"Alpha" as in alpha software: buggy, not fit for release, a poor first approximation of useful, error-prone, almost certain to fail at the desired task, etc…
obligatory reminder that even the man that coined the term alpha male has relized he was fucking wrong, but the worst of humanity just fell in love with the concept and wont let it die
Tbh. the poster is probably one of those kids in the photo.
I am not surprised that a immature kid writes immature posts. I am so glad there were no social media when I was 14 because I was fucking feral. God the cringe I would have to wade through to scrub that shit.
Is......is that you in that pic? Or a general visual representation that could accurately give the impression of you?
......because those guys look like dweebs.
Yeah, that's right. I'm bringing dweeb back. Nerds and dorks are actually kinda cool, I like them a lot. But these guys? Total dweebs! 80s vernacular is back, baby! Hasta la vista!
I acquired that bit of faulty information a long time ago, so maybe it was different close after 9/11? Or it was just never really true in the first place?