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Rishi Sunak reveals his favourite meal is sandwiches in last-minute appeal to voters
  • What do humans eat? sandwiches, ive heard of that

    “Oh yes i enjoy regular sandwiches just like all other regular humans. A big enjoyer of sandwiches. Yes. Uh fillings? What? No, I look after my teeth”

  • As an extra, my grandma once called me "devilspawn"
  • And now these horribly abused children are adults with their own children.

    Thankfully a lot of them are learning to break the cycle of parental mental abuse

  • How do you deal with eternal loneliness?
  • usually because it becomes very obvious the poster doesn’t want help and just wants to whine.

    The solution to loneliness? Meet people. Find something you enjoy and find a group you can meet, online or otherwise. Start to find ways to build relationships with people.

    “But I cant do literally anything to meet anyone ever”


  • Zelenskyy challenges Trump to reveal plans for quick end to war
  • trumps plan

    1. swallow putins entire shaft
    2. invade ukraine on russias side
  • Waste shark drone to clean canals and rivers in Leeds
  • “Ah someone has developed something to clean the rivers! Great, lets let everyone start dumping sewage in” - tory government

  • Parents won't stop talking about friends' appearances
  • Are they the sort of parents who, in a friendly way, know calling these women your girlfriend bothers you so they like to poke and make fun?

    Nice to have parents who care ☺️

    editn- this was supposed to be a friendly light hearted comment. No idea what happened

  • EU plan to impose import duty on cheap goods could dent Shein and Temu
  • which exploit a loophole on low valued goods

    In the article.

    In the EU, the threshold for the levy is €150 (£127) and in the UK it is £135

    In the UK, items valued at £39 or less also do not attract import VAT.

    Last year, 2.3bn items below the duty-free €150 threshold were imported into the EU

  • Daily check-in for Wednesday July 3rd, just for today we are NOT drinking!
  • Since July last year, I quit drinking. I fell off the wagon, once, a month later.

    I haven’t had a drop since. I don’t even want it anymore, or have any desire.

    Anyone who wants to stop? You can do it. I believe in you.

  • Tethered Bottle Caps
  • less knife friendly

    Most places are advanced enough to not require their citizens to carry weaponry.

    needing to always be armed is a uniquely american problem

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Parents jobs arent to protect their kids

    I get you don’t mean this so broadly but you lose all nuance with this statement.

    Protect them from every minor mistake or risk that could ever possibly happen, and smothering them? Sure.

    Someone about to stab your kid? Protect them from predators? Protect them from various risks and hazards in life which every parent should be teaching them?

    • dont get into strangers cars
    • dont let strangers into the house
    • look both ways when crossing the road
  • Tethered Bottle Caps
  • what i think when people struggle with the cap hitting their face

  • This seems like a troll effort that went too far and became real
  • hammer smashed face, the album taken literally

  • Might be promising
  • “I build cars. I have machine to make holes. All of life’s problems can be solved with these two specific technologies I have built and everything else is a shit idea” - boy wonder muski

  • things you can only do with boys
  • Reading through this entire comment chain was interesting, because it seems everyone has missed each others points

    FlyingSquid I believe means like, parents having a photo album (ie, a literal traditional physical one my mum had of me) which contains like “photo of first bath” or “photo of new t shirt but no bottoms cause running around as toddlers do”, completely innocent shit mixed in with general baby photos. And pulling that album out is used to embarrass the adult son/daughter with funny baby pictures and “haha look at baby you naked”, completely innocent humour. It might be less common these days, generationally people don’t do it as much.

    nomus(?), killingtime(?) etc etc the others replying seem to be taking the comic literally as if the photos are solely of genitalia and thats the frame/centre point of the image instead of it just a kid doing something normal and happens to be nude.

    I am sure flyingsquid isn’t going around with photos of their kids privates to show to people / send it to people etc with the specific intention of showing private areas but instead like my previous example, the kid is in the bath. Or running around without bottoms or a nappy cause it was changing time. Who knows. But its a far cry from the extreme end which everyone else seems to be assuming

  • Follow-up on /c/pleasantpolitics and automated moderation
  • pleasant politics

    nothing to see here

    as expected

    I kid - i hope it does well

  • The home insurance shock hitting the housing market has landlords concerned too. 80% of landlords in ResiClub's latest survey say they're concerned about future home insurance increases.
  • Title grammar correction

    “.. has landlords concerned, too. 80% of landlords…”

    Missing full stop after too

    also fuck landlords ALAB

  • how to disable self upvoting?
  • its the default for all reddit/lemmy/other style platforms. The default assumption is of course everyone (in general) will upvote their own post. So setting it by default no one gets an advantage.

    and what you’re asking for is a disadvantage to your posts

  • Strands #111 Play Strands, our newest word-search game with a twist.

    The objective? Use every letter on the board to find today’s linked words plus their hidden theme. A new puzzle is added daily.

    Play Strands, our newest word-search game with a twist.

    As someone who is not american, I massively struggled with this one

    One. Single. Word. exists in the UK, and the rest are entirely nonexistent afaik


    Strands #112 “Fine diners” 💡🔵💡🔵 🔵💡🔵💡 🔵🔵🟡


    Life Wirral School - Post Panorama Airing

    Im watching the Panorama airing, decided to check out what this scumbag school had to say for themselves. Their statement is infuriating

    > An undercover investigator failed in her basic safeguarding duties to report significant concerns and had she have done so on day one there would be no television programme

    You have ran this school for years, what the fuck

    > As a team of highly respected education specialists we see no justification whatsoever allowing such incidents to continue; the safeguarding of the children should have come first rather than a television show


    had it been reported like you say, it would have been brushed under the rug

    Shut this school down. Jail these cunts.

