First year in dorms, fire alarm goes off and I'd evacuate. By third year I'd just put a pillow over my head and just accept my fate whatever it may be.
Rules that that are how you get residents breaking policy and bringing home appliances into the dorm and straining the circuit.
Just set a policy of watch the microwave, and enforce it. Making college students work around stupid policies is just going to cause more issues down the line lol
Same way every other penalty is enforced. threat of eviction if rules/terms are not followed.
Student's are entitled to live in the dorms. Sure they pay money but, they agree to follow guidelines. Just like if caught supplying alcohol to minors or partying. Repeat offenses = eviction
I'm not saying a one off should equal eviction but, but there should be a punishment, even if its a warning first.
Just had to look this up. Apparently they do. The the magnetron (the electrical element that converts electrical energy into microwave energy) will not maintain the same power levels over time.