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Banner graphics

I picked OpenTTD for the weekend and scoured BaNaNas and could not find the add-ons with the graphics that are being used in the banner of this community.

I managed to find some better 8pp trees, with "U&Trees" by Ufiby but I'd like to find those ground tiles and bridge graphics

Awnyone knows what's in use there?

Signal's Meredith Whittaker scorns anti-encryption efforts as 'parochial, magical thinking' | TechCrunch
  • there is a fork with proprietary dependencies removed called Signal-FOSS, whose repo you can add to F-Droid if you decide to trust it

  • The new Proton Mail Android app is now ready for testing
  • came back just to mention an app I found in F-Droid, You Have Mail, for the sole purpose of providing e-mail notifications when your client is unable to provide them, as is the case with de-googled Proton users

  • Why Everyone Should Still Use an RSS Reader in 2024
  • omg, thank you. i just learnt about the "tags" function that I've always assumed worked differently without even trying it

  • Why Everyone Should Still Use an RSS Reader in 2024
  • Feeder is a perfectly functional RSS reader for Android, and the only updated and straight forward one on F-Droid when I decided to set up my feeds, and an app I've seen suggested on Lemmy several times when there's mention of RSS...but why doesn't it have groups? I've got my general news mixed with tech news, cluttered in between the rest of it - it does have grouping and it's called "tags"

    this thread made me re-check and there are some new options in there and at least one will let you group the feeds: Read You

    EDIT: dumb take

  • Laser printer for small office

    I'm looking for a new laser printer for a small office but I don't know what to get

    I don't know what to trust around online reviews but am looking for something that will be as reliable and durable as possible for a small office that will print a couple dozen pages on most days, and less so on the others

    I'd rather spend above average just to have it be reliable and durable, as stated above. If it could be on the smaller size it would be preferable since space is a concern

    So I thought about asking here for recommendations. Thank you

    Cable crimpers and networking tools
  • that's perfect, thank you so much! I'm currently reviewing each tool. I'd heard about Klein Tools and now that I look at them, they seem solid

    actually, I've only recently learned about pass-through heads as I've never used nor seen any. was hoping the VDV226-110 Crimper could do both but it's not the case. I'll probably go for a standard one for now but will keep an eye out for pass-through heads

    I found also the VDV226-107 as a standard head crimper but on the shape of the 110 instead of the classic 011. both also act as stripper and cutter

  • Cable crimpers and networking tools
  • hahaha, I just picked a random toolkit inage to illustrate the post. that's definitely not a trustworthy kit or crimper

  • Cable crimpers and networking tools

    I'm in need of a cable crimper and some other network tools like a tone gen/probe, cable snipper/stripper, and I'll probably also get a cable tester, for a couple of jobs I'll be doing soon

    So, I'm assembling a basic toolkit to install the physical network parts, and I'm asking here for recommendations on mid and high quality tools so I can decide on what to get

    As one should do with tools, I'm ready to spend a buck (or euro, in this case) to get good and durable stuff, but these days looking for reviews online is a marketing shitshow, so I thought I'd come here to look for recommendations and try to find someone with actual practical knowledge and experience

    Any advice is welcome!

    The new Proton Mail Android app is now ready for testing
  • it could be put there stripped of that dependency, while an alternative is not available

  • want to get started but finding the technical side really overwhelming
  • ok, maybe someone else might be able to help you properly, since i'm yet to do my planned Jellyfin home setup

    but it seems to me that maybe instead of running the VPN directly from you Pi, you should run it from you router, so your whole subnet is tunneled when going to the internet and inside your home you don't need those shenanigans to connect to the Pi

    if you did this, then you only need to install your mediaserver on the Pi (either Plex or Jellyfin, and although i haven't used any yet, Jellyfin seems to be the one not currently being shitified, and the complete FOSS route) and that will probably be a much easier installation

  • want to get started but finding the technical side really overwhelming
  • what "stuff" are you talking about?

    if you want to do some pirating you need a decent VPN, like Mullvad or Proton, that you run on your system (Android/Linux/Windows/iOS), not some random leaky and dubious browser add-on

    dunno why dafuq you're mentioning configuring a webserver (with SWAG) to point the DNS records (A and CNAME). the VPN will act as a proxy for you. but maybe i'm just way out of my depth here...

    it might help if first you tell us what exactly are tou trying to achieve

  • The new Proton Mail Android app is now ready for testing
  • jokes aside, i'm happy for the development. eagerly waiting for the end of beta

    really grateful for what they did with the VPN app, also. although, after being a paid user for some years, ditched the service for Mullvad's because of the linux client situation

