From this US citizen, I'm pulling for Canada and Mexico. I may have to pay more, but I'm comfortable to weather it. I want it to fuck up everything and clearly have it because of the tariffs. Pork, whiskey/bourbon, oil... Hit red state exports first and hardest, then do the rest as necessary. Make it hurt
So I learned yesterday that some auto parts cross the borders of Canada and Mexico multiple times during production. I think we will see mass layoffs at auto facilities in the US inside two weeks.
If you are a Canadian or Mexican please contact your representatives and have them do a more targeted tariff plan. Target American red states directly! Oil tariffs should be universal but anything made in red states and counties should have a 100% tariff. Force industry and goods to flow through blue areas and Trump's support will crumble.
Looks like Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia are also taking the same route (except not restricting it to red states). I don't expect much from Alberta or Saskatchewan but where's New Brunswick's and PEI's stance on this?
I want to apologize and let you know I did not vote for palpatine and don't understand why anyone would. Especially given our version has video of him shooting lightening from his hand. Granted before the election he did say he did not know anything about the dark side handbook that his chums where passing around and was not going to follow it. So I mean he did decieve us kinda.
I predict Trump will back down within a month and the newly "Trump good" media (an odd reversal after 8 years of "Trump bad") will do what they did with Colombia and claim him backing down is actually him winning because they now propaganda for the GOP instead of the DNC.
I'm still frustrated that it's his own trade deal that he is then his original deal wasn't good? Maybe he shouldn't be the* one in charge of it?
I know its mostly yelling into the void, but goddamn.
not being sarcastic, what news companies have switched their messaging to be pro-trump? I must not have been paying enough attention to american outlets because I haven't seen this shift in the stuff I read.
The tone of all non-MSNBC (and maybe MSNBC, they're so irrelevant they might as well not exist and I've seen nothing from them) televised media has a DRASTICALLY more pro-Trump tone than ever before -- CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN