Barley is your corn, I think he may have been speaking of maize.
It’s a joke/meme obviously but … Anti-intellectualism really is at the heart of both of those things.
Not really needed, you can click on the “memos” to see the corresponding artwork.
Is that what this is though? This looks like repurposed industrial, maybe former rail access.
If so, hard to say it’s planned other than the bare minimum for fire safety.
unless you explicitly mention that it's a DIY replica.
I’m sure the OP will be careful to let himself know that he’s made a DIY replica.
literally obeying the law in this case.
Yeah, no. That’s not how the law works. This is purely internal Google policy and licking trumps asshole.
Sometimes it makes a network connection work temporarily.
I find them okay, but I am much more concerned with consistent fonts than with a variety of decorative fonts.
The default fonts feel very old-fashioned though.
Get some gall then!
Yesterday was the best day to switch but today is fine too!
Prefixing: I don’t think it is archaic in German, or a bad thing at all. It’s the German style of marking nouns when needed. However in English it is archaic, mostly unused since the 18th century.
As to your examples? Probably context, or the same way we in English distinguish:
- I saw her duck (she lowered her head)
- I saw her duck (she has an unusual pet)
All languages have ambiguity in some cases; it’s mostly fine. The examples you mention would be ambiguous when spoken [unless they also mark a pronunciation difference], so it is necessary to use that same context in that case.
Also note that a language that does have a way to distinguish nouns from verbs has a lot more leeway in using phrases that would otherwise be ambiguous, so they’re likely more common.
Moving this to a top-level comment.
Overleaf is fantastic, as long as you are okay with non-WYSIWYG document editing and learning some LaTeX.
Typst is also worth looking at, as a similar concept. It uses a very different language than LaTeX, but feels more in touch with modern sensibilities.
I’m not a huge fan of Google as a company, but Google Docs seems to be the first and only one that actually put some new thought into how to organize their toolbar, so that’s my go-to.
Edit: thinking a little further, my other go-tos are Overleaf or Typst. Those do require that you be okay with a non-wysiwyg editor of course, but they are excellent.
As long as you’re okay with an interface that slavishly clones the terrible MS-Word ribbon bar.
Some People just write like that. It would be less infuriating if it were at least consistent or had some apparent Purpose to it like the archaic German-style Capitalization of Nouns.
System76 sells desktops too. Not sure about Tuxedo.
Obvious answer: “people who game on Linux and ‘need’ 240Hz”
Probably not that relevant when not gaming, just as on Windows.
Not exclusively a card game but Brian Boru has beautiful cards.
By “socially unsafe” they mean “physically unsafe”
It might just be a British vs American thing or it might be government jargon. I can’t tell.
No. As you get older your social life will change and reboot as you find new friends and interests and move apart from the old ones.
The only constant is change.