Signal's Meredith Whittaker says AI agents doing tasks on users' behalf pose security and privacy risks and refers to their use as “putting your brain in a jar”.
This is the primary reason I've not given agents more power than something extremely controlled (I.e. only a function to turn on/off the lights). As I was always concerned that these generational models might accidentally do something dumb or annoying, let alone something that might be illegal or harmful.
I don't really see how anyone would ask AI to complete something completely autonomously at this stage, without oversight.
Why Signal is not in f-droid? Is there a statement from them about it? What I know is only in Google store . And talking to much about privacy and not being in a f-droid repo, is ironic
I mean shes not wrong, but imagine I use this to do my bullshit day job so I can work on what I really want to. I would totally use this to get some rube to pay me for a job while I GameDev or something. Or at least some excel sheet monkey could probably do that I know these can't do my job.
The problem being: Why pay you, if all they'd need is an AI agent?
Technology like this will not be used by the workers to prevent having to do bullshit jobs, it will be used by employers to prevent paying people.
In a world that lets everybody profit from the advances we make, that would be a good thing, but in the world I see us living in, that'll just grow the gap between poor and rich.
Its out now. I'm talking about taking advantage of this toilet bowl before the last flush. We never got rid of Citizens United. We never controlled these corporations. As a people, we were content until just about this point as a whole. Unless everyone marches to DC. The tech bros are getting their little kingdoms.