Super, let's meet for okolehao when you get to New York. If Hawaii revolts, and maybe get together with other first nation people, I'd be all for helping you out... Once we're done helping the Ukrainians hitting concrete through Putin's face
I think it's a pretty funny meme, but understand how it is less funny to Canadians. How about you burn down the white house again and then we call it even?
Honestly, if Trump wasn't an idiot, I'd be on board with this. Setting national pride aside, you might be able to negotiate changes to US federal laws and programs that would bring them more in line with Canadas, along with some sort of 10-20 year sunset period in which existing Canadian programs would continue to run. Then we could do a national merger.
But I know he's picturing an invasion, because he doesn't give a shit about nuance and compromise.
If Maine would like to capitulate again, the Maritimes would be happy to have ya. We can send some tough natives (bit redundant to call natives 'tough,' eh?) over to Michigan for them to surrender again.