After undoing an executive order from 1965 workplace discrimination based upon race, color, religion, sex, or national origin are once again permitted. We sure made America great didn't we?
The executive action was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 24, 1965, establishing requirements for non-discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U.S. government contractors. As amended, it prohibited "federal contractors and subcontractors and federally-assisted construction contractors and subcontractors that generally have contracts that exceed $10,000 from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."[1] It also required contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin."
Are they really going through everything all the way back to the 60ies to erase anything and everything Civil Rights-related? It just seems so petty.
Well guess I won't be getting a job again. Are they for real? Please tell me a judge will strike this down? If this allowed a lot people are about start losing their jobs.
That’s the problem. EOs can get done and undone on the whim of a president. Congress needs to make these things laws, but they have been paralyzed(seemingly by design) forever
I'm sick and tired of these lazy mexicans who can't put a simple lithium ion battery in the back of an aluminum alloy body with "ultra high strength steel" which I personally designed and fabricated when I wasn't smoking meth.
FAFO. This plan of action couldn't have been clearer, better communicated not more anticipated, yet many women and minorities voted for Trump. They're certainly no less to blame than the rest of the choads who voted for Trump, but their self-inflicted wounds hopefully are needed by those around them enough to shake them out of their torpor.