Give techno some pets and tell her internet strangers love her. Mines rocky he's 3
Our dogs would definitely get along. He loves nothing more than a multi hour wrastlin match

The Skagit River (left) and the Baker River (left) in Concrete, Washington
George Soros' United Commune of Mexifornia
ICE is the reason the 2nd ammendment exists. The only good cop is a dead cop
Thanks, I enjoyed seeing boomer. Next time you see him tell him I said hello
Cool torty. Do they have a name?
It was a beautiful day on the mountain. It looked even more fake in person. Tahoe Meadows on Mt Rose Hwy in Nevada
I just love how happy he looked, staring straight into the camera.
Say Drake, 😃😃😃
Stump entrance is based and hobbit pilled
Hell yea that's a big mf
Hugin de' bois from hit vedeo game Discgolf Elysium
Fair enough
Yea they are 90s books. I remember wind turbines bur not solar panels or internet on Mars, but it's been a few years since I read them so I could be forgetting. Even if it's dated now a days I'd still say its worth a read for a science or Mars enthusiast

Imagine having no magnetosphere 🤡 or having a toxic atmosphere 🤢

Those are the best places to expirement with psychedelic mushrooms

Sometimes it pisses me off how beautiful this planet can be