So a couple of weeks ago I had a phone chat with my oldest sister, someone I've always admired and think is pretty awesome. When I was a kid she was my idol, so artistic and clever, rebellious and political. She told me about her recent autism and ADHD diagnosis (I was pretty surprised). She knows our father's side of the family better than I do, and pointed out a pretty strong case for ASDs running on dad's side of the family. We ended up talking for over 4 hours. Some of the things she said seemed oddly familiar, in a way that played on my mind up until last night, when I did an online Autism Spectrum Quotient self assessment and landed right in the mid zone for Asperger's. Some of the questions were almost creepy in a "how did they know?" kind of way. I told the kids and Elder asked if they (the kids) had ever been assessed. I had to admit no, they hadn't, because nobody has ever suggested it. If your kids are well behaved and do the right things when required without meltdowns and ostentatious or eccentric behaviour then they generally won't suggest it. Now I'm thinking about it for Elder, because from what I've been reading he and I have a lot of parallels with it. My sister welcomed her diagnosis and said it felt like, for most of her life, she'd been operating a complex piece of equipment without a manual and then was finally given one. If he doesn't have an ASD, fine; but if he does then this knowledge may help him in his further development and understanding of himself, and assist his school with modes of delivery for his education. I figure if it's a good idea (given the revelations about my family) then better sooner rather than later to be of most use to him. Otherwise I'm feeling a bit weird about the whole thing, like you're feeling like there's going to be a knock at the door and then there is.
Using uTube on the TV as a stereo is proving to be infested with Clive Palmer bullshit currently. Need to get off my arse and replace the dead unit. Argh, more decisions.
TIL you get a small bag of corn chips like Doritos or whatever, smoosh it up a bit, open it and put your taco meat in and the rest. It’s called a “walking taco”
I’m sure it’s tasty but I don’t like the idea of eating hot meat out of a chip bag.
My little dog has hurt himself. I let him out for a piss this morning and he came in limping. It doesn't help that he leaps off the porch like a superhero. He seems to be getting better but I'm still keeping an eye on him.
Went to the night market last night and where I went to get refuge from the swarms of people and eat, a guy was wearing a hat that said "Make Australia Great Again" which I think was for the UAP. Yikes.
anyone know of refillable workshop rolls? not the tubs, the rolls to stuff in the tubs. I keep finding antibacterial which isn't what I want, and holy shit when did google start ignoring the marker
Woke up to the dishwasher stuck on 37mins to finish. I didn't put it on and it was on a mode I never put it on, and it was empty.. and there's no one else in the house..
Good news is I've completed the majority of my assessments, more than I thought I had ha. There's just some last bits to do regarding proper enclosures per certain laws/acts which is easy enough.
boo, Minh phat didn't have lodeh paste, guess I'll have to schlep it to Laguna on Glenferrie to see if they have some... Indulged in a 5 pack of indomie and a couple of heat and eat vegan protein things (chicken rendang and asam fish). will have one of the latter with rice and stir fried kangkung and call it a night. My Indonesian adventures of sayur lodeh and tempeh will have to wait till the weekend.
E: oooh I could also try this Chinese braise recipe using winter melon. I have such a huge one, some was going to go into the lodeh, now I have an idea for the rest.
E2: ok dammit what I've got is bottle gourd, not winter melon. Some really good sabzi recipes out there though, might do one with dessicated coconut and urad+chana dal