MRW when there's a 6+ month wait to get an appointment to start an evaluation
This/I do not feel fine, but at least there's troll coping to fill the void.
Edit: after venting to a friend about this during an anxiety attack, she gave me contact information to an office that was able to schedule me for next month. I feel very fortunate and relieved. I'm also extremely appreciative of not just her, but all of you! This is a wonderfully supportive community, you're all amazing people
My daughter got an assessment for free after only a 2 month wait by participating in an academic study. They paid us $150 and our eval was MUCH more comprehensive than what we would have gotten from our insurance provider.
So my advice is to look into local universities and see if there are any ongoing studies related to ADHD.
While venting about it to a friend, they gave me the info for where th y go for treatment. I gave them a call, asked and ADHD evaluations are the only evaluations they do. I lucked out hard and was able to get an appointment in mid March, now I just got to make sure I get there on time lol
Sounds like me on buspirone. Went great until my heart started racing for zero reason. I'm very jealous of my friend who's able to take it without issue
Do it anyway. Or you'll sit there 2 years from now regretting that you didn't.
The diagnosis can potentially change your entire life for the better.
In my case, even if the wait time had been 10 years and it had cost 10000€, it still would have been worth it (but don't tell that to your healthcare provider).
I definitely am! I already know, but I'd like to have it professionally verified so my psychiatrist and I can try some new medications for me. I really need to slow my brain down to start tempering my anxiety and depression. I've already noticed that's the pecking order. I can't stop thinking > get anxious > get depressed. I'm tired of that chain destroying myself and any meaningful relationships I try to pursue
As someone who had a similar experience and recently went through this process (although mine was over a year of waiting), I can say it's pretty life changing. However, even in my case of now being on ADHD medication, it's not a magical cure-all. Sometimes you focus too hard on the wrong tasks, or you forget to take your meds, or you feel completely ready to focus but for some reason you're still not doing the task so you beat yourself up and second guess if you actually have ADHD or are just a lazy piece of shit. So it's great and I hope you find what you're looking for, but in my experience the medication is like being handed a heavy sword. It has the ability to defend you, but you still need to actively learn how to use it and put the effort into wielding it. A sword won't defend you all on its own.
I do, I've even recently increased my sessions from every other week to once a week, but I can't always afford to call him when the anxiety kicks in and keeps me from being able to do anything but cry. We're definitely going to have a (seemingly)fast session next week.
My wife recently got an appointment after trying to reach the psychiatrist for nearly 2 months due to ridiculous phone hours (9-11am, once per WTF!?)'s in 72 weeks.
I kept running into that too. Every psychologist my psychiatrist referred me to had similar hardly accessible hours. I hope she's got an appointment now and the psychiatrist is a good one
When I signed up with my psychiatrist the wait was 72 weeks.
I just looked it up, and the same psychiatrist now has a wait of 304 weeks! If I limit my search to psychiatrists within 50km, as the crow flies, basically about an hours drive, I have 6 psychiatrists "available. Their self reported wait periods ranges from 159 to 700 weeks. 700 fucking weeks! The 700 weeks is probably a case of "sorry, you'll have to wait 14 years, because I'm not allowed to take in more patients, or pay for the eval yourself", but the average for the 5 fastest is still 226 weeks.
I don't know where you're at, but my username gives me away - I just don't want to fuel the American "socialized health care is ineffective" bonfire by making it too obvious.
My PCP got me to do an online questionnaire through ADHD Online.
He thought it was quackery until the pandemic essentially forced him to try sending people down that route. He now trusts the results (and finds it way quicker + cheaper than a referral to an in-state specialist). Basically, your questionnaire takes the place of an in-person interview and gets assessed by a doctor in a low-population state. (I think mine was reviewed by a doctor in North Dakota or something.) I think it was about $90 (out of pocket).
Based on that I was diagnosed with ADHD, depression, and anxiety.
I followed up with my PCP, who got me on a low grade antidepressant. I don't feel depressed or anxious anymore, and it's helped me turn my ADHD into a superpower. (My brain is still all over the place, but I have the confidence to weaponize it.) I'm definitely one of the lucky ones, but that's the journey I took.
Too late for me now lol ive got something booked for mid March at a local mental health center, but hopefully this info can prove helpful for anyone else who finds this thread and doesn't know there's a virtual option. I'll keep this in mind in case I mess up and miss my very fortunate appointment, though!
I'm actually hoping to go the other way with my treatment. For decades I've treated my anxiety/depression but never felt like I was getting anywhere with the medications. I'm hoping once I'm evaluated my psychiatrist and I can start working on ways to slow down my overactive thinking.
I had to use ADHD Online too. I was in a waiting list for 8month. At 8months, they called to see if I wanted to keep waiting. I said yes but never heard back, until a friend recommended ADHD Online as well.
My PCP and I haven't been able to meet much. It takes just as long to see him. That's along my train of thought when I reached out to my psychiatrist to inquire if she could help. Luckily I found a place that can get me in sooner.
I got diagnosed via telehealth conference. Very quick, started me on medication right away, though we cycled through a few before we found one that worked.
That sounds concerning. Quick and easy are not necessarily attributes I want for medical evaluation. But maybe I'm just biased, because I missed out on the more efficient approach
While I appreciate your recognition of our hellish political landscape, I'm choosing to completely disregard your "advice" as it's entirely unhelpful and unproductive. I'm pursuing this specifically bc it's already far beyond a disruption to my life right now. It's a fucking nightmare. Without evaluation I can't get the proper treatment I'd like to help me mitigate the disaster zone that is my mind.