You can do it! Don't let the younglings make you feel out of place and don't be afraid to bring your real world experience to the table to help them out!
Also, do some electives and extracurriculars if you aren't already! Yes its more load but totally worth it!
I had this same issue lol eventually I picked the first thing on the list and just started. Once you get into it and finish one thing the next one won't seem so overwhelming to get started on
It has been advised to try a different tactic. Take your ideas and try them all, one at a time. The goal is to find and stop doing, all of the ideas that don't work as fast as possible.
No longer are you guessing at the best idea, but are removing the worst ideas.
If this does not appeal to you, please discard it rapidly.
I went back to college (attended a technical college) at 25 (I think it was? I can't remember lol) and had multiple classmates twice my age. Its not too late unless you decide its too late!
Plus the best part about going back to college after being in the workforce already is employers feel less like they're taking a risk with you than if you're 20/22, so you absolutely can hit the ground running. I graduated about 3 years ago and I've already landed myself a job as a system administrator, and my older classmates are doing higher level project management type roles, and that all comes primarily because we have a decade or more of job experience under our belts, even if its not necessarily in the industry (one of my classmates was a sheriff before he went back for example)
This almost perfectly describes all the stuff I planned to do when I was still drinking all the time. I'd get an idea for something then decide it was too overwhelming to even really get started on and then just drink to "relax" and never come back to it. Most of those projects I've either completed now or at least have gotten well underway and none of it was nearly as difficult as I'd convinced myself it would be lol
I wanted to get back into horse riding and just doing stuff with horses. I found a stables to volunteer at and I get riding lessons once a week. It's amazing. So glad I called the place when I did. Now I have a group of new friends and I get to do everything I want with the horses aside from official lessons, in exchange for barn chores. I love it
And the best part is that you’ll start and join a community and meet a bunch of people who started even later than you still having a great time. Also, at 19, 5 years was more than a quarter of that dude’s life. I’m not even 30 yet but realized a while back just how slowly the years really pass when you’re out of school and finally paying attention and able to have a vague level of control.