President Donald Trump says he’d like to see Arab nations increase the number of Palestinian refugees they are accepting from the Gaza Strip — potentially moving out enough of the population to “clean out” the area to create a virtual clean slate.
“Something has to happen,” Trump said. “But it’s literally a demolition site right now. Almost everything’s demolished, and people are dying there.” He added: “So, I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations, and build housing in a different location, where they can maybe live in peace for a change.”
There's no genocide if you're not around to fight for your land, I guess. No wars under trump - yeah, because he forces you to bend over and take it up the ass.
Resettling Palestinians elsewhere seems like a straightforward solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Honestly baffling no one else thought of this given how many decades this thing has been happening.
Jordan is already majority Palestinian. It even used to be part of the British Mandate for Palestine. Culture and language in Jordan are very close to Palestine in general.
Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s former White House adviser and his son-in-law, praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property,” suggesting that Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the area.
Additionally, Kushner suggested that he “would just bulldoze something in the Negev, I would try to move people in there,” adding: “I know that won’t be the popular thing to do, but I think that’s a better option to do, so you can go in and finish the job.”
“I think Israel’s gone way more out of their way than a lot of other countries would, to try to protect civilians from casualties,” Kushner added.
Not giving civilians the chance to flee the warzone during a war is unique to this war. In any other war, civilians would have fled the country until the war is over.
Those who could afford to pay the necessary bribes to Egypt left. Most were forced to stay.
So Biden was the bad person who allowed Netanyahu to kill all those people?
Trump will allow Israel to completely take over all Palestinian areas and either kill them all off or forcefully remove them. Netty's plan was always to take that land back for Israel.
I don't think you realize that pointing out Trump will be worse for Palestinians (which is tragic and true) doesn't absolve Biden for failing reprehensibly to use his power in the US-Israel relationship to stem the mass killing and genocide of Palestinians.
So the great plan that the republicans and sit outs voted/ did not vote for as an alternative to Harris was to remove everyone from their country and force everyone else to take them as refugees? Like forced evacuation? Leave or die? Ukraine should be pretty scared right about now.
Putting the Palestinians from Gaza in other Arab countries and giving their remaining land to Israel sounds like a recipe for destruction of their national identity.
Forcible resettlements are not listed in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II, but in my opinion the essential effect would be achieved none the less.
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
I didn't want to touch on the intent question, because to some degree it's not knowable from the outside and to some degree there is a multitude of intents out there. And since the resettlement already doesn't fit the "method" criteria I thought I didn't have to.
For what it's worth I think Trump is more likely just trying to quiet the situation in a heavy handed way, for a political win, and to satisfy Israeli interests and maybe also to satisfy some interest groups local to him. I don't think he has a reason to want to destroy Palestine as a nation or identity. On the other hand he also wouldn't give much of a shit about their interests. And of course he spouts this stuff quickly, without careful analysis beforehand, as always.
In contrast I think some of the Israeli parties, the extreme settler ones, probably would like the Palestinian Identity gone, so they can "finally" claim all the land they want to call Israel.
As for Netanyahu, I don't know. Sometimes I felt like what he wanted most was a continued frozen conflict because it stabilizes him in domestic politics. But when the conflict heated up he changed to strongman tactics. What's next I don't understand well. Does he want to re-freeze, or find some sort of lasting resolution...
Ah... One more international convention the USA will choose to ignore. It does not matter who is in government, the USA adheres to only very few of them