Be an ass on the international scene. Show you are untrustworthy and do everything you can to not pay a bill. Just be generally unreliable as a trade partner.
Get turned down when you ask internationally for help.
Yeah, because they "didn't have enough to make any appreciable difference." I say similar things to people I don't want to help but I don't want to upset them. Sorry I don't have time to do that, having one more person wouldn't make that big off a difference etc.
You may very well be right. And that exact reason is the only reason they didn't send eggs. But I'm guessing their are more than that singular reason.
The most infuriating thing is that Trump gets to take a victory lap no matter what.
If a country gives us eggs, he gets to pretend to be a hero by saying he strong armed them into "surrendering." Then he'll say they're inferior eggs and encourage his cult not to buy them anyway.
If they a country doesn't, he gets to call them evil and will use that as justification for slapping massive tariffs on them. Then he'll say American eggs are the best and that he always supported American farmers. He'll probably say something like "they tried to smuggle their eggs into our market but I stopped them!"
The most frustrating part is that my grocery store has so many eggs. The shelves aren’t empty. In fact, there are cartons on the shelves which are weeks old at this point. And that means supply is outpacing demand at the current prices. People are seeing the increased prices, and simply using less eggs. Which means prices could feasibly drop while we continue to have eggs on the shelves.
This price increase is just more greedflation. Studies have shown that the bird flu issue should have only increased the price by 12-15%, but here we are with increases in the high triple digits. Why sell ten cartons of eggs at $1 each, when you could simply sell two cartons at $6 each and make more money than if you had sold ten cartons?
The US doesnt have a real egg shortage btw. There is also no impact that is larger than in previous years from the bird flu. The egg monopolists are just making/buying fewer egg laying hens and producing fewer eggs to drive the prices and profit margins up.
This entire "egg shortage" could be solved in a matter of weeks if Trump ordered the companies to do so.
Or eggs do cost that much to produce in the US. Pinning this problem on Big Egg seems like the easiest solution, but I have an inkling this stuff goes deeper.