Wait, you're telling me Republicans (Trump Party) are focusing on hurting minorities via a culture war instead of passing meaningful legislation to help struggling Americans?
The fact that I've been witnessing them do this for my entire lifetime didn't prepare me for this.
What happened to conservatives? What happened to "my rights end where yours begin". This shit is asinine, absolute trash.
The trans folks I know are the most joyful, positive people I know. They do not deserve to be stripped of their joy and identity. The next 2 years I suspect will be a long, hard road.
Pretty sure this is the year I'll finally lose my mind. Last night was absolute chaos trying to keep up with the EOs.. I am tired. While these get caught up in courts and fought against, they're going to happen regardless in the interim. So many people are going to be impacted, negatively. The rage...
They'd have to shoot me before I will ever deny my own womanhood. Not even with a gun to my head would I call myself a man. I lived in a closet for 18 years and it nearly killed me. It damaged me in ways I have to live with forever. I am a woman. They can say whatever the fuck they want it won't change that. I will not bow my head. If it comes to it, I'll die with my back straight, proud of who I am.
I literally have to wonder if my NC Birth Certificate (updated to reflect my Gender Affirming Care) will still be valid or if I'll get a letter saying they found an "Error" and "corrected it"
I have to worry about the Government turning my boyfriend into a homosexual by declaring me a man, how the fuck do we even get here?
Reminds me of some state laws that have been voted for, and sometimes even enacted, that defined PI as three (or worse, even 4). Just because an uneducated jokel in the White House signed a piece of paper, scientific reality won't just bend to his wishes.
What's next? Will he declare Ohms law illegal? Forbid gravity?
Even ignoring socially constructed gender identities, in the case of biological sexes, this is scientifically wrong. The world doesn’t fit into neat little boxes like these people think it does
whats next, an executive order stating black people are only 3/5th of a white person? c02 isnt rising in volume in the atmosphere? that he isnt a literal hitler wannabe?
Just ignore the outrage machine and focus on what things you can do to help. The outrage is only to make you tired. Sue when you must, support businesses, organizations, and politicians you agree with financially, vote in every election, don't add to any problem, and ignore Trump and his minions to the best extent you can.
assess what type of DEI programs are still discriminating against Americans
The official said it was “very fitting” that the order was announced on Martin Luther King Jr. Day because “this is order is meant to return to the promise and the hope, captured by civil rights champions, that one day all Americans can be treated on the basis of their character, not by the color of their skin.”
I don't think I can handle four more years of this brain bending insanity. I've tried to understand where people are coming from. I've been of the belief that most of us are good people and want the same things. But trying to unpack the thoughts and whims of POTUS on a daily basis is just going to break my brain. I work at a computer all day so I'm not sure how I'm going to prevent myself from encountering this circus. I'm weighing the choice of living in blissful ignorance or in utter despair.
For over eight yers, my heart has hurt because of the sheer stupidity and ignorance taking control of this country. I am not seeing any signs of improvement. On the contrary, it seems very apparent that it's getting worse.
these fascist dipshits are everything they claim to hate. we are expected to just accept "their truth" when all of the evidence suggests otherwise, so pathetic.
So why exactly are we focusing on LGBTQ+ peoples here? Obviously they are equally deserving of protections just like everyone else, but This appears to read like we're getting rid of DEI hiring practices entirely. Seems like something that would affect all protected groups. And arguably, racial minorities are a much larger group of people that are going to be hurt by this. Focusing on the gender binary thing really feels like distraction from the wider implications this has.
And the companies immediately coming out saying they're ending their DEI practices before Trump was even in office really shows you how performative their adherance to the law really was. It really perfectly demonstates why we need these laws in the first place when companies are this eager to be openly against anti-discrimination.