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This is just adorable
  • Bill Gates

  • hi comrades, i have made a uk leftist community for anyone who care to join.
  • are you talking about climate change? or a jab at my enthusiastic post, or is this just a genuine message of sincerity? either way i spend most days out either campaigning or hiking, working.

  • Corruption in Capitalism Isn't a Flaw, It's a Feature: Tory Network of Climate Denial
  • I am speaking about corruption from a socialist point where what is deemed corrupt is not corrupt to the capitalist.

    So your asking for a source is not so easy to offer, I'm sure you follow the news, and understand that money is influence, we constantly hear about back room deals. Just recently Labour retracted they're promise of a cap on bankers bonuses after a conference with bankers.

  • hi comrades, i have made a uk leftist community for anyone who care to join. UK leftists - Feddit UK

    Description: UK Leftist’s is a community to give leftist thinker a voice to discuss UK socialism, communism, and other relevant political ideas. please feel free to post political party media. Rules: * follow [] instance rules. * no harassment. * no name calling. * no sexis...

    UK leftists - Feddit UK

    I made this community as a reaction to the July 4th general election taking place in the United Kingdoms, to mobilize my fellow comrades in the lead-up to the general elections, the group is party agnostic though there is an obvious bias due in part to my political affiliation but all leftest parties that fight for dignity and the working class are very much welcome.

    By all means feel free to join where ever you may come from whether for information or solidarity.

    In solidarity.


    I go out of my way to not crap at work.
  • it is the common workers way to say "NO!" followed by other groans and noises

  • Have you got any weird questions for the opposite gender?
  • They look like this ( . )( . )

  • Have you got any weird questions for the opposite gender?
  • Yes and it sounds pretty good to me, although I'd draw the line at pegging đź« 

  • Have you got any weird questions for the opposite gender?
  • Good question, and highly dependent. I think for the most part I'd move to being friends.

  • Have you got any weird questions for the opposite gender?
  • I'm a guy.

    Question: on several intimate occasions with more than a few partners I have notice partners will cup my pecks..

    It makes me feel self-conscious and would like to know why some of you cup pecks? đź« 

  • Have you got any weird questions for the opposite gender?
  • I'm a fan of tight boxers, a cross between pants and boxers. (Pants) in uk are underwear.

  • Have you got any weird questions for the opposite gender?
  • Trumps wearing nappies though.

  • agile is far left too. I will die on this hill
  • Continuing as usual is defeat. The more votes for 3rd party the more broken the system will look, with this a campaign for real change could take place. Instead you want to bury your head in the sand.

  • Windows updating just before thesis defense
  • That ceiling had me thinking the picture was abstract or disoriented

  • Wealth shown to scale. Wealth, shown to scale

    Wealth inequality in the United States is out of control. Here we visualize the issue in a unique way.

    Wealth, shown to scale

    Credit to for posting in a comment section of another community.

    A visual scrolling graph demonstrating wealth in america.

    This graph can acts as a great example, easily deployable and any sensible person will see the absolute ludicrously that is often misunderstood. I hope anyone out in the field can find utility in this.


    agile is far left too. I will die on this hill
  • All this "communism is fascism" bullshit is as toxic as "if you vote for 3rd party your voting for trump".

    Fucking liberals.

  • Shadow banned on tinder

    I made an account and was met with continuous swiping with what felt like no limit, when closing and opening tinder I am met with accounts that have already been swiped.

    Reading online says ive been shadow banned, maybe due to VPN.

    When I go to settings and down to account deletion the app returns an error disallowing me to delete.

    Anyone else dealt with this?

    "What do you mean genocide is always wrong!?"
  • No I mean exactly what I had said, and no I am speaking of pre Stalins USSR.

    Russia was incredibly poor and exploited by the west as well as they're own ruling class pre USSR, things got much better for the Russian working class and its truly astonishing that a country of that time and coming from such turmoil would legalise homosexuality especially when contrasted with western countries.

  • "What do you mean genocide is always wrong!?"
  • Pre Stalin USSR was accepting of sexuality.

    If someone had a Stalinist tattoo that would be another matter but the hammer and sickle or the raised fist are both for the working class.

    Let's not forget that this was the time of chemical castration, murder and repression in the "civilised" countries

  • What is your personal definition of value?
  • Relatable. Sorry your father is this way I hope you can find a way to speak civilly about these issues if that is what you want

  • Off to the DSP conference in bristol

    Will I see any Lemmy comrades at the event?

    I seem to be unable to set a profile picture.

    Account is two months old, picture downscaled to 499kb.

    Favourite word and why?

    Mine is insidious as it sounds cool and is apt in our modern world of fast news

    Reading books can be world changing

    Reading is a recent development for me in the grand scheme of things, dyslexia meant I was hindered till I was about 18, picking up my first actual book 1984 at the age of 24.

    10 years later I read roughly 3 books a year.

    Currently reading Manufacturing Consent and whilst I knew news media is often misleading, to what extent was not clear sadly I now know the extent.

    I'd like to have a conversation about Manufacturing Consent and what people have come away with. Other books too like Bullshit Jobs and Ordinary Men were big shift for my world view, so talking about and recommendations of similar books as well please.

    socialism squid_slime
    who belongs to a socialist party?

    socialism where i am based is a small movement, we assist with union action and campaigning but lack the numbers to run in election other than local election so i just want to put out a friendly reminder that if your a socialist join a party, sell news papers or hand out flyers.

    we must mobilize.

    i say this because people are begging for an alternative to capitalism, the amount of engagement i receive from the public whilst assisting the party is outstanding.

    please find your local parties and help show others an alternative.

    kingdom come: deliverance II reveal Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Official Game Reveal

    Years in the making, Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, the thrilling Action RPG, set amid the chaos of a civil war in 15th Century Bohemia, is coming to PCs and consoles. Dive deeper into the world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance II with its Lead actors and the game’s creators from Warhorse Studios in the...

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Official Game Reveal

    i avoid hype but as a massive fan of the original kcd and the honesty of this reveal, im hyped! wont be pre-ordering though, never pre-order its bad for the industry and consumers.

    Web browser have extended way passed what was necessary

    Web browsers were very limited compared to today's offerings but still very extensive when compared to other applications. Now, browsers on desktop are at a point where they're equivalent to an OS in scope.

    This frustrates me as it's led to stagnation, where very few companies can hold their position. Firefox can only keep up due to preexisting groundwork and the large amount of funding from Google. Chrome had billions thrown at it to quickly enter the market.

    The thing that kills it the most for me is there is no way to fix the massive amount of effort needed for a web browser. It's extensive because it has to deal with thousands of situations: image rendering, video rendering, markup language support (HTML), CSS support, JavaScript support, HTML5 support, security features, tabbed browsing, bookmarking and history, search engine integration, cross-platform compatibility, performance optimisation, developer tools, accessibility features, privacy controls, codec support, to name a few.

    Now, for my unpopular opinion: stripping back a general-purpose browser to its core, forcing web redesign, and modularising the browser. Rather than watching videos in the browser, an instance of VLC would be started where the video will be streamed. Instead of an integrated password manager and bookmarks, we have something akin to KeepassXC with better integration. Markup documents and articles automatically open in word processing applications. I know this idea seems wholly impossible now, but it often crosses my mind.

    Need help campaigning

    I am going to request arch and the greater linux community replace xz with winrar.exe

    This is a community effort.

    squid_slime squid_slime

    Just a humble squid that over produces slime. Buy my slime, its a medical wonder, cures halitosis, weird eye syndrome, bolding.

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