I'm hoping to book a pedicure for me and my boyfriend with a gift card he got me ages ago. Feeling like I'm starting to get sick though so might not be able to do it :( We could really use a little spa day.
This isn't that exotic I guess but I had a customer at the restaurant that would smuggle in his pet rat (I worked the graveyard so usually nobody was around). Its name was Gizmo and it would sit on his shoulder under his sweater and he would feed it French toast. Sweetest little thing.
I'm not good at law but I have heard from people smarter than me that there are chances for at least a hung jury (I think could be retried) and there's also another option called jury nullification, where the jury essentially says, "yeah we know he is guilty but we don't agree with the law in this case" and acquits.
History offers one very good "right" way, imo.
Yeah I don't shop Amazon anymore but my parents use my prime account for tv so when I asked them if I could cancel it, my mom just said she would start paying it and I'm not trying to pass off my payments to my parents so unless I can somehow teach my 60+ year old tech-illiterate parents the ways of the sea, I'm stuck handing my money to the fuckers (the company are the fuckers, not my parents)
My RMT today was going through the initial questions and asked "pain?" With regards to my physical pain, and then went "stress?" And my brain short-circuited and I said "isn't that the same thing" so I'd say 10/10 for both in these times, thank you.
Yeah, I can only assume if it's families it must be undocumented people who had already escaped to America from elsewhere and don't want to now be separated from their children. But really the lack of context is not great.
They could have left travelling from a warmer state and just didn't have/couldn't afford warmer clothing.
They didn't say suicide or "shot himself" in the other article, so I initially thought it was an accident. But then I realized, and it made me sad.
That Columbus was a good person.
Did they think snakes were like giant fucking worms or something?
Sidenote, I had only ever seen a snake head and out of curiousity just searched up a snake skeleton just now and i am pretty scarred.
Look at the smile on that person's face. The world needs more of that person.
Sorry that this is a dumb question but for any Americans out there: how is it that the federal government can control what state governments or private companies are doing in regards to even TALKING about diversity? Like, is it fully illegal to talk about it? Cause that seems way more far reaching than just removing the policies directly related to dei hiring.
And also, if it's a private company why does the government even get a say in their specific policies?
Are you saying that a DNR would be viewed as the same as euthanasia? Because those are very different things legally and a DNR is a very standard document in most developed countries.
I did not see any ad campaigns from Alberta but definitely heard a lot of anti Trudeau sentiment... Bruh. The worst part is we don't even have a fucking liberal party in BC (or one that has a red colour!!) like how far up their ass is their head to be so confused.
Hooray! Good on you for being patient.
It took us just over a month to acclimate our little semi feral bastard, but it was so worth it he's a huge cuddle bug. He still bites but it's just "love bites" that happen to be very sharp.
Good lord I forgot what the Beaverton was for a second and went in there not even doubting the fucking headline. Will I ever question a ridiculous sounding headline again?