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Have you got any weird questions for the opposite gender?
  • Huh, you learn something every day. That's very interesting, but it must be so weird and confusing to experience this.

  • Have you got any weird questions for the opposite gender?
  • I think I know what the user means. Trust me (yeah sure random internet person), you have no idea how often the most innocuous stuff gets used as an opening, a justification to keep bothering someone. Some guy asks for the time? Suddenly he also wants to know your name and do you want to have a drink? Some guy asks where x building is? Oh well, have you lived here long? I'm new here, maybe we could get together? Or it's "does this tram go to x station?" and then, fuck, you're stuck in a moving tram without an easy escape and the guy keeps asking why he can't have your phone number, even though you already said no and then you lied about having a boyfriend, but still he won't give up. Playing along with someone, being nice, trying to help them with innocuous stuff, 8 out of 10 times it doesn't end there at all.

    Before I get a bunch of downvotes: No, it's not every guy. We know it's not every guy. But most of us don't want to sit through 6 creeps just on the off-chance of meeting a nice person. It's just not worth it. And yes, it's always guys who do this. I've never had a woman following me after giving her directions. I've never had a woman keep pushing me after I said no (and I'm sure they exist, crappy women exist, but usually I feel perfectly safe responding to women - so sue me, confirmation bias).

    Edit: Just to respond to your specific situation. I think I might have given you the high five if you'd been at it for a little bit and I'd seen you do it to everyone else and not acting like a creep. The fact that it's a bar scene and a social environment makes it all a little easier, imo. Most of my examples, real experiences btw, always happen in non-social scenes, like when going to work, or while doing groceries, etc. So in your case, I probably would have. But just to point out: it wasn't about you personally, basically a bunch of creeps ruined it for you.

  • Texas asks people to avoid using their cars
  • I know multiple people who don't even have a driver's license (and before I get comments about 'Europoors' -- No, it's not because of money, lol), including myself. Never needed one. Within the city I can walk, go by bike, there's buses and trams. For traveling farther (also internationally), there are trains. Most of the time I just walk everywhere. Multiple supermarkets within walking distance, train station within walking distance, bus stop in front of my door, tram stop 1 minute away.

    My husband does have a license, but we own no car.

    Can't imagine being forced to drive a car due to lack of other options. For a population very obsessed with so-called freedom, Americans seem to accept and demand very little freedom sometimes.

  • Sweden to ban bottom fishing in territorial waters
  • It's okay, not your fault, you lost your mind.

  • UN adds Israel to list of states committing violations against children
  • It's always the same disingenuous bullshit. I'd wager most people on here couldn't care less about Hamas. All Hamas members could drop dead right now and I wouldn't lose a second of sleep.

    But somehow we're all Hamas supporters because we don't put a "I hate Hamas"-disclaimer above every comment about Israel. It's so terribly low-effort and transparent.

  • The inner circle is a dot
  • Likewise.

    I just enjoy being alone a lot. Not lonely; alone. I love being alone, or at the very least left alone. Makes me feel relaxed and peaceful. I barely have enough to give one person, let alone a whole bunch of them.

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? June 04
  • I made a deal with myself to go to bed at least an hour earlier than I usually would, just to read. I've read every night for the past ... I don't know how long, years anyway. I figured I would otherwise just waste this time on lemmy (or reddit in the past), and reading is a better use of my time than doomscrolling. ;) So I've been consistently going through books, even on days where I have little other free time.

    But even so, I just have so many books I want to read. Wonder if I get to read everything I want to read before I go to my grave, and that's not even including all the books that haven't been written yet that I'll also want to read. :p

  • Vaccines don’t cause autism, but the lie won’t die. In fact, it’s getting worse.
  • This is what always got to me the most. Even if vaccines caused autism, wouldn't that be preferable to your kid dying? Like, what the fuck is wrong with these people.

  • Report: Vast Majority of Children Under 5 in Gaza Going Full Days Without Food
  • Probably nothing. Even if you were rich enough to send a few trucks with food/medicine, it wouldn't gain entry. And all world governments are sitting around watching it, so not sure what ordinary citizens could do that would help these people in time (yes people can vote, but it won't be in time for a lot of these people, especially not if Israel gets to keep doing whatever in the meantime).

  • The American People
  • Well, let's not pretend any of us even 'need' American influence to become shitty. The entirety of Europe has apparently decided that it's been long enough since WW2 for us to give Fascism another try. Sure, the US influences the world, but we're more than capable of fucking things up ourselves.

    While maybe not as bad as the US yet, that image can be recycled for Europe in a short while.

  • Europe’s rapidly rising right: Hard-right forces are gaining ground ahead of next month’s European Parliament election
  • It's looking bleak here, indeed. My Heimat is jerking off Wilders and here in Germany it's the AfD, though luckily in BW they aren't as popular as in other parts of Germany..

    Still, not really sure what to do about it. I vote, but it doesn't seem to matter. Don't know how to explain to people why they should care about others. It's a good thing I have enough books and games and series to offer escapism, because otherwise I'd probably need to get some prescription medication.

  • This is hilarious
  • I had to look up the meaning and now I can only imagine the confusion this person must have felt, before he figured it out, lol.

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? June 04
  • Very relatable!

    It is also the reason I pretty much only read finished series (some exceptions for me were Feist's Magician or Erikson's Malazan series). Tbh, I really hate having to wait for the next book, sometimes even for years (and then having to reread previous books, because you've forgotten half the story), plus you can never really know if the author will actually finish it. It's why I never bought any ASOIAF-books, I was waiting for it to be finished, but now that'll probably never happen.

    Just don't have the time, patience and discipline to stay up to date with and juggle reading a bunch of different ongoing book series 'at the same time' - so I have an extra list with unfinished series that I check up on once every two years or so, to see if they're complete and I can start reading them yet. It keeps the backlog a bit more manageable.

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? June 04
  • About to start the first book of the Divine Cities series: City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett.

    Quite a while ago (I think it was when I was still on reddit), someone made a post or comment about the series and I've been wanting to read it, but I have so many books I still want to read (or reread), so I guess I kind of forgot about it. But tonight when I go to bed, I'll start. Really can't wait and hope it's as good as it was made out to be.

  • Mexico's new president!
  • I'll tell you what I told the previous commenter: They were not all runner-ups, that's misinformation. The assassinations were not presidential candidates. They were local politicians, running for mayoral or council seats.

    Which is also disgusting, of course, but no, the cartels did not kill off all her competition to get her into office.

  • Mexico's new president!
  • They were not all runner-ups, you're falling for misinformation bullshit (and stop upvoting misinformation, people!). The assassinations were not presidential candidates. They were local politicians, running for mayoral or council seats.

    Which is absolutely fucking horrifying in and of itself, don't get me wrong, but what you're saying is just not true.

  • Did everyone stick to yesterday's agenda?
  • Really not a fan of speed walking. So in stead I went home and painted rainbow colors on my bigoted neighbor's door. Wonder if I turned him gay..

  • What is skibidi and why is this word everywhere? [Serious]
  • I have honestly never heard of pingas and pootis, or fan flashes. Are those American things? Or was I already too old for these things 20 years ago. Late thirties here.

    Edit: and even after skimming this thread, I still have no clue what skibidi toilets are, haha.

  • Boost for reddit has now truly 100% died. Hello Lemmy!
  • I still use reddit when I'm looking for very specific information, because reddit still is an amazing database of content/info. Many of my searches kinda end up on reddit that way. But I don't post there anymore and I block all ads. So... I'm still using it but providing nothing in return. I can live with that.

  • wide_eyed_stupid WideEyedStupid
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