If you only remember two things about the government pressure campaign to influence Mark Zuckerberg’s content moderation decisions, make it these: Donald Trump directly threatened to throw Zuck in …
He has never claimed to be a legitimate journalist. He has said repeatedly that you shouldn't take him too seriously - he's a cage fight commentator after all.
Maybe he should shut his mouth instead of just spewing stupid and obvious lies instead of hiding behind lazy shields like I'm NoT a LeGiTiMaTe JoUrNaLiSt or I'm JuSt AsKiNg QuEsTiOnS?
I hate how people defend stupid celebs spewing obvious lies like this.
Only 6 years ago he debated on the side of climate change (which almost all scientists say is a thing and apolitical).
But with the unprecedented $250 million Spotify deal he's now very rich and with that comes massive entitlement, greed, and wanting to control everyone, so he just regurgitates right-wing talking points like all the other rich assholes. If he sounds just like all the other Fox/NewsMax/OAN liars spouting propaganda, it's because that level of wealth literally changes you and now you're obsessed with only making the number go up. He literally laughed at the thought of the most vulnerable people (unhoused) dying in the fire! Fuck Joe Rogan, I regret the one stand-up show of his I attended....
I met Rogan briefly back in 2003 when Stanhope invited me out to his desert party. They were both working on The Man Show at the time and we went out to the studio cos Doug had a couple of things to wrap up before we took off to Panamint Springs. Rogan was sitting at a computer that he barely looked up from. I took an instant dislike to his dismissiveness. I don't get starstruck easily and back then he was hardly the celebrity he is now (me being from Scotland I only knew him as some half-rate comedian that I never found that funny). Something about his demeanour pissed me right off. I've always been the kind of person that goes with gut instinct when I meet someone for the first time (it's served me well over the years) and my gut told me this guy was a prick. He seemed to come across as having a sense of entitlement. It was a very brief encounter and introduction, but I never forgot it and haven't been too surprised by the level of fame he has achieved. He came across as someone very focussed and driven on making it big at any cost. I guess we now all see the cost. There was a sweet spot a few years ago when his interviews were good and entertaining but now it's just him repeating himself all the time and getting the same guests on like his CIA handler Mike Baker. There's clearly a political agenda to his show and Rogan has been bought and paid for many times over.
To be fair; that was 22 years ago. People change. He's even different now than he was like 5 years ago when I started listening to the show. Way less confrontational for example. I've heard many people talk about him on other podcasts and say that he's exactly the same person in real life than he's on the show.
I read something years ago that you should always at least acknowledge people. If I try to say hello or how are you, etc to someone passing by and they don't acknowledge me back, especially if they're in a position "above" me, then I lose all respect for them immediately.