  • Invidious dragging to a halt
  • thanks everyone for the feedback. while unaware, I was still using Invidious in Freetube through the setting "Proxy videos through Invidious". it's turned off now and working fine

    how can i find such "obscure" instances, tho? i've always picked one from the Invidious' website public list and, upon testing, all of them seem slow right now

    also, I had forgotten to try Piped, which is working fine

    on a side note, I'd never understood why Piped was made, given that Invidious exists, but here it is, in case anyone wants to know

  • Invidious dragging to a halt
  • damn, even with seeing the bot around here i forgot to try Piped these days

    anyway, i've found a solution - i had "proxy videos through Invidious" turned on on Freetube (which was redundant since i'm behind a VPN). i've unchecked it and things seem fime now

    still, thank you

  • Invidious dragging to a halt
  • yeah on Newpipe videos load fine. thanks to your comment I noticed Freetube is giving me an error with local API, so that's why

  • Invidious dragging to a halt

    For some time, trying to watch videos on Invidious or Freetube has been a pain. It has been oscillating day by day but now I get like 3 seconds of video for 8 seconds of loading time

    Some days ago I saw a notice on top of the webpage in some Invidious instances stating something like "Youtube is trying to impede frontends"

    Today i tried going to and enabling some requests on uBO and videos loading freakin' fast

    Is anyone getting the same?

    Rusted Wildlife
  • nice one. this resembles the installations of european artist Bordalo II made with trash

  • SSH protects the world’s most sensitive networks. It just got a lot weaker | ArsTechnica SSH protects the world’s most sensitive networks. It just got a lot weaker

    Novel Terrapin attack uses prefix truncation to downgrade the security of SSH channels.

    SSH protects the world’s most sensitive networks. It just got a lot weaker

    > "The Terrapin attack is a novel cryptographic attack targeting the integrity of the SSH protocol, the first-ever practical attack of its kind, and one of the very few attacks against SSH at all. The attack exploits weaknesses in the specification of SSH paired with widespread algorithms, namely ChaCha20-Poly1305 and CBC-EtM, to remove an arbitrary number of protected messages at the beginning of the secure channel, thus breaking integrity. In practice, the attack can be used to impede the negotiation of certain security-relevant protocol extensions. Moreover, Terrapin enables more advanced exploitation techniques when combined with particular implementation flaws, leading to a total loss of confidentiality and integrity in the worst case."

    > “Although we suggest backward-compatible countermeasures to stop our attacks, we note that the security of the SSH protocol would benefit from a redesign from scratch, guided by all findings and insights from both practical and theoretical security analysis, in a similar manner as was done for TLS 1.3.”

    [Discussion] Pre-emptive Threads defederation

    Should preemptively defederate from Threads?

    Threads is the not-so-new reddit-like twitter-like public forum platform by Meta, the same commercial company behind internet behemoths like Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp. They're working on ActivityPub integration so that they can bridge (federate?) with the fediverse. As far as I know, the focus is on Mastodon instances, but in the future that could include Lemmy instances too.

    Some have raised the question, worried about the future of the fediverse or even claiming that it goes against its definition.

    What do you think should be done?

    EDIT: correction

    EDIT.2: The Vote is on! Go make your voice heard. You have until Friday the 29th.

    Fediverse instances' status on federation with Threads

    what's the status on Threads

    how can i know the de/federation status of the instance? IIRC the instance subscribed to an auto-defederation program to auto exclude bot instances and such. is there a way to distinguish these from the manual defederations? like exploding heads, or hexbear (i thought we were defederated from them but i've just seen the old posts from their users here on /c/main)

    i'm asking just to have a way of knowing wich parts of the fediverse are hidden from view, since it's not obvious to me

    also would like to know if there is a plan on the instance about threads? i've scoured The Agora but found nothing. wouldn't mind creating a discussion there

    EDIT: just found the answer to my first question on another post:

    Mull and Android WebView

    for anyone using Mull on Android, since i'm using it that the webview i see in apps like Feeder seems to be using Mull, although when checking the implementation in Dev Options, it does look (from logo and name lol) like normal Chromium webview

    !screenshot of Feeder app showing Mull context window

    what's really going on here, and how could i have properly checked it myself?

    EDIT: vain attempts at posting inline image instead of link to hoster

    EDIT2: thanks to with the image thing (dumb me thought [] was that rectangle character you get in some fields where that character is not recognized ಠᴗಠ )

    ProtonMail in F-Droid when?

    since i've read this community was created by mods of r/ProtonMail and chose to uncritically believe it, this is the closest we are to an officially lemmy presence, so...just to make sure this question is in every ProtonMail forum:

    ProtonMail app on F-Droid when???

    ruplicant ruplicant


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