And, upon this day, it was proclaimed, deez, deres, and all of deys nuts shall be fat and got. For our shared burden, and the sag of our scrotums, is a blessing bestowed by the Uncle, The nephew, and my friend Jeff who you guys don't know.
"This One is Just A Rock"
You have no idea how satisfying it feels seeing this expressed so accurately, I wish I could make some of my elementary school teachers see this meme because it so succinctly summarizes the struggles I experienced too.
Maybe then they'd think twice before dismissing other kid's issues in the future 🙏
To subtly draw your eye's focus on the important words, letting it dance playfully over "This One" before stressing the importance of "Just", and once again with "Rock"
Fun fact: The term "high functional" comes from nazi Germany (or Austria to be precise). Hans Asberger devided his neurodivergent fosterlings into his "little professors" who were beneficial to the Volk and those "low functional" who were of no use and were deported to what could be described as the first gas campers. It didn't start with the Jews. It never does. It started with labeling outcasts and burning books about gays and trans people.
"low support needs" is the preferred term. Still having needs neurotypical people don't, but not a lot of them.
High support needs would be the opposite.
I have an exercise app that occasionally asks my overall mood, like "Have you recently felt overwhelmed?" Do you feel anxious a lot?"
I sent them feedback explaining that they never ask if there's a good reason that I might be feeling down: I've variously had reason to think I might lose my job, nearly lost sight in one eye, nearly evacuated from wildfires, etc. Yes, I've felt "anxious a lot"!
Just do some more specific exercises and those products from our partners could luckily help in exact those situations!
Just buy an abo to get sweet rewards and a VIP-only training video, which tells you the secret, how our pro athletes get into shape quickly!