REI didn't join the suit but changed their legal firm to the same one representing these fine companies. Actions always louder than words.
They joined musk and Bezos in suing to have NLRB declared unconstitutional. I haven't shopped there in over a year after reading that, was a 20-year customer.
Fuck traitor joes.
Same playbook UK just did, they are in the middle of trying to renationalizr rail because it's such a cluster.
The call was already made from inside the house, we didn't need to let them in.
I don't know anything about html, but at the bottom of the form on mobile there is text "US Dept of Education Seal", which I assume is supposed to be an image.
Shit I might get myself assigned to head of an agency, better keep my observations to myself...
Great voting. Best voting ever.
Amazon bought the rights to the Bond series last week.
The dude has a triple mansion private island called the "billionaire bunker". Is a media magnate, one of the richest, most powerful people in the world. Has insane, blackmailable data on almost any person's ourchase history. Sitting behind the president at inauguration. Brutal to his employees in their warehouses and elsewhere. You can't get any more bond villain than that!
May that we live to see it, but it will be horrific when it happens. All the power of the US gov brought to bear against it's own coupled with the misinformation of the internet age, with Putin and Musk fanning the flames.
No idea what will be left, it could go so many ways. Honest one of the best cases would be separation but then the south would just try to invade to start the slave trade up again before too long so they can't really be left alone. Should deport the traitors all to Antarctica.
They are only scratching the surface. If you think medical care is expensive now, wait until you get surge pricing in your hospital because you were found to have a credit card with an unused balance or that your kids only have one full-time job.
Standard take by the young and impatient. If you take the path, the system gets to respond with force immediately and justify it. India's independence and the US civil rights movement were largely successfully thanks to the public and repeated showing of who the bad guys were by letting them abuse and perpetuate violence against rationally speaking unarmed opponents.
Also, if such a movement of violence is successful against the oppressive power, you then have those who are more than capable of violence in power trying to say "ok no more violence" and suddenly de-escalating to get to the desired peace. History has shown it's not often successful and that a faction of purists within the revolutionaries often continue in violent extremism even after the "battle is won". Peaceful revolution is much slower but much, much more likely to be sustainable.
Just wait until they start allocating vaccines to "appropriate recipients". TX? Sure. Oh, CA...sorry....
The lack of details about the second facility is unintentionally funny, leading to the assumption it has none of what the PHL facility does and is in a den of thieves underwater running on gerbil wheel power.
They were so eager to find out if they could, they didn't stop to think whether they should
HR, I thought they're either woke because they fight to ensure equal application of rules, or otherwise are worthless bureaucrats? Who needs HR's protection? Certainly not someone who believes in autocratic decision-making processes!
Source, am HR
SMDH at the improved performance Donnie diaper had with Hispanics this cycle, the leopards feasting.
Saw a headline that the MMR vaccine may be reduced in effectiveness after 40-ish years. It's all breaking news since people being so backwards as to not be vaccinated in numbers to allow this kind of study to even materialize in a world that has a proven cure is certainly recent.
The term "grandfather in" came from southern voter suppression laws aimed at blacks; "poll literacy tests" were implemented to create a barrier to black voting, but if you could prove your grandfather voted you didn't have to pass the test.
Deschutes County commissioners voted 2-1 to end a DEI committee’s work following a 20 minute discussion.

Super brave Caucasian commissioners decide committee they do not directly benefit from does not have a purpose, in a wise and comprehensive evaluation showing exactly who is a member of their community worth investing in.
Program had no funding and cost nothing other than ~4 hours of each program member’s time related to the program each month.
Please keep this in mind when thinking about where you will travel, vacation, live and do business with in Oregon. If you'd like to share your thoughts with the county commissioners:
Deschutes County commissioners voted 2-1 to end a DEI committee’s work following a 20 minute discussion.

