Y'all don't use poweroff
I think capitalism with a healthy mix of socialism can benefit quite a lot of people. I'm never going to say Australia is perfect, we have spineless government officials that work against our interests to help rich fucks and a considerable problem with how the original owners of our country are still treated, but I like to use my country as an example cos Americans like to hate on Europe for being too different.
I get charged $30 to see a doctor (this could be considered expensive and our government is aiming to fix this, and there are places you can go for free) thanks to taxes. People actually get health insurance claims paid out because we have laws and oversight of the insurance companies.
I worked a shit job in a factory putting boxes onto a palette for 8 hours a day, and I got paid $28 an hour to do that with legally mandated break times. That was above minimum wage by like $1.50 or something. We have "awards" (a term I don't entirely understand tbh) and agreements with the governments that force us to earn a decent wage, and we constantly argue about it being put up. It also gets raised when enough of us kick up a stink. I worked there during Uni, and the business was required to be flexible with my hours. They couldn't fire me if I said no to coming in because I could take that to a federally funded legal body who would sue them for me.
Not a single person here is worried about going broke from needing an ambulance or life saving surgery. We have a voting system where the whole country has to rock up to the polls, or they get fined, and voting day is a Saturday. We pay people... almost enough, there's still issues including inequality issues, but it's a shit ton more than $7.50 an hour.
You lot have government officials that consistently let you down and get distracted by the way your businesses are owned. Show up to vote. Vote in your interests. Riot when anticorruption investigations get defunded or impeded. Public servants work for you, make them feel that way. Call them and remind them of that.
Sorry for ranting but I just get so frustrated by all the talk of tearing the system down and rebuilding. Force the people you voted in to do the right thing, or make them wish they had by ending their careers.
I love how none of them look like they're meant to be in the photo. They are somehow all crammed in.
Be excellent to each other, be less than excellent to these dweebs
Found out you could right click and the page would stop tracking your mouse...
Found this, sounds about: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutional_coup
Can I offer the phrase fuckwit? Maybe fuckwad? Fuckface, fucking dickhead/idiot/moron, best left unfucked, unfuckably dumb, or fucked in the head (insert brain worm reference here). So many phrases to choose from other than that one
I'm happy you've found a place to talk with people. I hope that space doesn't get invaded by assholes
It's a shame I haven't seen more YouTubers leaving X, they all seem to use it to talk about whatever they do. Not that I watch a lot of YouTube these days but my family does, younger ones especially watch those minecraft SMP types. Its arguably the most toxic social media but "everyone's on there".
I liked this article about the whole ordeal so I'll share it here: Why You'll Leave X as well as instagram and all other private platforms
To be fair, a mate of mine had 'Incident Reponse' in his professional signature for more than a month. At least the Cyber Analyst part was spelled correctly I guess?
I keep making the incorrect assumption that everyone has already left X. Just seems common sense we've hit all hands abandon ship
Hey look, I appreciate what you say below but I agree, I was probably tactless and I think saying I picked a bad time is an understatement. I'm going to just move on and do what they recommend and "do my research". Leave 'em be, they're pissed and looking for someone to take it out on.
I dont know how to respond to that to be honest.
I had a whole thing in my head of just asking what you felt so that I could hear you out. I have a different opinion but I change my mind on things frequently.
You posted two other things so I took that to mean A) you didn't mind talking about your opinion and B) might have wanted to say your peice. I wanted to hear what you had to say, why you felt the way you did. I can see you thought I was being disingenuous but I really meant that in good faith. I'm not great at this whole internet convo stuff so I'll take it as my bad but I really did just want to talk. Sorry.
Hey, I see I'll preface this with: I saw this scrolling through All, I'm not from America so have no skin in the game, and for all intents and purposes you'd look at me and see a cis dude.
I see a lot of posts with opinions like this and really don't understand the point of view because I come from a totally different world. Before reading this (and like 100 other posts of the same nature) I would have said "y'all were stupid for not voting dems in. It was clear what republicans were going to do, and are doing. Voting against them was the only option."
I'm just trying to learn, not wanting to start shit, but what was the alternative here? From where I sit, again in another country altogether, y'all had two options and chose to either vote the shittiest, vote 3rd party (never going to win) or not at all. What's the purpose? I saw someone mention George Carlin talking about why he doesn't vote (says there's no point so he jerks off at home rather than jerk off by going to the polls and pretending he made a difference). I've seen a lot of "you can't expect me to vote for genocide" comments which I agree with. Idk, I guess I saw someone talking passionately and just wanted to understand what the plan was?
I'd really like to hear from someone with the point of view im asking about, as I said, I've already got an opinion based on where I'm from, I don't need someone telling me what others think and why they're wrong.
