I mean, evolution kind of might work around the ozone layer being gone. People just need to have children before the skin cancer kills them and that's totally possible. Might be good if the parents don't die when the kids are too little.
Evolution really doesn't care about your personal well-being and won't help you. It might "evolve" the human race to get children earlier in their teens, because everybody over 30 is dead from skin cancer and microplastics, but maybe the better solution is to use something different in hair spray and fridges.
A wet bulb thermometer measures wet bulb temperature (WBT), which is a metric that always exists and can always be measured. It only gets bad when the WBT reaches an extreme value, as is the case for basically all environmental metrics. Saying that wet bulb temperature is lethal is like saying that temperature is lethal. Look out for temperature! I'm sorry for the rant so I'll try to keep this short, but "wet bulb" by itself in this context is an inane shorthand that lacks all the significant words and muddles the meaning of those words that are in it. Scientists talk about Extreme WBT events, because that's what they are. A less of a mouthful would be nice for science communication, but I don't want it to come at the expense of words losing meaning like that.
Heatwave is a nice and descriptive word for one type of an extreme temperature event. Cold snap is another one. I'm glad neither is called "temperature event" because that would be dumb.
The problem with your rant is that the "extreme" label is applied by researchers in temperate climates and could very easily, and almost certainly will be thanks to Trump, be replaced by "tropical"
Fun fact, frogs won’t actually sit in the water, they always jump out when it gets too hot. Hilariously, humans are one of the few species of animals that will cook.
The old Soviet system was enthralled with classic conditioning, and Stalin tended to use it to shape society, although Lenin was more appreciative of Pavlov. 1984 is Orwell’s critique of Stalinism. It seems Bezos didn’t object to a classic conditioning editorial and it shows in his treatment of Amazon workers.