    Conservative breadsmasher Conservatives Quickly Turn Against “Idiot” Marjorie Taylor Greene

    The Georgia Republican is fast falling out of favor for her opposition to the Ukraine aid bill.

    Conservatives Quickly Turn Against “Idiot” Marjorie Taylor Greene

    cross-posted from:

    > Conservatives Quickly Turn Against “Idiot” Marjorie Taylor Greene > > The Georgia Republican is fast falling out of favor for her opposition to the Ukraine aid bill. > > Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s failed fight to end aid to Ukraine, and her sort-of-serious crusade against House Speaker Mike Johnson, has cost her the support of right-wing media. > > The Sunday front page of the New York Post, owned by the conservative Murdoch family, was the latest outlet to attack Greene, invoking the “Moscow Marjorie” nickname coined by former representative Ken Buck. > > Fox News, another arm of the Murdoch media empire, had already taken aim at the Georgia Republican last week, with columnist Liz Peek calling her an “idiot” and saying she needs to “turn all that bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on Democrats.” This follows an editorial last month from The Wall Street Journal, also in the Murdoch portfolio, that called Greene “Rep. Mayhem Taylor Greene” and accused her and her allies of being “most interested in TV hits and internet donors.”  > > Even a non-Murdoch outlet is on the attack, as conservative Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Debra Saunders demanded to know “who put Marjorie Taylor Greene in charge?”

    Brexit breadsmasher Drug shortages, now normal in UK, made worse by Brexit, report warns

    Some shortages are so serious they are imperilling the health and even lives of patients with serious illnesses, pharmacy bosses say

    Drug shortages, now normal in UK, made worse by Brexit, report warns

    downvoters I assume are people who still think brexit was a good idea

    0 Drug shortages, now normal in UK, made worse by Brexit, report warns

    Some shortages are so serious they are imperilling the health and even lives of patients with serious illnesses, pharmacy bosses say

    Drug shortages, now normal in UK, made worse by Brexit, report warns

    Thanks, Brexit.

    Conservative breadsmasher House Conservatives Threaten to Block FISA Renewal

    The full story about House Conservatives Threaten to Block FISA Renewal. Know the facts. Reveal the bias. Verity.

    House Conservatives Threaten to Block FISA Renewal

    cross-posted from:

    > House Conservatives Threaten to Block FISA Renewal > > * A faction of the US House Republican majority is threatening to block the renewal of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which allows the government to collect Americans' communications if they're connected to foreigners abroad. FOX News (LR: 4 CP: 4) > * Those opposed to the bill, including GOP Reps. Matt Gaetz and Anna Paulina Luna of Florida and Tim Burchett of Tennessee, are particularly focused on including a warrant requirement to conduct such surveillance. The Hill > * The FISA database, which many progressive Democrats also oppose, was reportedly improperly searched by the FBI 278K times over several years. However, the FBI and US Dept. of Justice say it's critical for combating drug smuggling, cybercrime, and cross-border crime. > * While Pres. Joe Biden wants it reauthorized, former Pres. Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee for 2024, said to "kill it" because, he alleged, it was "illegally used" to spy on his campaign. However, it was Title I of FISA that the FBI used to improperly spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Paige. Forbes (LR: 3 CP: 5) > * If Democrats vote against the renewal, Republicans can only afford to lose two members to win a majority. The Hill > > Pro-establishment narrative: > > * Section 702 has been a crucial tool for law enforcement and there are more than enough FBI policies to ensure the government can fight crime while safeguarding Americans' privacy. A warrant requirement, however, would prevent the government from efficiently doing this and put national security at risk. > WASHINGTON POST (LR: 2 CP: 5) > > Establishment-critical narrative: > > * In addition to leaving out a warrant requirement, this bill expands the government's Section 702 capabilities — making it too easy to violate citizens' right to privacy. Surveillance hawks seem determined to end privacy in America as we know it. > CENTER FOR DEMOCRACY AND TECHNOLOGY

    [Youtube] LegalEagle - Who's Liable For The Baltimore Key Bridge Collapse? Who's Liable For The Baltimore Key Bridge Collapse?

    Let's talk about the Key legal issues 👨‍💻 Remove personal information off the web with Incogni with code LEGALEAGLE ⚖️⚖️⚖️ ...

    Who's Liable For The Baltimore Key Bridge Collapse?
    Requesting unmoderated communities?

    This community had recently had its only mod banned for hatespeech/transphobia. I would like to request moderation control of this community.


    7 Nato chief says Trump remarks may put US and EU lives at risk

    Jens Stoltenberg says Nato ‘ready and able to defend all allies’, after Trump invited Russia to attack member countries

    Nato chief says Trump remarks may put US and EU lives at risk
    0 UK halts trade negotiations with Canada over hormones in beef ban

    Talks aimed at extending a rolled-over EU-era deal broke down over Britain's ban on hormone-treated meat.

    UK halts trade negotiations with Canada over hormones in beef ban

    Im so glad we left the EU so we could negotiate trade deals. We’re so good at negotiating!


    1 instance policy towards obvious troll user?

    Wondering if theres a policy for users who are clearly here to troll and stoke/create drama?

    Doggy Parton

    She wore it just long enough for me to take a photo

    c/technology mods are inactive

    It seems all the mods for are inactive, and are not making any effort to combat spam.

    How to go about requesting to mod the community myself?

    breadsmasher breadsmasher

    Conservative? Republican? Fuck yourselves. You’ll pay for your stupidity.

    Posts 65
    Comments 2.1K