Take off every zig
What if instead toilet seats become a symbol for a group of genetically engineered super soldiers known for being Mary Sues?
Ignore contracts you don't like, 100% on brand
Launcher may handle 10,000 g's, but satellites tend to be kind of fragile
Related in that it actually tried to do something. Russian ships have never needed outside help to catch on fire
You know, DOGE has been getting admin accounts for literally everything from email to payroll. It's entirely possible that nobody from the EPA has anything to do with this
On the one hand, Trump ordered the entire Federal government to give him all this access. On the other hand, most of this shit is massively illegal but anyone who says so is getting fired within 24 hours
And not the good kind, where we kill fake gods
Takahata101: I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say
The funny part is, the tower DID tell them what to do, the helo just didn't do it
It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on earth!
By a grand total of 6 points? That's basically nothing
They're big and tough and can carry really big guns
Bold of you to assume he cares enough to want to hire people back when everything burns
For reference, 3 km/s is approximately Mach 10
How exactly do you expect a normal president to run the government?
Because releasing 1k hostages is nothing when you can just abduct another 1k randos again
Yeah, none of that makes sense. Machine and Divine should be the same axis, as the Omnissiah wills
Once is persecution if it happens to us, 50 times is just our job if it's a Clinton
Michael Charles Burham is accused of kidnapping a Warren County couple in May while on the run from authorities in New York, where he was a murder suspect.