Okay well, this is what I get for trusting other commenters. I'm gonna do some research here and find out some specifics, then I'll change the title and post again lol
Okay well, this is what I get for trusting other commenters. I'm gonna do some research here and find out some specifics, then I'll change the title and post again lol
I’ve updated the title so it’s more correct
Yep, updated the title to be more correct
I've updated the title so it's more correct
As some other commenters are saying, it's an exFAT symlink issue (theyrr not supported). I've not had issues with ntfs so far.
I dont post often but I struggled to find a solution to my issue so I am trying to fix that very problem by adding a resource. Hope this helps someone.
I have moved my last windows pc to Linux Mint last weekend (I had some issues writing to my other USBs and had it lying around, technically I set out to try Fedora Silverblue but that may come later down the road now). I keep all my games and important files on secondary hdds and ssds in my machine as I've had data loss many times before from moving machines go Linux.
All went well, installation worked, but when I installed Steam, nothing showed up in the 'storage' page of the settings menu. "Hmm, it's probably a permission issue" I thought, if it cant see the drives it's not allowed to. Command used to debug this was:
sh ls -ld /media/gamedrive1 /media/gamedrive2
which showed root had read, write and execute access but I had read access.
So next I had to change /etc/fstab
and make sure my drives were mounted correctly (using ntfs-3g driver instead of ntfs on one drive, and adding my users name as the owner and group owner).
This took me a minute to get right because it relies on the uuid of the drive, not the /dev/sdX
identifier (I've been informed you can also use the /dev/disks/by-id/
. It was super easy to do this through the gnome-disks utility, so I didn't need to keep editing the fstab file with nano and could see partition names.
I then I had drives visible in the 'Storage' settings in Steam (I did also switch from the downloaded deb file from steams website to the apt installation but I dont think I needed to).
I try to run a game, forget proton exists, retry to run the game with compatibility mode on, then get a 'Disk Write Error' for my /media/JoshCodes/gamedrive1/SteamLibrary/steamapps/downloading/random/file
Super weird I think, but it's probably a cache issue, some dumb file from my windows machine that didn't get permission-ed properly for some reason - idk it was 10pm. I clear my cache, reset steam entirely, manually remove the files, nothing works. On a fluke, a troubleshooting step led me to a solution by way of it not working: I tried to create a symlink between the downloads folder on the main drive and the drive I had the game library installed on. The recommendation was to use:
sh ls -s /opt/steam/downloading /path/to/steamlibrary/downloading
Can't remember the error but it was something like "symlinks are not able to be created as they are not compatible with this file system". Oh dammit. This drive is on a filesystem that is incompatible (exFAT) with my other file systems for some reason. Someone smarter than me clarified that Steam and video games in general rely on symlinks, which are not supported on exFAT file systems, but will work on Windows for reasons I won't get in to.
Unfortunately I did have to move everything from my exFAT drive to a 3rd drive, reformat (just used ext4 as its native linux) and put all my files back on. At this point it was like 1am but I could open Civ V and Rocket League! Huzzah, crashed and went to bed. That's the first time I've really stuck with a problem that I wasn't familiar with, learned a shitload about mounting drives and just thought it through. A little help from the internet at the end but good outcome.
I hope that helps someone else!
Edit: Added commands and fixed formatting. Changed title as it was not correct as pointed out (Sorry, that's the first thing I typed and forgot to check that before posting). Added some info stolen from the comments on why symlinks don't work.
I'm about to start hosting an OpenCTI instance for work and was looking for advice on pretty much everything. I'm new to self hosting and was wondering if anyone had any advice or helpful guides (storage space, config tips, etc).
I'm looking to set up an OCTI server as a docker container behind nginx. I'd love to practice at home so this is sort of relevant to the community. Have you done this, what did you learn, do you have any things I should watch out for?
So I've been running Windows on my gaming system and Linux on my laptop for Uni for a while. I chose this to discourage working instead of relaxing, or gaming instead of working. However, I am finding that I often get the opportunity to work from home and I find it easier to just use my laptop on the go (I have a dual monitor setup + kvm switch so its a little annoying to have to come home and run 3 cables just for some extra screen realestate).
I want them to run the same OS so I can use the same tools and workflow. I use Ubuntu 23.04 on my laptop, W11 on my PC. I have nvidia GPU's in both (1660 Super Desktop and 3050 Laptop), so installing and maintaining drivers would ideally be easy. I would use Ubuntu but I plan to move away from it since they're moving away from .debs. Any recommendations? I am looking for stability, but something I can game on. I've never had a linux gaming pc so I don't know how much that changes things. I don't want to do much tinkering, I am more of a set an forget type.
I generally prefer Gnome, XFCE, KDE, Cinnamon, Mate in that order. I looked it up and a lot of the games I play are Proton DB Gold or up. The only game with an anticheat that I play is the MCC and I'll just disable the anticheat if its an issue.