this would not be lying, depending on how modern your doctor they may fully agree on this. The medical labels are arbitrary and only relevant for a trained medical professional that actually understands what those labels entail. The majority of people just want to sort you in a simplified set of boxes and you want them to put you in the box “bit weird but ok” or even better “also weird, and therefor my friend” and not in the box “unknown, unpredictable, maybe dangerous”
I cant really put my finger on specifics but from experience i have a very high success ratio in recognizing a fellow neurodivergent within the first seconds of meeting someone.
I keep the info for my self at first of course but my initial feeling is often validated over time as those are the people who don’t judge me for my own traits, become a social ally and eventually open up and confirm it.

In all seriousnessness i have banned almost 5 accounts now that messaged me this exact same post. Is there a way to block this shit?
I could probably look this up myself but i see additional value in engaging with this new community.
The most important function i am looking for is house members can see and create markers/pins on the map for others to see and optionally accessible using ios.
How fun can text based content be?
Its a bit bland without visual stimulation, you see, i agree
Its fun nonetheless and thats why i am here. I would prefer to make cool art but i have too many excuses.
Our economy and world is not sustainable that means it will not sustain and knowing this is one of my biggest sources of comfort.

Send to me by someone i know. They are not really into photography but they know i am a bit. I have permission to post it. Made using iphone se
I used to be a picky eater, then as an adult i realized its not the ingredients themselves but a mix of all kinds of sensory input.
There are a lot of tastes that are nice in small amounts but i cant have em full on.
Onions went from hated to favorite after i learned this.
If you have foods you never liked, give em a chance in a completely different format and amount
Just had to out this somewhere and this is probably the most safe space for it.
I am an ultra left anarchist so i support any progress shift in us political polls and i do get it.
I dont and wont ask people to stop using effective political memes. But whenever i see a top comment labeled these bad people as weird, i feel like i too would not be accepted, even if i know thats not what its about.
This comic is something of a fluff issue that feels like an excuse to draw Rogue in a bathing suit, although it also sets up some plot threads of note. Credits: [https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/56fdc216-791f-4907-ae6a-b869e5bf97cc.jpeg] It starts off with a sour Wolverine trying to piece together m...

I've used way to much similar looking software where middle mouse is moving around and it was killing me.
Shame that forum is still so much more relevant in search engine results, it looks like there getting lonely there.