Super brave Caucasian commissioners decide committee they do not directly benefit from does not have a purpose, in a wise and comprehensive evaluation showing exactly who is a member of their community worth investing in.
Program had no funding and cost nothing other than ~4 hours of each program member's time related to the program each month.
Please keep this in mind when thinking about where you will travel, vacation, live and do business with. If you'd like to share your thoughts with the county commissioners:
Hi, I'm in the US and non-car safety is appalling. I live in a semi-urban area and get nearly hit, obstructed or aggressively cut off at crosswalks or driveways nearly every single time I run, which is every other day.
Rather than try to make the case with stats showing no local enforcement of pedestrian code, I've decided for my and likely my future lawyers sale I should just record and montage it. When I'm inevitably disabled or killed by one of these selfish dumbasses, at least it will make for simple settlements, and prosecutions .
I'm in the market for a headmounted/head strap camera, preferably with a microphone option. I googled a bit and there are some go-pro-ish options but they all seem pretty big and heavy, made for mountain biking or swimming, etc. anyone have ideas or links for a lighter option? Don't need 4k and 400gb of storage, just enough for an hour or video and audio at reasonable resolution.
It steadily has dropped for a year or more and I can't take it anymore. If I replace will they fix? I pulled it off and even with the water off there is still water coming out of the pipe at a slow, slow drip pace. Is it the water shut off that needs help? Would of course prefer the cheaper fix but if a new head isn't going to stop the leak it'd be good to know.
Ziply serves about 100,000 former Frontier customers in Oregon.

Ziply was a dumb pipe with decent rates for symmetrical fiber with moderate usage. No good can come of this for customers, hope Kahn blocks it.
Ziply serves about 100,000 former Frontier customers in Oregon.

Ziply was a dumb pipe with decent rates for symmetrical fiber with moderate usage. No good can come of this for customers, hope Kahn blocks it.
Ziply serves about 100,000 former Frontier customers in Oregon.

Ziply was a dumb pipe with decent rates for symmetrical fiber with moderate usage. No good can come of this for customers, hope Kahn blocks it.
Played out Monster Mayhem card game within a month or so. Bought Castle Panic and was a great fantasy intro board game, simple to learn with just enough strategy to keep it interesting for older folks but it's about run its course.
Looking for suggestions 2-3 can play together mix of youth and adults, ideally collaboratively. Basic-level RPG or strategy fantasy/mystery/adventure, small group of 3 max so not really a "DM" situation type game, all would be players.
Local union leaders in Seattle said 64% of members voted against accepting the proposal.

