Everyone knows large-dollar donors always have more popular opinions, and they're always right, anyway. Otherwise where would they get all those large dollars?
Our system makes 3rd parties nonviable. But at this point, even that seems potentially more successful than Dems just continually sliding "center" (AKA right).
We gotta organize and do what Maga threatened to do to the right. Maga threatened to split the right which dragged the whole republican party further right. Let's do the same with the democrats. Force the party more progressive.
Like the British labour party. They won't become the workers party, they will continue to pander to the capitalists, landlords and bosses, even when the writings on the wall with liberalism and the harm its caused to the lower and middle class.
Kinda like how Hitler started spreading his rhetoric with workers. Get fucked, fascists. We need a real workers party, from the ground up. Not a rebranded rainbow capitalist party. Democrats are useless and should be abandoned.
It's hilarious all the people pissing into the wind of pro-union, pro-worker, pro-regulation, pro-environmental policies by voting Republican and acting like Democrats don't do all of these things lmfao.
Hell look at every comment in here so far. It doesn't matter how well Democrat policies, how much they publish the information, how many people share it on social media, Fox news and other posters still parrot bullshit that gets pedaled far and wide. Their propaganda machine is far better at muting any effort they attempt to show it, let alone without holding the areas of government they need to enact serious legislative change.
The democrats pretend to want to do those things but somehow those pesky republicans keep stopping them. Now that it's their turn as the opposition, though, oh well, nothing they can do. It's the republicans' government now.