"If it's not possible now, it'll never be possible," Musk said of his proposal to simply ignore all federal regulation as a baseline.
He's just going to get people killed. But that's ok he doesn't give a shit anyways, so it's moot. What are a few thousand dead peasants when we could make big stock number go up?
So I visited Bangladesh one time, and learned they have insanely high rates of cancer there. Why? Well it turns out that (among other reasons) the farmers had been injecting formaldehyde into their vegetables because it made them last longer on the shelves, and therefore sold better.
This is what you get with no regulations. A sick and dying population.
You have to remember that musk literally, unironically, thinks we're npcs. He actually genuinely does not think that the masses of poor people are actually people.
From my point of view from the other side of the Atlantic, you guys in the US don't have enough regulation as it is. There's only one class of people that benefit from removal of the regulations you do have, and that's the top 1%. It's just going to allow them to do all of the following to make more money, at everyone else's expense.
1: Treat their employees worse than they already do, AND put them into dangerous situations legally.
2: Cut corners to save money at the expense of safety. Think airlines, airliner manufacturers, car makers, construction. The list here could be endless.
3: Well, finance/banking regulations. That will be a field day for the finance sector I'm sure.
I mean the list is potentially endless. But the three points above will keep you busy for long enough I reckon.
No, I don't really feel safe even this far away. We're not immune to all of this anywhere in the world.
I feel like I'm a crazy person, but I'm starting to believe the conspiracy of tech billionaires trying to dismantle the government to create network states. I'm almost certain they will gut the SEC eventually as well, so they can deregulate cryptocurrency. This was a summary I've recently read: Day One of Venture Capital Takeover.
Everyone should google Network States and the cities these VC billionaires are trying to create. Stuff like Próspera, Pronomos Capital, Praxis Nation, Bitcoin City in El Salvador, Afropolitan in Africa etc. etc. The same website has long page on it: The Status of the Network State. They are essentially creating sovereign states or cities that aren't beholden to any local government laws and use their own deregulated cryptocurrencies, so that they can control all the rules and power within.
I have no idea how trustworthy the site I linked is, but I can't see what they would gain from lying about it
In my experience, if you have a boss that bitches about OSHA and how they're totally unnecessary, you've got a shitty boss. I'm talking the kind that would get you killed to save a nickel and then go on about how they're the real victims of you going and getting yourself killed like that.
Remember that we're not allowed to call for violence, but it's okay when Elon does things like this, because allowing industry to poison whole towns isn't violence, it's just capitalism.
My power company fucked up my autopay, they then preceeded to not tell me, then they shut off my power without a note or an in person heads up, leaving it indistinguishable from a regular outage until it was dark and my neighbors lights turned on and their billing department was closed for the night. In February.
I'm saying this because all this was illegal thanks to regulations. I reported it to the government because it was danger, irresponsible, and a dick move. I think a lot of people think of regulations as stuff like wheelchair ramps and no knowingly giving entire towns cancer, but it's also shit like this, that you have to tell people that you shut off their power for non-payment and warn them before you do so they don't have to spend a night eating takeout by candlelight for no reason.
If industrialists can pollute wherever they want, we should be allowed to live wherever we want. Private property is just a regulation at the end of the day.
Side note, Im still not buying this "Worlds richest man" Label.
I believe that title still belongs to Vladimir Putin. his wealth is not published though. He Robbed a vast nation blind to the point that he is a living god in Russia.
Hey, Elon: I got some fresh snake oil that will make your dick bigger, make you actually good at video games, and women will actually want to have sex with you and not just because you have more money than fucking God.
Silver Spoon Autist Nazi Watched Iron man, and Played Cyberpunk, and became infactuated with the fiction of Tony Stark, and Sovereign Corpos. and decided "I want that"