Screw your workers for 30+ years, move your production, make them embarrassed with your company name by eliminating engineering excellence and outsourcing quality to lowest bidder, withhold raises for a decade, remove a real retirement plan and see what happens.
Good for them.
I received several texts today on my personal phone number addressed to a minor child in my household for whom I provide health insurance from Kaiser.
- I opted out of Kaiser text message communications. They don't respect it because Marketing?
- The messages are addressing a minor child, yet sent to me, the adult. Kaiser would know their age. If they're young, directly texting them is a violation of parental consent. If they're a dependent there could be all kinds of privacy concerns for say a teen who maybe doesn't want their parents to be involved in such conversations.
- I went to Kaiser's website to make a complaint. They don't provide an e-mail contact so you have to use a web submission form. Attachments (e.g. screenshots) aren't allowed. I copied in the text of the text messages after noting my concerns above and tried to submit. The web form said "unsupported characters", which I then spent 30 minutes trying to guess which of the characters from the texts they sent me might be unsupported by their website.
- I decided to call their web support to find out which characters were unsupported, I'm sure I wasn't the first person to have the issue. They asked for personal identifying information that isn't necessary to provide website support, spent 5 minutes locating my account, and then told me they'd have to transfer me to a different region as they don't support my region.
- They transferred me and I received an audio notice that the region was experiencing technical difficulties and the call disconnected.
- I went back to the web form to open a complaint about their web form and submitted it suggesting they identify which characters are not permitted. The form also is about 3 lines of text high but accepts 1,000 characters which makes it very difficult to read as the web user (I'm sure a dark pattern to reduce form submission)
- I called support again to try to reengage them to find out if they could identify the characters so I could submit the ticket myself. I got a different agent and had to tell them my original complaint and then what had just happened. They said they didn't know which characters were permissible, that my regions support shouldn't be down as they had no alerts, and wouldn't be able to find out which characters the form could use, despite being web support. They said they could take my complaint over the phone.
- I asked what else they needed to make the complaint. The woman said just a minute and pulled up a form after talking to a colleague and asked me to start from the beginning to make my compliant. I hung up.
- I went back on the website, typed out the entirety of the text messages I had received, my concern and the form allowed me to submit. The text messages must have had a hidden character or space that wasn't visible to me when copying/pasting.
Now I wait to hear back on my two complaints. All so that, after furiously and competently struggling against the machine, I get back to a place where maybe if I'm lucky they will respect my communication preferences, not contact my child without my permission, potentially fix their shit website, which would leave me maybe about as good off as I was before I was aware of these issues.
I feel like Calvin at the bottom of the big snowball hill he and Hobbes used, only in the modern US it's a shit snowball and it's full of companies who are technologically incompetent and aren't incentivized to follow even the laws they likely helped shaped through lobbying. The above issue is hardly even bad compared to other situations I or others have been through, it's the routiniety of it that is so dystopian.
------- Edit: 10. IT support responded to my ticket tonight. They didn't read the complaint and provided boilerplate AI template responses on how to submit a ticket when logged in as a customer.They also provided instructions on how to take a screenshot and asked me to respond to their e-mail and attach it so they could review. I responded telling them I didn't need instructions on how to take a screenshot or how to submit a message, that was included in my ticket which they didn't read--I needed a functional communication system, and reviewing the above points and then attached screenshots. I received an automated response almost instantly from their system that I had responded to a ticket that had already been closed and that Kaiser hoped they had resolved the issue to my satisfaction. No ability to re-open the ticket, no contact e-mail or phone number to continue to try to resolve the issue.
Mia Rochelle Baggenstos, 37, and Reginald Lamont Reynolds, 35, were arrested for delivery of methamphetamine, unlawful possession of methamphetamine, unauthorized use of a vehicle and possession of a stolen vehicle.

...and it contained a meth/fent dealer starter kit; cash, gun, drugs and scales.
If anyone else uses this emulator and (unfortunately) Windows, are you seeing turbo run throughs when loading ROMS? This updates were installed yesterday and they're the only thing I can think of unless the rom speed can be controlled elsewhere in the system I'm not seeing:
2024-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5044285)
2024-10 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 23H2 for x64 (KB5044033)
Cheers. --------------- edit - fixed with tip below (- key slows down emulation)
Vote Yes! on Measure 118 to get yearly rebates of $1,600 for yourself and every Oregonian, kids included. A four person household will get over $6,400 every year. Paid for by making giant corporations pay their fair share.

I posted about this 3 months ago and it was $750--glad to see the measure is going for it. The $1,600 is per person, not household. Minors count.
Large corps ($25m in revenue minimum) pay.
Vote Yes! on Measure 118 to get yearly rebates of $1,600 for yourself and every Oregonian, kids included. A four person household will get over $6,400 every year. Paid for by making giant corporations pay their fair share.

I posted about this 3 months ago and it was $750--glad to see the measure is going for it. The $1,600 is per person, not household. Minors count.
Large corps ($25m in revenue minimum) pay.
Vote Yes! on Measure 118 to get yearly rebates of $1,600 for yourself and every Oregonian, kids included. A four person household will get over $6,400 every year. Paid for by making giant corporations pay their fair share.

I posted about this 3 months ago and it was $750--glad to see the measure is going for it. The $1,600 is per person, not household. Minors count.
Large corps ($25m in revenue minimum) pay.
Vote Yes! on Measure 118 to get yearly rebates of $1,600 for yourself and every Oregonian, kids included. A four person household will get over $6,400 every year. Paid for by making giant corporations pay their fair share.

I posted about this 3 months ago and it was $750--glad to see the measure is going for it. The $1,600 is per person, not household. Minors count.
Large corps ($25m in revenue minimum) pay.
There is probably a link somewhere but it would be nice to have the essentials in the boost comment/post forms somewhere so that if I'm trying to remember how to link a user/forum/instance or how to strikethrough text it would be right there.