Some People just write like that. It would be less infuriating if it were at least consistent or had some apparent Purpose to it like the archaic German-style Capitalization of Nouns.
I have a feeling that I, as an atheist who is reading books about Jesus and the early church as a lover of history, may know more about the topic than she.
She's got me dead to rights, though, about guns. I don't need or want one and her having one would be the sign that I should exit.
Best part is knowing that he probably wrote a similar post about the crazy lady he got setup with. Both horrified, I'm sure.
Another atheist here. Also of Jewish ethnicity. And I definitely know more about the New Testament than she does because she's speaking with authority and that is expressly not allowed. I'm guessing Jesus and other first century Judean men would not be a big fan of women being armed either, what with them being property at the time. Something tells me she would not agree to be property.
Also, she's likely divorced if she's a grandmother and going on dates. Jesus expressly forbids divorce. (It could be that she's widowed I suppose, but she better not have had her child out of wedlock.)
2 Corinthians 6:14. Not that I believe this shit anymore, but that's not true. I've heard a number of in-depth sermons on this verse. Marriage partners being "unequally yoked", and how marriage partners need to be on the same team, pulling in the right direction, sharing the same values.